

Seasons of change

Life has changed so much for me in the past several years. I've spent the past two years writing books nearly non-stop... and honestly I'm tired! For a little while I felt like I was pretty much done with cooking. I was "cooked' out, burned out, baked out. And "written" out as well...

Over the past few years we've been there with my Dad as he's survived a severe heart attack, followed by three months in the hospital and rehab, then this summer he was blessed with a "brand new" heart via a transplant... those times brought so much reflection, there was joy with tension, hope with timidity, love with smiles followed sometimes by tears... and through it all deep, deep appreciation for doctors and nurses, for people who choose to give their organs, for family and friends who have ALWAYS been there for us along the way. And of course for my Dad.

My cat Mitten (who was so much more than just a "cat") passed away this year and that brought deep grief and despair and yet, hope. We lost my amazing grandmother "Nan" along with my cousin Annie. We lost Michael's aunt, we had other family members going through major life changes that were painful and hard. And all we could do was simply watch, pray, be there... and yet feel like we couldn't really help, which feels so "helpless" in itself..

So my thoughts and my heart have been so incredibly far away from food these past few months. Which probably isn't the most effective way to be a successful cookbook author... but it was important to me to learn where my priorities needed to be and how to ride peacefully with each ebb and flow of life.

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do with this blog, with this little space on the vast internet that I've shared my story and my recipes since August 2007.

I haven't been creating a lot of recipes as of late, I've just been trying to get dinner on the table. Yes, it's gluten-free... but trust me, it isn't exciting. Yes, it's mostly paleo... but you wouldn't need a cookbook to make it.

Our meals have consisted of a protein + veggies + sometimes a healthy starch, like sweet potatoes or butternut squash or even white rice or potatoes on occasion. Truly nothing exciting... and honestly it's been a good place. I'm not looking for excitement at dinner these days.

I've found my thoughts veering towards simple, real food. I've been thinking about the way my grandmother made meals for us, the way my great-grandma always wanted to feed us. The way my Dad  has always expressed so much of his love for his family through food. I've been fascinated with food history and about the ways we need to honor the local foods of our region and our family traditions. I've always loved these things, but they've become much more important.

So as life has changed, my plans for this blog have changed. I'm not going anywhere... but I'm still not exactly sure about the content I plan to share in the future. I want to focus more on simple meals, on real foods, on family traditions, on bringing food close to home, etc... but how to do that, I'm not quite sure yet. I want to write more.

At it's core, this blog has been a way for me to write, and write often. And probably much more than cooking, I love to write. I love to explore thoughts and ideas through words and this means I may lose some readers along the way. I hope not, but I'm afraid that may happen.

I also want to share more about other aspects of our lives. Our faith, our journey, possibly poetry or short stories, essays, etc... and I want to hear from you. I want to share your stories. Your food stories, your life stories, your faith stories... I'd love to know what inspires you, what moves you, what makes you sing and dance, and cry, or simply pause in awe..

Oh and cats... maybe we'll share more cat pictures... those seem to be pretty popular around the internet these days :-P
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Prawn Linguine

Prawn Linguine
A very quick & easy supper dish that is also delicious and fresh!

Serves 2
Prep time:  5 minutes
Cooking time:  8 minutes

200g linguine
2 tbsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 fresh red chilli, de-seeded & finely chopped
12 cherry tomatoes
200g raw king prawns
½ fresh lemon, zest & juice
Small handful of fresh basil leaves

Preparation method

1.  Cook the linguine as per packet instructions.

2.  In a large frying pan heat the olive oil, add the garlic and chilli and gently fry on a low heat for 1 minute.  Now add the cherry tomatoes and cook for 3-4 minutes.

3.  Add the raw prawns and cook until pink then add the cooked linguine to the large frying pan with the lemon zest and juice stir through with the basil leaves.

4.  Serve immediately, enjoy!

* Like these recipes check out Best Recipes @ Christmas on Amazon 

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How Does Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract Aid Weight Loss?

There has been a lot of interest in pure Garcinia Cambogia extract and its impact on weight management. This plant extract sourced from the fruit of Garcinia Cambogia (also commonly known as brindleberry or gambooge) consists of a compound called hydroxycitric acid (HCA).
Having been the subject of comprehensive research, HCA has been clinically verified to stimulate weight management. This compound helps the body eliminate excess fat through several processes, including blocking fat production, enhancing emotional wellbeing, and reducing appetite.
So let's look at the ways in which pure Garcinia Cambogia can assist with weight management:
1. Blocks Fat:
HCA suppresses the activity of citrate lyase. Citrate lyase is involved in fatty acid biosynthesis. Citrate lyase is the connection between metabolizing carbohydrates and producing fatty acids. When HCA is present in the body, rather than transforming excess sugar into fat, this energy is used to produce glycogen in the liver and muscles. This prevents the formation of fatty tissues.
By enhancing the availability of glycogen in the muscles, the body has more energy available to help muscle growth. As a result, HCA promotes the development of lean muscle mass. Furthermore, the formation of triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL) are reduced by blocking the activity of citrate lyase. This helps to lower the risk of atherosclerosis.
2. Enhanced Emotional Well-being:
There are a couple of ways in which HCA promotes emotional well-being.
First of all, this compound assists with stimulating the production of serotonin. This feel good neurotransmitter lessens depression, anxiety and other mood disorders, which is great news for emotional eaters who seek consolation in food when they are feeling low. When mood is improved, the inclination to binge on unhealthy food items is reduced.
The 2nd way in which HCA improves emotional well-being is by lowering the concentration of the 'stress' hormone cortisol. This hormone can build up with time and have a variety of harmful effects, which includes weight gain. High levels of cortisol support the build-up of visceral fat cells in the belly area.
Excessive cortisol levels also impede the insulin-blood glucose relationship. This decreases energy availability and stimulates the brain to communicate food cravings to gain more energy. By decreasing cortisol concentrations, you'll crave less food and begin to lose weight.
3. Appetite Suppressant:
While HCA decreases food cravings by reducing cortisol levels, it also helps to suppresse appetite due to increased levels of glycogen. Increased glycogen levels stimulate receptors in the liver, transmitting messages to the brain that you've eaten enough. This lowers the amount of calories needed to feel satisfied, bringing about healthy weight-loss.
4. Choosing A Supplement:
Undoubtedly taking pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract offers a number of health benefits. However, you should beware when choosing a Garcinia Cambogia supplement. Opt for a supplement that is highly concentrated in HCA; more than 50 % if possible, and a high quality product with no extra ingredients.
Finally, one of the most crucial factors in the effectiveness of pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract has been shown to be how it is taken. It should be taken on an empty stomach approximately 30 to 60 minutes before a meal and with a glass of water. This ensures the HCA has been adequately absorbed before food consumption and will ensure maximum weight-loss benefit.
Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract has been shown to be highly effective for weight management, as well as contributing to the other health benefits already examined.
If you have enjoyed this article and would like to find out more about including Pure Garcinia Cambogia in your weight-loss program, you can do so here

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The Best Vitamins For Weight Loss

Weight reduction is not all about the regulation of food consumption and performing serious workouts that burn fats. To succeed in your weight reduction program, you need to take into consideration the top vitamins for weight reduction that you could take to enhance your weight loss diet plan. The following are some of the top vitamins for weight loss:
i) Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 improves the performance of the thyroid glands of an individual. The thyroid glands regulate the human metabolism processes. Insufficient amount of B vitamins such as B2, B3, B5 or B6 can suppress the rate of metabolism process hence contributing to weight gain.
Even though vitamins are better in pill form, they are also good in the actual food form. You should eat more almonds and leafy greens if you want to increase your B vitamins. It is also better to eat wheatgerm as a food supplement. You can simply drop one tablespoon in your breakfast smoothie if you do not like taking wheatgerm right from the spoon or in water.
ii) Vitamin B3
Besides assisting your thyroid operation, vitamin B3 helps in maintaining the blood sugar level stable. This does not influence directly weight loss or gain, however it has a strong control over the way you feel hungry at any particular moment. The low blood sugar level can also make you feel depressed and irritable. To maintain the levels of Vitamin B3 high, you need to eat oats, barley, salmon, brown rice. Additionally, cheese and chicken are also good sources of vitamin B3.
iii) Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 is the actual goodie for weight reduction since it assists in burning fat. The best sources of Vitamin B5 include wheatbran, wheatgerm, beans and leafy greens.
iv) Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is mainly for the good operation of the thyroid glands. The good natural sources for Vitamin B6 are bananas and avocados. Other sources include eggs, brown rice and wheatgerm.
v) Vitamin C
In case your doctor told you that your have low cholesterol level, then you need to take Vitamin C. It also assists in converting glucose into energy form. Therefore, you can try taking Vitamin C if you cannot afford to go to a gym due to lack of energy. Main sources of Vitamin C are in orange juices.
vi) Calcium
Calcium is considered as being the best in weight reduction. You can get calcium from dairy products even though other mineral water is also a good source of calcium.
vii) Chromium
Chromium cholesterol and fat levels as well as blood sugar level in the body. Good sources of chromium are molasses and whole wheat bread.
viii) Choline and Inositol
Choline and Inositol vitamins functions together to remove excess fats from the liver and therefore, they are essential for the general body metablosim. Main sources of these vitamins include cucumbers, wheatgerm and peanuts.
ix) Manganese
Manganese is also another good vitamin suitable for weight reduction since it stabilizes the blood sugar levels even though it also assists in burning of fat. You can get more manganese by drinking more tea.
x) Zinc
Zinc is another vitamin which assists in weight reduction by supporting systems that controls the blood sugar levels. In case you do not feel crazy for hunger, then you are not likely to overeat and increase weight.
The above vitamins are essential in weight loss and can assist those who are overweight in controlling their weight gain.

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Oatmeal Waffles

Oatmeal waffles with a touch of cinnamon
are just the right breakfast for a fall morning.
To save time, I sometimes mix the
dry ingredients in a covered Tupperware
bowl the night before.
I often mix another batch and store it in a jar.
 I topped this one with chopped pecans. 
Ready to go!
You could also give this jar as a gift. All
it needs is a directions tag and bow.
Combine the slightly beaten egg, and  milk. 
Add to the dry ingredients along with the
 melted butter. Mix to combine.
 Let the batter rest 5-30 minutes.
I use this time to make coffee, clean up, 
walk Lucy, whatever I need to do.
Bake in a pre-heated waffle baker, that's been
 sprayed with cooking spray, per manufacturer's
instructions. I leave them in a bit longer to crisp.
 I always serve on heated plates and dust with
powdered sugar. Serve with warm maple syrup.
George, my Turkey On A Shelf is
thankful for waffles!

Oatmeal Cinnamon Pecan Waffles
1-1/2 C flour
1 C quick-cook oatmeal
1 T baking powder
2 T brown sugar
1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 t salt
1/2 C chopped pecans, toasted lightly ( optional, but good!)
2 eggs
1-1/2 C milk
1/3 C butter or margarine, melted (6T)

Combine dry ingredients in a medium bowl. In another bowl, beat the eggs slightly.
Stir in the milk and melted butter. Add egg mixture to the flour mixture and stir until just combined. Let rest for 5-30 minutes. Preheat and lightly grease waffle baker. Pour about 1/3C batter to each side and close lid quickly. Bake per manufacturer's directions (until steam stops) and leave in a bit longer to crisp them. Use a fork to lift waffles off the grid. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with warm maple syrup.
12 4-inch waffles. 343 calories for 2 waffles.


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Lamb Pasanda

Lamb Pasanda
This curry is very straight forward to make.  It is a wonderful warming & comforting curry for this time of year!

Serves 4
Prep time:  15 minutes (plus 2 hours marinating)
Cooking time:  1 hour

600g boneless leg of lamb, cut into 2.5cm cubes
2 tbsp garlic paste
2 tbsp ginger paste
3 tbsp vegetable oil
3 large onions, chopped
1 green chilli, deseeded & finely chopped
2 green cardamom pods, bruised
1 cinnamon stick, broken in half
2 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp turmeric
250 ml water
150ml double cream
4 tbsp ground almonds
1 ½ tsp salt
1 tsp garam masala

To serve
Toasted flaked almonds
Basmati rice or Indian breads

Preparation method

1.  In a large bowl add the cubed lamb, garlic paste and ginger paste.  Use your hands to rub the paste into the lamb, cover and set aside in a cool place to marinate for at least 2 hours.

2.  In a large frying pan heat the oil over a medium heat, add the onions and chilli.  Now gently fry, stirring frequently for 5-8 minutes until softened and golden.

3.  Now add the cardamom pods, cinnamon stick, coriander, cumin and turmeric.  Stir continuously for 1-2 minutes or until the spices are aromatic.

4.  Add the lamb, cook for 5-7 minutes until browned.  Stir in the water, bring to the boil and then reduce to a simmer.  Cover the pan tightly and allow to simmer for 40-45 minutes until tender.

5.  Meanwhile in a small bowl add the double cream and ground almonds and mix together.  When the lamb is tender add 4 tablespoons of the cooking liquid to the cream and stir through.  Now add this to the lamb, with the salt and garam masala.

6.  Allow to simmer for a further 5 minutes uncovered.  Serve on warmed plates with a sprinkling of toasted flaked almonds and rice or Indian breads (or both), enjoy!

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Caramel Apple Coconut Macaroons (Grain/Dairy/Refined Sugar Free, Vegan)

Caramel Apple Coconut Macaroons

Egg/Dairy/Gluten/Grain/Cane Sugar Free Primal/Paleo


1/4 cup maple syrup or honey

1/4 cup coconut milk

1 1/2 cups finely shredded coconut (I use "Let's Do Coconut")

1/2 cup super fine blanched almond flour (for best results use THESE brands)

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/2 cup Bare Fruit Crunchy
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Vietnamese Inspired Chicken & Cabbage Salad (Paleo)

Once upon a time...long long ago, a little American girl packed up with her family and moved to Southeast Asia. As you might imagine this was quite an adventure! It was filled with new smells, tastes, sounds, colors and many more things the girl had never experienced before.

The open markets in Asia remind me of the farmers markets here, only on steroids. They're bustling
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Spiced Pumpkin Chiffon Cups w/ Vanilla Maple Whipped Cream(Egg/Nut/Dairy/Refined Sugar Free)

There's a special place in my heart reserved for fall. I think that's true of most people as well, but even more than just a general fondness for fall, I'm specifically in love with the change......

It's not just the cool weather and moody skies that I love; it's feeling those unexpected shocks of cool air that cut through the last steamy remnants of summer. It's suddenly noticing that
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Shepherd’s Pie made with 10 Hour Slow-Cooked Lamb Shank

Shepherd’s Pie made with 10 Hour Slow-Cooked Lamb Shank
This has to be the best Shepherd’s Pie I have tasted; it is definitely worth every minute of the cooking time required.  Comfort food at its best!

Serves 4
Prep time:  20 minutes
Cooking time:  1 hour 15 minutes (plus cooking lamb shanks for 10 hours)

For the lamb shanks:
2 tbsp olive oil
2 large lamb shanks
1 onion, peeled & quartered
2 garlic cloves, peeled & crushed
2 celery sticks, chopped
2 sprigs of rosemary
1 bay leaf
500ml water

For the pie:
2 tbsp olive oil
2 large onions, peeled & chopped
2 large carrots, diced
1 celery stalk, finely sliced
150g mushrooms, sliced
Sea salt & freshly ground pepper
25g butter
2 tbsp plain flour
300ml lamb stock from the shanks
150g frozen peas
150ml red wine
900g floury potatoes, peeled
100g butter, plus extra for cooking
100ml milk


1.  The night before, preheat the oven to 130°C/110°C Fan/Gas mark ½/250°F.

2.  In a large frying pan heat the olive oil and add the shanks.  Brown them quickly all over, turning for a few minutes then remove.

3.  Place the shanks into a casserole pot with the onion, garlic, celery, rosemary, thyme, bay leaf and cover with water.  Put in the oven overnight for 10 hours or until falling off the bone.

4.  The next day, remove the shanks to cool, strain the liquid (you will use this later) and set aside, dispose of the contents of the sieve.  When the shanks are cool remove the soft meat and dice.

5.  In a large frying pan add the olive oil and gently fry the onions, carrots and celery for 7 minutes until softened.  Now add the mushrooms, season well and fry for a further 2-3 minutes.

6.  Add the butter and allow it to melt and sprinkle over the flour, and stir through for 1 minute.  Reduce the heat and gradually stir in the stock and peas, continuing to stir.  Once the sauce has started to thicken slowly stir through the red wine and chopped lamb.  Gently simmer for 5 minutes and season well.  Transfer the mixture to an ovenproof baking dish.

7.  Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C Fan/350°F/Gas mark 4.

8.  Boil the potatoes in salted water until tender.  When cooked drain and mash with a potato ricer or masher.  Add the milk, butter and season well and mix through until there are no lumps.  Top the baking dish with the mashed potato and speckle with some butter.  Bake the pie in the oven for 45-55 minutes, or until it is golden.

9.  Serve on warmed plates, enjoy!

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Gluten-Free, Grain-Free Blueberry Coffee Cake

Over the weekend we attended one of our yearly family reunions. Even in this day and age of constantly new technology, our families still get together for several different reunions every year. And as with any family holiday or event... you really go for the food. Yes?

I've been "paleo-ish" for about 7-8 weeks now, so I really wanted to make a few dishes that I could definitely eat and that would hopefully appeal to others as well. While we really need some fresh groceries, I did have a fairly well stocked pantry so I made a "paleo" blueberry coffee cake - the FIRST baked good I've made in the past few months and I also was able to find enough ingredients in the fridge to create an "anti-pasta" platter!

I have to admit I really enjoyed creating both dishes. There's just something lovely about creating foods from scratch and I really enjoyed baking the coffee cake, something I haven't done in ages.

The anti-pasta platter was fun to put together as well. It was incredibly easy and turned out very pretty by the time I was finished. My friend Pamela over at "Aseafish Out of Water" often creates dishes like this, so I was thinking of her when I put together that platter of meats, cheese, and olives.

The coffee cake is adapted from one I found on "Paleo on Main." I changed a few ingredients and added blueberries, simply because I had a bunch in the freezer. I LOVED how this coffee cake turned out. I don't know if it's because I haven't had baked goods in so long, or because I've reduced my sugar intake so much, but it tasted incredibly sweet, even though it was only sweetened with a small amount of honey and the natural sugars from the blueberries. Definitely a win!

Gluten-Free, Grain-Free Blueberry Coffee Cake
adapted by Carrie Forbes from a recipe shared by: Paleo on Main
free of gluten, grains, dairy, white sugar, and soy
printer-friendly recipe

Cake Batter Ingredients:
2 cups blanched almond flour
1/2 cup arrowroot starch
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup full-fat coconut milk
2 large eggs
1/4 cup honey or maple syrup
1 tablespoons pure vanilla extract
1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries

Streusel Topping Ingredients:
2-3 tablespoons coconut palm sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup crushed pecans or walnuts
3 tablespoons butter or coconut oil, optional for dotting on top

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease an 8x8 baking dish with coconut oil or butter and set aside. In a large bowl whisk together almond flour, arrowroot starch, baking soda, sea salt, and ground cinnamon. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add in the coconut milk, eggs, honey, and vanilla extract. Stir to combine into a thick batter. Fold in the blueberries. Pour into the greased baking dishes. Spread evenly throughout the pan. In a small bowl whisk together the coconut palm sugar, cinnamon, and pecans. Sprinkle over the casserole and dot the top of the casserole with butter or coconut oil if desired. Bake for 35-45 minutes until a toothpick or knife inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean the crust is golden brown. Allow to cook  REST/COOL for 15-20 minutes before slicing and serving.

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Roast Rib of Beef with Horseradish Breadcrumbs & Yorkshire Puddings

Roast Rib of Beef with Horseradish Breadcrumbs & Yorkshire Puddings
This is the ultimate Sunday roast, perfect for any occasion.  Delicious!

Serves 6
Prep time:  25 minutes
Cooking time:  1 hour 30 minutes

For the roast rib of beef:
1.5kg beef rib, on the bone
Olive oil
2 onions, peeled & quartered
2 carrots, peeled & quartered
2 celery sticks, quartered
A few sprigs of thyme
1 bay leaf
4 cloves of garlic
100g horseradish cream
100g breadcrumbs
100g shallots, peeled & finely chopped
Large bunch of flat leaf parsley, chopped

For the Yorkshire puddings:
140g plain flour
4 eggs, beaten
200ml milk
Sunflower oil, for cooking

For the gravy:
300ml red wine
300ml beef stock

Preparation method

1.  Preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/425°F/Gas mark 7.

2.  Rub the beef all over with oil and season.  Place in a large roasting tin and roast for 30 minutes.  Remove from the oven and reduce the heat to 160°C/140°C fan/320°F/Gas mark 3.

3.  Add the onions, carrots, celery, thyme, bay leaf and garlic to the tray and cook for a further 50 minutes (15 minutes per 450g).

4.  In a bowl mix together the horseradish, breadcrumbs, shallots and parsley.  Remove the beef from the oven 20 minutes before the end, spread the horseradish breadcrumbs over the beef and place back in the oven for the final 20 minutes.

5.  Meanwhile prepare the Yorkshire puddings, preheat the oven to 230°C/210°C fan/450°F/Gas mark 8.

6.  Drizzle a little sunflower oil into each hole of a 12-hole Yorkshire pudding tin.  Place in the oven until it is sizzling hot.

7.  To make the batter place the flour in a bowl and mix through the eggs until fully combined.  Now gradually whisk through the milk until there are no lumps.  Season with salt and pepper and pour evenly into each hole.  Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until puffed up and browned.  Make sure not to open up the oven half way through.

5.  When the meat is ready, set aside to rest whilst you make the gravy. 

6.  To make the gravy, add the wine and stock to the roasting tin.  Bring to the boil then gently simmer for 10 minutes and sieve into a pan.  Skim off any excess fat and reduce.

7.  Serve the rib of beef with the Yorkshire puddings & gravy and seasonal vegetables of your choice.

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I finally GET it!

I've flirted with the idea of going fully "paleo" for several years. I actually tried it for a while back in 2011 and continued off and on for the past 2 years... until about 6-8 months ago when I was ANYTHING but paleo. Bring on the gluten-free oreos!

Now I've mentioned before how much I don't really like labels. I'm not saying I want to be "paleo" to have a certain online reputation or to pretend I am the be-all, end-all of all things food knowledge. I'm not. Far from it.

See the thing is, I was feeling terrible. Tired ALL the time. Sugar swings EVERY. SINGLE. afternoon. Cheetos and diet Dr. Pepper were a daily part of my food intake... and I was even nearly falling asleep on the way home from work in the evenings.  And that was not cool. Not cool at all. It was embarrassing and I just felt terrible. Again, ALL the time. And I finally had had enough. I was honestly scared that I might get into an accident on the way home just from the constant sugar swings.

It took me years to get to that point. Do you still want to go to McDonald's? No judgement here! I went for years and years, even just for the gluten-free eggs & sausage. But apparently after years & years of abusing my body through food... it had had enough.

My Dad needed heart transplant surgery. My grandmother was a long-time diabetic. I really didn't want to make either of those health issues part of my future and I was just exhausted from feeling bad ALL the time.

So with the help of my husband's cousin Sabrina, I decided to try paleo again. Sabrina talked about the great success she had had over the past few months and her soaring energy levels and I wanted that. I want to feel good. On a daily basis, without tons of caffeine or sugar swings in the afternoon.

I was finally ready to say goodbye to my beloved "Cheetos."  My body felt bad enough that I didn't want them anymore. You don't have to be there yet. It took me a LONG time. And that's kind of the beauty of this whole journey. I know how hard it is to let go of those foods. No judgement here.

Today marks being 1 month completely paleo. It's actually closer to 6 weeks, but a month since I've been tracking my weight and my stats just to see how paleo has helped me. And it has tremendously. My energy levels are incredible. I finally feel GOOD most of the time, most days. I've lost quite a few inches in my waist, arms, and thighs. My clothes fit much better. But I'm still learning things. I'm still learning what foods work best for my body and what foods don't.

Right now, as much as I love baking, I'm not baking much at all. I want to hold off on the "paleo" baked goods until I'm at a healthy weight and mindset. Baked goods are an 'overeating" trigger food for me. And right now, I feel better about my health than I have in years. I feel like I'm finally ready to make healthy eating a life choice, not just a "few months" choice, or a "transitional" choice... but lifelong.

I'm no longer angry that I can't eat whatever foods I want too. I came to the point where I'm more interested in my health than in what I cannot have. It took years, I MEAN YEARS, for me to get to that point in my life. But I'm here. And I'm ready. I'm ready for a healthy and happy future that works for my body.

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Rack of Lamb with a Herb Crust served with Dauphinoise Potatoes

Rack of Lamb with a Herb Crust served with Dauphinoise Potatoes
This is a seriously tasty meal – tender lamb with delicious decadent potatoes.
Serves 4
Prep time:  20 – 30 minutes
Cooking time:  60 minutes


For the dauphinoise potatoes
150g butter
1 large onion, peeled & finely sliced
5 anchovy fillets, chopped
1 tsp fresh thyme leaves, chopped
200ml double cream
75ml milk
Sea salt & freshly ground pepper
1kg floury potatoes, peeled & finely sliced

For the rack of lamb:
2 x 6-bone rack of lamb
Sea salt & freshly ground pepper
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp fresh rosemary, finely chopped
2 tbsp fresh thyme, finely chopped
Olive oil
250 ml red wine
3 sprigs of fresh thyme
3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
2 bay leaves
6 garlic cloves, unpeeled

Preparation method

1.  Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas mark 6.

2.  For the dauphinoise potatoes, in a large frying pan melt the butter over a gentle heat.  Now add the onion, anchovies and thyme leaves and gently cook for 10 minutes until softened.

3.  Add the milk and cream and bring to a boil, now simmer until the sauce reduces slightly and thickens.  Season to taste, add the potatoes and stir through so all the potatoes are covered in cream.

4.  Transfer the potatoes to baking dish, cover with baking parchment and cover the dish with foil.  Place in the oven for 40 minutes, then remove the foil and parchment and cook for a further 15-20 minutes to colour the top.

5.  As soon as the potatoes go in start on the racks of lamb, season the lamb with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.  Now brush with Dijon mustard, and coat with the freshly chopped thyme & rosemary, pressing the herbs firmly into the flesh.

6.  Heat a little olive oil into a large oven-proof frying pan until it is very hot, sear the lamb racks until browned all over.  Pour off excess fat, then pour in the red wine, garlic, rosemary, thyme, bay leaves and garlic and bring to the boil.

7.  Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes, depending on how you like your lamb cooked.  Remove the lamb from the oven, cover with foil to rest.  At the same time remove the parchment and foil from the potatoes.

8.  To serve, slice the lamb into chops, heat the jus and drizzle over the lamb and serve with a large spoonful of dauphinoise potatoes.  Enjoy!
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Saying Goodbye, Weddings, and A New Heart

My grandmother "Nan", a few summers ago
So the last three months have been an emotional roller coaster for me. I finished up two more books. My grandmother Nan passed away in mid-August, my sweet cousin Tiffany was married two weeks later, and a week after that my Dad received a new heart!

It's been quite a ride and as sad as I am about my grandmother passing away, I'm also incredibly happy for my sweet cousin Tiffany and my Dad's new heart, which will hopefully give him the gift of a much longer life. How do you take all that in? How do you process all those emotions and feelings.

Sweet Nan 

We found out my grandmother had a heart-attack in mid-August and thankfully Michael and I were able to drop what we were doing, go down and spend her last week on earth with her. I'm so thankful for that time. I'm thankful that my job was willing to be flexible and give me that special time with her. It was a gift I will never forget! She was such an amazing woman. Words cannot adequately describe the legacy she leaves behind in 2 sons, 5 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. My dad wrote a beautiful tribute to her for the local paper and her life was truly lived well.

Many of the recipes on this blog have been because of Nan. She taught me how to make skillet dinner, she loved Caesar salad, and she taught my Dad how to make his famous pancakes. She was a gifted listener and she loved her grandchildren more than anything in the whole world. We were all truly blessed to have her as our grandmother.

Tiffany's Beautiful Wedding

My cousin Tiffany is a lot like me. I've often thought of her as a younger sister, even though she's really not that much younger than me. We look a lot alike and we have similar physical builds and even the same color hair. She's always been a favorite cousin of mine (don't tell anybody Tiffany!! :-p) Her wedding was absolutely beautiful and had an autumn woods theme. They love nature and the outdoors and it was a small, intimate wedding in the mountains of NC. It was such a beautiful weekend and I felt so honored to be there and be a part of their special day.

Tiffany, if I could tell you anything about marriage, is that it's a journey. And as fellow hikers, you know the ups and downs of a good day on the trails! There are awesome days and rough days and you work through them all. It's a true gift to wake up to your best friend everyday and I know you and Deron have a great future ahead of you! I can't wait to see where life takes you and to see the wonderful journey you have ahead of you!

Dad's Brand New Shiny Heart

My Dad has been given one of the greatest gifts in the world. The gift of time. The gift of a new heart. There have been such crazy, yet glorious mixed emotions during this time! Sadness for the family who lost a son or daughter, yet absolute thankfulness for their donation of organs. Such a gift. Such a gift.  And so much happiness for my Dad. So thankful that he has an positive, hopeful future in front of him and I'm so happy we can be there along the way.

This surgery and hospital visit was so much easier than his heart attack last year. He was talking just about 15 hours after surgery. It was amazing to witness. Here he was with a brand new heart, with major surgery behind him and he was already talking, sitting up, and eventually walking the floors of the hospital. As a matter of fact, he went home yesterday, less than two weeks after his surgery!

He still has a long medical journey ahead of him... but it will be a very positive one! I hope one day we can somehow connect with the family of the person who donated their heart. I hope I can tell them what an incredible gift they have given us and how thankful we are.

Thank you for the precious gift of time with my Father.

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Chicken Piccata

Chicken with lemon, wine, and capers is one of the 
easiest and fastest 'special' dinners. It's perfect 
to serve guests, yet still easy enough for any night 
of the week. I combined several lemon chicken, 
piccata recipes to find the best of both worlds; 
simple and delicious. 
If the chicken breasts are very large, I use just 
2 and cut them in half after pounding.
Flatten between plastic wrap to about 1/2".
Have all the ingredients ready.
Coat chicken in flour.
Heat large pan and and add 2 T butter
and 1 T olive oil. Saute the chicken until browned 
on both sides. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
 Remove cooked chicken to an ovenproof plater
 and keep warm in a 250 oven while you finish
the sauce. Add the remaining 2 T butter to the pan
 and the minced garlic. Swirl to melt the butter. 
Add the wine and lemon juice scraping up the 
browned bits. Add the capers and simmer for 
2 minutes until slightly thickened.
Note: I never liked capers until a friend convinced
me to give them another try a few years ago.
 Now I love them! They give food that right amount
of salty-briney flavor boost. I wrote a post about
it in Rules for Life
Serve chicken on pasta and spoon on
the the sauce. Sprinkle with parsley. 

Chicken Piccata
4 boneless chicken breasts
1/4 C flour
1/2 t salt
1/4 t pepper
1 T olive oil
4 T butter; divided
1/2 C white wine
1/4 C lemon juice
 2 T capers
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 T chopped fresh parsley
Rinse and pat dry chicken.
Place chicken breasts between plastic wrap 
and pound flat to an even 1/2" thickness.
Place flour in a shallow dish and dredge the
chicken in the flour; coating well and shaking
off excess. Heat 2 T butter and oil in a large 
skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken,
and cook for about 3-4 minutes on each side,
until nicely browned; sprinkle with salt 
and pepper. Remove chicken to a platter
and place in a 250 oven to keep warm.
Add remaining 2 T butter, garlic, lemon juice, 
wine, and capers to the pan; scrape pan to 
loosen browned bits. Cook 2 minutes or 
until slightly thick. Spoon sauce over chicken,
 sprinkle with fresh chopped parslet. 
Serve over pasta. Garnish with lemon slices.

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