

Beefing Up My Metabolism & Fat Loss

Over the past two days, I've found myself being left unsatisfied by my protein shakes, and I started experiencing the hyperphagic effects of dairy, an experience that has been shared by others. So I'm closing off the protein shakes, although I am grateful that they helped me readjust to smaller amounts of food post-DepTran. I've also been experiencing some digestive distress, which may be due to the dairy overload or maybe due to adding potassium & magnesium supplements into my routine... I hear that the wrong dosage of these can have colourful results...

To maximise satiety & metabolic rate, and therefore fat loss, I'm heading back into my favourite way of eating - meat, meat & more meat! Fatty cuts of grass-fed/free-range meat deliver a solid amount of nutrition, calories, and satiety, so I eat as much as I can and stop when I'm just shy of full. I don't worry about calories since I know I'll be getting enough, and I seem able to burn fat even when in caloric surplus when it comes to meat... But to help me prove approximately how many calories I do burn in an average day, I have invested in a little gadget that's coming via ebay sometime next week... In the meantime, I'll be eating whatever meat I want, when I want. Down the track a little, I want to get back to experimenting with Alternate Day Fasting, but with meat as my food since it's what makes me feel healthiest.

My eats:


Protein shakes all day, and then two organic beef steakettes and cheesy scrambled eggs for dinner.


Protein shakes all day, then Chicken Liver Paté for dinner (see the recipe for pictures!)


To help encourage my senior students to come to an early-morning class to make up for the class we'll miss due to net Monday's public holiday, I made them a selection of primal goodies, including 'Nola. However, the item that had them grasping for a second piece was a frittata of eggs, cream, spring onion, green capsicum, and feta cheese. Originally made as mini muffins but stuck in the pans, I tore out the contents and mixed the cooked eggs with more raw eggs, to create a pie-sized maxi frittata. Solution! And there was even some left for my breakfast and lunch.

For dinner I bid a last farewell to dairy and veg with a plate of delicious salmon sashimi, fried haloumi (which I recently learned is closely related to saganaki, if those unfamiliar with the former know of the latter), and cheesy sautéed cabbage.


After so many days of making shakes in the morning, I totally forgot to photograph today's breakfast & lunch - Tuscan (pork & veal & herbs & spices) sausages from Jonathan's.

When I arrived home, after a long day at this year's school swimming sports, I popped a free-range pork roast in the oven, and staved of hunger with a few slices of free-range bacon.

A couple of hours later, I removed the pork roast from the oven, cut through its delicious crackling and revealed it's juicy, perfectly cooked centre... Ahhhhh - heaven!

Hurrah for a long weekend! The timing could not be better! Here's hoping the forecast humidity comes with some actual sunlight, since my exhaustion after the immenseness of this past week is starting to manifest itself as a head cold... Prescription: Rest, Vitamin D, Rest, Meat, and Rest!

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