

Paradigm Shift - Primal Takeaway!

This ANZAC Day long weekend, I added vegetables back into my diet so that I could experiment in the kitchen, with an eye to make colourful, primal variations on the usual 'home delivery' menu!

Now, since I'm limited to the lowest carb, non-starchy veggies (i.e. leafy greens), some of the links are tenuous, but still delicious! However, I'll start with the weakest links, to get them out of the way :)

Fish & Chips

Steak & Fries

Noodle Box! Seafood & Veggies

Burger & Fries - I made the patty with heaps of seasoning (seasoned salt, cumin, and lots of herbs) and the beau claimed that I should label it a 'taco burger'!

Thai Chicken Curry & Noodles - check out the recipe

And then, on the domestic front, there's the ol' classic - Veg & Two Meat!

And then for movie night - popcorn! (Yes, possibly the most tenuous of all of them, but fried and drained scallops with crispy bacon bits is my new go-to savoury mini-meal!)

Yes, this post is mildly facetious :) But it was good to keep my cooking skills up to scratch - they were gathering dust, what with the extent of my carnivorous cooking being 1. Turn on grill. 2. Slap meat on grill. 3. Remove meat from grill. 4. Eat meat. 5. Repeat 12 hours later. I love that the relative monotony of the process bares no resemblance to the exciting variety of the meals it produces!

Also in the variety paradigm, I had some fun keeping my activity levels up despite a stay-at-home weekend:

On Saturday, the beau & I went for a walk around the block (it's a big block) after dinner, with the guinea pigs snuggled in the front of our jackets! It had been raining, so they hadn't had any fresh air that day, and they loved the smells of nature at night. I adore how rich the air is after dusk - the Australian native flora give off the most intense aromas. I miss living close to the actual bush wilderness, where the eucalypts drench the air in their heady vapor.

On Sunday, I felt like getting a bit retro, so I dusted off one of my old all-in-one workout DVDs and completed the lengthening warm-up, hand-weight components of the cross-fit section, and a bit of core-strengthening Pilates. My obliques didn't know what hit them!

And today, the sun tried desperately to poke its beams through the patchy cloud cover, so I did my bit to lap up whatever made it through by lying out in the midday sun for almost an hour, until I couldn't take the chill of the air any longer. I'm already longing for summer - luckily, I'll be in Canada in June/July for a fortnight and will get 12 days of bonus summer sun! You can bet I'll be making the most of it - let's just hope that my fat loss continues and that I can have most of my DepTran-driven chub off before it's time to don a swimsuit!

And now into the insanity that is countdown-to-production-week - my latest show goes up in three weeks, so I'll be losing my week nights and weekends for the next month! I'll try to update this every Sunday at least, since it'll be my day semi-off, and in the meantime I'll be fasting regularly, aided by my lack of free time! I haven't been cutting calories at all lately, though I have been tracking, and yet I'm currently at my lowest weight this year. Yay! No digestive issues switching back and forth between carnivorism and the wider primal buffet - back to meat tomorrow! There are three salmon fillets resting in the fridge alongside a bunch of salmon roe, and I'm already drooling despite being stuffed with rich chicken curry! Aw yeah...

And I can see that the sharing of articles is being appreciated - I hope my new followers find value and efficiency by following my shares! It may be my most frequent form of contact for the next few weeks! Wish me luck...

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