

A Very Different Sausage Pasta...

A Very Different Sausage Pasta
You must try this pasta as it is has a unique flavouring – this is one of my favourite pasta dishes.
Serves 4

2 heaped teaspoons of fennel seeds
2 dried chillies, crumbled
Splash of olive oil
600g of good quality Italian or Pork Sausage, remove the skins
& break into bite sized pieces
1 tbsp dried oregano
Medium glass of white wine
Zest & juice of a lemon
500g of good quality fusilli or penne
Sea salt and Pepper freshly ground
A couple of knobs of butter
Handful of freshly grated Parmesan, plus extra to serve
A small bunch of fresh fat leaf parsley, leaves picked & chopped


1.      Place the fennel seeds and chillies in a pestle & mortar and bash until crushed; put to one side.
2.      Heat a large heavy bottomed frying pan or wok and add a splash of olive oil.  Add the sausage meat to the pan and really break it up in the pan.  Fry for a few minutes until the meat starts to colour.  Continue to crush until it resembles mince.
3.      Add the fennel seeds and chillies and cook on a medium heat until the meat is crisp, golden and slightly caramelised.
4.      Add the oregano then pour in the white wine; reduce the liquid by half.
5.      Add the zest and lemon juice and turn the heat to low.
6.      In the meantime start to cook the pasta as per packet instructions.  When the pasta is cooked to perfection drain the pasta reserving some of the cooking water.  Place the pasta back in the pan and add the sausage meat.
7.      Stir the pasta making sure all the lovely flavours coat the pasta and then add the butter, parmesan, chopped parsley and a few spoonfuls of the reserved water.  The pasta will look shiny with the sauce; taste for seasoning then serve with a bit more parmesan grated on the top.
8.      Pour yourself a glass of chilled wine and enjoy!!

* For all your cooking & kitchen needs please visit
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Bits & Pieces II

I have so many things I want to post about (including some new recipes!) but, with my birthday coming up on Monday, and the school play kicking into rehearsal mode, I'm finding myself spending fewer and fewer hours in front of my computer.

However, the latest gargantuan post by the even-handed and intellectual Denise Minger from Raw Food SOS (the writer and location of the exceptional take-down of The China Study), is an elegant dissection of the sat-fat-phobia that remains all-pervasive in the USDA, influencing their 2010 Food Guidelines. As Denise says:

Bottom line: These guidelines will guide you alright—straight to your spot in the pharmacy line. Look elsewhere for advice if you’re serious about your health.

 In a recent discussion with an old friend of mine, I listened to a description of frustration: my friend was spending 8 hours a week in the gym, mostly doing cardio, "not dieting" but somehow restricting herself to 1600kcal a day and not consuming ANY saturated fat. This friend is trying to slim down for a special event, and yet is finding herself gaining belly fat. I tried to explain to her the causes of her gain (over-training, cortisol imbalance, insufficient food, no dietary fat so minimal vitamin absorption, etc) but the likelihood of her taking my word over the dominant messages coming from 'health' magazines, websites and most medical professional is, for want of a better word, slim.

Weight Watchers is happening at my school again for interested staff, so I have to try to block out the rants coming from the other part of the staffroom explaining how good these 5-point buns are, the perfect morning tea, keeps you full til lunch! ... *facepalm*

Even though I'm still relaxing my approach to food, at least I know what I'm doing and why, and I'm following the advice that my body gives me and that my reading has developed. My anger over the lies the diet industry and lipophobes have spread since before my lifetime was strong enough - I almost hope the Weight Watchers folks never see the day when the media finally reports the current metabolic and dietetic science; what a way to then regret the wasted years.

Let's hope that, in any case, the information comes out soon so that this generation's bevy of genetically-cursed children of metabolically damaged mothers and fathers have a hope of out-living those parents.

Think of the babies! Won't someone think of the babies?!!
Now I will leave you and return to my song-writing for my little vocal group, play with my kettlebells, help my kitten burn off some energy, and get excited about seeing Lily Tomlin tonight! Last night: Tim Minchin! This birthday girl is truly spoiled!
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Chicken Liver Pate with Red Wine & Onion Marmalade Recipe

Chicken Liver Pate with Red Wine & Onion Marmalade
This is an inexpensive, delicious, easy to make but very elegant starter to impress your guests!
Serves 4


500g Chicken Livers
200ml Milk
Freshly Ground Salt & Pepper
75g Unsalted Butter
2 Large Shallots, peeled & finely diced
A very generous splash of Brandy
3-4 Sprigs of Thyme, leaves removed

To Seal Pate
175g Unsalted Butter
Thyme Leaves

Red Wine & Onion Marmalade
25g Butter
500g Red Onions, halved & sliced
1 ½ tbsp light soft brown sugar
250ml dry red wine
3 tbsp red wine vinegar
Freshly Ground Salt & Pepper


Chicken Liver Pate

1.  Firstly remove any veins from the chicken livers and place in a bowl and cover with milk.  Leave the livers to soak overnight or at least for 6-8 hours in the fridge.

2.  Bring the livers to room temperature and begin to prepare the pate.  Rinse and drain the livers and dry with kitchen paper and season very well.  In the meantime heat a pan and melt 3-4 cubes of butter, add the shallots, season and sauté for 5-6 minutes on a medium heat.

3.  Add the chicken livers and fry for 3-4 minutes until brown but still pink inside.

4.  Add a good splash of Brandy and light, flambé until the flame begins to die and then add the rest of the butter.  Remove from the heat and add the thyme leaves.

5.  Add the contents of the pan to a food processor and blend until you get a smooth paste.  Divide the pate into four small ramekins and smooth the tops with a spatula.

6.  To seal the pate melt 175g of butter in a small pan over a very low heat.  Carefully remove the golden oily layer (clarified butter) on the surface and discard the milky whey below.  Pour or spoon the clarified butter over the pate this will seal the pate and prevent any discolouring or oxidizing.  Sprinkle with a few thyme leaves and cover with cling film and chill for at least an hour – the pate will keep well for up to a week.

For the Red Wine & Onion Marmalade

1.  Melt the butter in a pan and add the red onions and sugar.  Stir regularly over a medium heat until the onions are soft and slightly caramelized, this can take up to 15 minutes.

2.  Add the red wine and red wine vinegar and let the liquid reduce until it reduces right down and the pan becomes quite dry.  This can take up to 20 minutes or more, when ready season with salt and pepper.

3.  If not serving immediately place the marmalade into a sterilized jar and seal whilst hot.

To Serve

Take the pates out of the fridge for at least 15 minutes prior to serving.  Serve with warm toast and red wine & onion marmalade… enjoy!

* For all your cooking & kitchen needs please visit
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Quick Banana Muffins

Bake these for an afternoon coffee break treat.
 It will only take you 5 minutes to mix these up!
You'll need 3 over-ripe bananas.
 Mash with a mixer.
 Mix in sugar and a little cinnamon.
 Melt 5T (1/3C) butter.
  Mix in the melted butter and egg until combined. 
  I used self-rising flour, but you can use
regular flour and just add 1t baking soda
and a pinch of salt.
Lightly stir in the flour just until combined.
 Scoop into well greased muffin pan.
I scooped out 6 muffins and then added
1/4 C chopped pecans to the remaining batter
 for the last 6 muffins.
 Bake at 400 for about 20 minutes until golden.
Now pour your coffee and enjoy a warm banana muffin
 and a little butter.

Banana Muffins
3 over-ripe bananas
3/4 C sugar
1/4 t cinnamon
1/3 C melted butter
1 egg
1-1/2 C self-rising flour*
Mash the bananas with a mixer. Mix in the sugar and cinnamon. Add the egg and melted butter and mix until well combined. Lightly stir in the flour. Scoop into well greased muffin pan and bake for about 20 minutes at 400, until golden.
makes 1 dozen

(*note: in place of SR flour use regular flour and 1 t soda and a pinch salt)

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Gym Hamster - Week 4 Update

I am convinced a treadmill and/or recumbent bike is nothing more than a human hamster wheel. Of course hamsters run in hopes of not only exercising, but hoping they end up somewhere else... and really it's what you do on a treadmill too. You want to end up somewhere else. You want to be in a different place. For a while it seems absolutely silly. It certainly doesn't look like you're going anywhere... but you are. It's just slow. It takes a lotta miles on that treadmill (or my favorite recumbent bike) to actually see where you're headed.

Overall my weight loss has not yet been significant. I hope in the next few weeks to be below the 200 pound mark. And that will be awesome... then I'll start looking forward to getting below the 190 mark... but I know this will be a slow process. It can be all too easy to want to focus on the numbers when I know I'm making progress in other areas.

A major off-the-scale victory this week is my blood pressure... Literally the day before I started going to the gym my doctor started me on a 2nd blood pressure medication. Having to get on another medication was a serious wake up call. I was already extremely frustrated by my weight gain... but having to go on a 2nd blood pressure medication at 32 was just crazy. I HAVE to stop this cycle. I have too. I already have high cholesterol and high triglycerides. Those diagnoses along with being obese are primary indicators of metabolic syndrome. Meaning my body doesn't process sugars well... it's called being insulin resistant. You can read more about that here. Another common indicator of metabolic syndrome is diabetes...and I do NOT want to head down that road. So it's time to stop the cycle.

When I checked my blood pressure at the gym before exercising yesterday it was 117/79. That is the lowest it's been in YEARS. IT gives me real hope that I can eventually lose enough weight and get healthy enough to possibly get off the medication completely! And that's an off the scale victory I will celebrate!

I've been journaling my progress on a little blog called "Gluten Free Strawberry" feel free to read the blog if you'd like. It's more of a way for me to quietly journal and figure this thing out... and it's helpful. It also helps keep me accountable.

This week has been easier than I thought it would be. I've just been going to the gym. I don't even really think about it. It's also my date with Dr. Phil! :-P I listen to the show on my mp3 player while I'm exercising (we all need excuses to watch Dr. Phil right?) and I almost feel like it's really becoming just a habit. Just something I do during my week. Just another part of my daily schedule. And that is huge.

I really appreciate all of your support and prayers in this journey. I really couldn't do this without the support from so many friends & fellow bloggers. The support of my online community is amazing and I am so blessed! Thank you!

How's your week going?

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This Week's Menu with Turkey Kielbasa and Sauteed Kale

Dinner Tonight: 1 cup homemade black eyed peas, with 3.5 oz. turkey kielbasa & veggies served over kale and mushrooms

I haven't posted a weekly menu in a while and I planned well this week so here's what we're making! What are you making this week?

  • GF Sandwiches made with Udi's bread
  • Green Pepper Slices or celery sticks with hummus
  • Apple "Fries" (Just sliced apples, but they sound more exciting when you call them fries! lol)
  • Leftovers  -OR-
  • Breakfast for dinner: scrambled eggs, apple & banana fruit salad, turkey bacon
  • Traveling - Dinner Out



  • As long as I plan ahead, I make enough of our dinner the previous night to have lunch the next day!


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Easy Spinach Ravioli Bake

This is a Friday night special. 
If you want a quick and easy dinner, this is almost as easy as ordering a pizza. 
It's just assembling a few ingredients.
 Spray a 9x13 pan with cooking spray and preheat the oven to 350.
 Layer 1/3 of the sauce and 1/2 of the frozen ravioli.
 Scatter the spinach on top. Season as desired.
 Add 1/2 of the shredded mozzarella and another layer of ravioli.
 Add the remaining sauce, mozzarella and Parmesan.
 Cover with foil and bake 25-30 minutes, then uncover and bake another 10 minutes until bubbly.

Spinach Ravioli Bake
26 oz jar pasta sauce
18 oz bag frozen large cheese ravioli
10 oz box frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
8 oz bag shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese
a little garlic salt, pepper, Italian herbs, 
and about 2T olive oil

Spray a 9x13 pan with cooking spray. Spoon on 1/3 of the sauce. Lay on a layer of ravioli, 12-15. Scatter the spinach over the ravioli. Drizzle with a little olive oil,
garlic salt and pepper.
Scatter with 1/2 of the mozzarella cheese. Add another layer of ravioli, the remaining sauce, 
sprinkle with a little Italian seasoning if you like. Then remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Drizzle with a little olive oil. Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake until bubbly and golden, another 5-10 minutes.
sides: salad and garlic bread

Links: Funky Junk

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Gym Hamster Recovers - Week 3 Update

Gym Hamster & hubs spent a LOT of time sleeping this week. Constant coughing, headaches, sinus pain and drainage, nausea... you name it we had it. Hubs actually is getting over a double whammy of bronchitis and pneumonia... so it's been a rough week for us. I haven't made it to the gym once... but that's okay. I'm ready to start again next week.

Honestly, I was scared to get sick. I thought if I get sick and I miss my "routine" of going to the gym, I'll never get back into it. That's it... I can't stick with anything once I break my "routine" I'm done for.

But through the whole time of being sick and now being on the mend... I know I'm not done for. Throughout this whole week, while I didn't go to the gym, I still was very careful about what I was eating. While I didn't write things down in my journal (which can be dangerous) I listened to my body. I ate only when I was hungry. I stopped when I was full. It was pretty amazing to me actually. I did have an afternoon when I REALLY wanted to munch and I wanted it to be chocolate... but I realized that I was just hungry since I hadn't eaten anything since an early lunch, so I had an apple with 2 measured tablespoons of peanut butter.  Craving gone. Solved. I listened.

I'm learning how to make this a lifestyle. What's so different about this approach to everything I've done in the past is that I'm seriously taking it step by step. Day by day. I'm changing small things, which lead to bigger things.

I know a 70 lb. weight loss is a LONG way away... I have an unofficial goal of hopefully meeting that number by next year. But more importantly I'm focused on the routine. Make it to the gym when you're well. Stay home when you're sick. Eat well regardless of how you feel. Listen to your body. Celebrate every tiny off-the-scale victory. You're worth it.

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Chess Squares

This very sweet dessert is a Southern classic. It's similar to chess pie, but much easier to make.
It's has a gooey filling. 
Sprinkle a little powdered sugar on top to make them pretty.
 Bake in a 9x13 pan,
until golden and slightly puffed.
Let cool and cut into squares. Refrigerate leftovers.

Chess Squares

Cake Base
1 box yellow cake mix
1 stick butter, melted
1 egg
Melt the butter in a large bowl in the microwave for 45 seconds. Add the cake mix and the egg and beat with a mixer until well blended. It will be a soft dough. Pat it into the bottom of a 9x13 pan.

3 eggs
8-oz package cream cheese, softened
1t lemon extract or 1-2T lemon juice
1 lb box confectioners sugar
Beat the eggs with the cream cheese until blended. Mix in the lemon, then the sugar. Beat until smooth and pour over the crust. Bake @350 for 35-40 minutes.
12 servings


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Chicken Palak - an authentic Indian dish

Chicken Palak
This is an authentic Indian dish for palak (spinach) chicken.  Popeye would love this dish!  This is nutrient rich and low in fat, a delicious healthy meal.

Serves 4
Prep and Cooking time 1 hour 10 mins

500g boneless & skinless chicken thighs, cut into bite sized pieces & seasoned with
salt and pepper
250g fresh spinach leaves
1 tbsp ghee or unsalted butter
2 bay leaves
3 cloves
8 peppercorns
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 large onion, peeled and finely sliced
2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
2cm ginger, peeled and grated
2 green chillies, deseeded and finely chopped
1 tsp hot chilli powder
½ tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp ground coriander
2 large tomatoes, skinned and roughly chopped
½ tsp garam masala


1. Place the spinach in a bowl and sprinkle with salt, add boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes.  Drain well.  Place half of the spinach into a food processor and blend to a smooth puree.  Finely chop the remaining spinach and set aside.
2. Place a large non-stick pan or wok over a low heat, add the ghee or butter and cook until it turns to a light brown colour, do not let it burn.  Add the bay leaves, cloves, black peppercorns, cinnamon and cumin seeds and fry for a minute. 
3. Add the sliced onion and increase the heat to medium fry for 6-8 minutes stirring occasionally until the onion is light golden brown.  Add the garlic, ginger and green chillies to the pan and fry for 2 minutes then add the chilli powder, turmeric and coriander.  Fry for a further 30 seconds and then stir in the chopped tomatoes.  Cook for a further 8-10 minutes.
4. Add the chicken and mix well.  Cook for 5 minutes then reduces the heat and cover the pan with a lid.  Simmer gently for 30 minutes until the chicken is tender, add water if the pan is too dry.  
5. Add the pureed and chopped spinach and the garam masala to the pan and stir well.  Re-cover and cook for another 8-10 minutes.  Serve immediately with warm flatbreads or basmati rice.

* For all your cooking & kitchen needs please visit

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Stir Fried Beef with Egg Noodles

Stir Fried Beef with Egg Noodles
Serves 4
Prep and Cooking time 20-25 mins

500g lean beef steak, such as fillet
2 garlic cloves, peeled
3cm piece of ginger, peeled and finely grated
1 large red pepper
3 spring onions
1 red chilli
150g bean sprouts
300g medium egg noodles
Handful of coriander leaves, chopped
Soy sauce
Groundnut oil
Toasted sesame oil
Salt and pepper

For the sauce
4 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp rice vinegar


1. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil for the noodles.
2. Trim and cut the beef fillet into thin strips, place into a bowl and toss with 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, a little sesame oil and a pinch each of salt and pepper. Crush in the garlic, add the grated ginger and mix well. Leave to marinade for a few minutes while you prepare the rest of the vegetables.
3. Heat a wok or a large frying pan until hot then add a little groundnut oil, and a touch of sesame oil, swirling the wok to coat the surface evenly. Add the beef strips and stir-fry for a couple of minutes until nicely browned. Strain into a colander and catch the juices in a bowl underneath.
4. Slice the pepper, spring onions and red chilli and toss together in a large bowl. Add a little more groundnut oil and sesame oil to the pan and stir-fry the vegetables for 2-3 minutes. Add the bean sprouts and half the chopped coriander for the last 30 seconds. Remove the vegetables and transfer to the colander with the beef.
5. For the sauce, pour 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, the oyster sauce, rice vinegar and the reserved beef juices to the pan and allow to reduce to a syrupy glaze.
6. Blanch the noodles in the boiling water for about 3-4 minutes, until tender but still retaining a slight bite, then drain and immediately toss with a little sesame oil and the remaining coriander. Divide equally among serving bowls.
7. Return the beef and vegetables to the pan with the sauce to warm though. Spoon the beef, vegetables and sauce over the noodles and serve at once.

Cook’s tips

v  Instead of beef you can use chicken or pork
v  Instead of bean sprouts you can use mixed stir fry vegetables.

* For all your cooking & kitchen needs please visit
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Slow Cooker Recipe - Best Ever Bolognese Sauce

Slow Cooked Best-Ever Bolognese Sauce
Serves 6
Prep and Cooking time 10 hours 40mins


1 tbsp olive oil
125g prosciutto, finely chopped
2 medium brown onions (300g), finely chopped
1 large carrot (180g), finely chopped
2 stalks of celery (300g), trimmed & finely chopped
3 garlic cloves chopped
500g minced (ground) beef or veal
500g minced (ground) pork
250ml dry red wine (1 cup)
375ml (1 ½ cups) beef stock
70g (1/4 cup) tomato paste
1kg ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded, chopped coarsely
1/3 cup finely chopped fresh basil
2 tbsp finely chopped fresh oregano


1. Heat half the oil in a large frying pan; cook prosciutto, stirring until crisp.  Add the onion, carrot, celery and garlic; cook stirring until the vegetables soften.  Transfer to 4.5 litre slow cooker.
2.  Heat the remaining oil in the same pan; cook the mince, stirring until browned.  Add wine; bring to the boil.  Stir mince mixture into the slow cooker with stock, paste and tomatoes; cooked covered on low for 10 hours.
3.  Stir in herbs; cook, covered on high for 10 minutes and season to taste.
4. Serve with spaghetti or your favourite pasta and top with shaved parmesan cheese.

Cook’s tips

v  Suitable to freeze at the end of step 2.
v  Prosciutto can be replaced with bacon.
v  Fresh tomatoes can be replaced with 800g tin of chopped tomatoes.

* For all your cooking & kitchen needs please visit
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Gym Hamster - Week 2 Update

So I'm not exactly a "gym rat" yet... but we'll settle for gym hamster with itty bitty weights... I'm getting there.

It's week two. The novelty of the gym showers has worn off, but I do look forward to going! My goal is 3-4 days a week: 45 minutes of cardio each time + this week I'm adding a strength training routine for at least one day a week.

This gym has a cool system that tracks your progress & keeps a routine scheduled for you.. so basically you just have to show up and do it.

If anything, this is something huge I'm learning: Just show up. Don't think about it, don't question it. It doesn't matter if you don't want too.  Just do it. Nike makes a lot of money for a reason.

I've already had several days when I really haven't wanted to go. I'm tired. It makes my already busy life even busier... it means less time with my husband in the afternoons. It means meals are even simpler than they already were and not anything exciting. It means this week I haven't been able to keep up with those dishes that are always haunting me... but I also know eventually I'll figure it all out.

I know eventually I'll figure out how to balance all of it and it will eventually just become a way of life. But it doesn't happen immediately. I think most of my life I've expected "immediately."

Sign up for Erin's Newletter & Updates here:

One person who has really helped me over the past two months is Erin Elbertson of She's been a constant email support. She's answered every question I've had. She's been my cheerleader & advisor. She's an amazing woman. I will soon be sharing my absolute praise for her & her gluten free nutrition and wellness program. I highly recommend her program if you need help getting your fitness & nutrition back on track. Trust me, it will be worth EVERY penny. Erin, I can't thank you enough my friend. You are such an inspiration to me.

So, as life changes, so will this website. I apologize in advance that I won't be able to update you with new recipes nearly as often as I have in the past... I will as I have time and as always, I'm ever thankful that you are reading, baking gluten free, and enjoying the recipes here. There will be more!

I hope you are all having a wonderful week!

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