

{Paleo 101 Books} Reader's Choice Giveaway -- Paleo Cookbook Guide

Over the month of March 2012, we reviewed 8 of the newest and best resources for following a whole foods, paleo diet.

Since you've stuck with me through this paleo cookbook-filled month, I want to give you something in return!

Here are the resources we reviewed:
  1. Paleo Magazine 
  2. Paleo Pals: Jimmy and the Carrot Rocket Ship by Sarah Fragraso
  3. The Healthy Gluten Free Life by Tammy Credicott
  4. Eat Like a Dinosaur by Paleo Parents
  5. The Food Lovers Make it Paleo
  6. Paleo Comfort Foods by Julie and Charles Mayfield
  7. Well Fed by Melissa Joulwan
  8. Everyday Paleo by Sarah Fragoso
Would you like to have your choice of one of these books OR a one year subscription to Paleo Magazine? 

I thought you might. So he's what you can do. I'm going to giveaway two books from this series. I'm buying them and sending them to you on my dime (because who doesn't love Amazon Prime free shipping?) Two winners will get to choose the book they would most like and it's on me! 

This contest is now over!  
All winners were chosen by!

Congratulations to: 

#24 "Hello there, I would love to have Eat like a dinosaur!! I have two beautiful boys, whom I struggle to teach Paleo because I struggle myself, that's why my second choice would be the subscription to Paleo magazine.  Thanks! Socorro G.

#9 "Definitely think I would like The Healthy Gluten Free Life" cookbook as it has egg/dairy free recipes and soy free. I'm reactive to soy and gluten as well so it'd be a good thing to learn those recipes. Kayla B.

AND because there were over 200 entries I had a bonus 3rd winner! 

#32 "I like paleo comfort foods a lot and have enjoyed several recipes from it." Marjorie

And thank you bunches to everyone for reading along this month through some of my favorite naturally gluten free, paleo cookbooks! 

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{Paleo 101 Books} Sarah Fragoso's Everyday Paleo

This book is where my paleo journey began. When I first pondered the idea of following a paleo diet, Sarah's book "Everyday Paleo" is where I started. I actually contacted the publisher myself because I was so interested in having a copy of the book. They graciously sent me one and I have been in love with this book ever since. I actually talked about the book a little back in October 2011 and the food you see at the top of that post is a skillet meal from Sarah's book

Sarah helped me to learn how carbohydrates didn't have to be the base or main part of a meal. Up until I started "re-learning" how to cook with Everyday Paleo, I was stuck on using pasta, mashed potatoes, bread, etc... as the base of my meals and I didn't know how to change that. Sarah's easy one pot recipes showed me you could use zucchini, acorn squash, or tomatoes as the base of your meal. Proteins are very important on a paleo-type of diet, but Sarah showed me how to make delicious and creative meals with vegetables and proteins. Paleo isn't about just eating meat.

Some of my favorite recipes from Sarah's book are:

  • Spice Rubbed Slow Cooked Chicken (I'm rather fond of anything slow cooker!) 
  • "Breaded" Baked Chicken
  • Better Butter Chicken
  • Everyday Meatloaf (this was hubs favorite - and he liked it even better on the 2nd day!)
  • Puerto Rican Beef
  • Sirloin Dijon (MY FAVORITE! use kale as pasta? Who knew you could do that! I love this dish!)
  • Garlic Beef Stew with Acorn Squash (serious comfort food! I loved this!) 
  • Kids Love Cabbage Slaw (really awesome sweet and sour slaw! Love mango!)
While I haven't cooked my way through the entire book, this is a cookbook that is often on my kitchen counter when I'm trying to find something quick for dinner. Many of the dishes are skillet meals and are easy to prepare. One of the things I like about this book in comparison to other paleo cookbooks is that you can make most of the meals with very simple kitchen equipment such as a good knife and a heavy cast iron skillet. No ice-cream makers. No high-end blenders needed. Keep it simple. Keep it fresh. 

Other reviews and thoughts on Sarah Fragoso's first book, "Everyday Paleo": 

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Return of the Gym Hamster -- Home Edition

Gym Hamster's been gone a while.

Not gone really, but working on a cookbook, focusing on self-care, and learning how to better communicate my thoughts and feelings. And honestly the gym was not missed. However, I know I need to begin to concentrate again on my physical fitness.

This time I want to stick with what I know. What I generally enjoy once I get into the habit of exercise. With what has worked in the past. For me: that's walking videos, strength training with my husband, and finding activities at home and on the go that will incorporate more movement.

Today was the first day back to more movement. My doctor told me to start today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Take 15 minutes and start today. I love my doctor. Instead of making me feel bad for gaining back weight I had lost, he told me he knew I was motivated enough to try again. He believed in me. He made it clear to set small goals, start slowly, let it become a habit.

It's amazing how just having someone you respect believe in you can be so incredibly motivating.

So I started today. For 15 minutes. Anybody can do 15 minutes. A walk around our neighborhood. Here's the breakdown:

  • 1 minute before walk: Honey, I so do not want to walk. I'm tired. I'm cranky. I do NOT want to walk. But please walk with me. I do NOT want to walk. I do not want to walk. I do NOT want to walk. 
  • 30 seconds in: I hate walking. I am three years old and I do NOT want to do this. I will kick a rock.
  • 2 minutes in: My legs feel so heavy. I hate walking. *Sigh* sigh* sigh* 
  • 5 minutes in: My legs still feel heavy. I am still frustrated and I don't want to do this. Why can't our bodies be self-regulating? 
  • 7 minutes in: Now paying attention to lighthearted conversation with hubs. It's good to connect with him. I guess we can do one more lap. 
  • 10 minutes in: Legs don't feel quite so heavy anymore. Kind of tingly, but not in a bad way. Like I've moved. This is good. Okay, maybe walking isn't so bad. 
  • 12 minutes in: I really don't want to admit by this point I'm enjoying this walk. 
  • 15 minutes in: Done. Completed. Okay, so once I got warmed up it wasn't so bad. We'll do it again tomorrow, even if I have to drag myself out of the house. Getting started is the hardest part right? Even when it's getting started again... 

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A Dog's Life -- Lessons on Strength and Hope

Yesterday I rescued a dog. And then less than two hours later I had to make the incredibly hard decision to put the dog to sleep. His back was broken. There was little they could do without really, really expensive surgeries and even then it was a gamble...

I stopped by Food Lion on the way home. I needed groceries. Filled up the cart with butternut squash, baby spinach, green peppers, red cabbage, a few avocados, bananas. We were completely out of fresh veggies at home. I picked up a few steaks as well. I thought I'd make pan-grilled steaks and baked sweet potatoes. Packed up the car $160 later (don't you love how real food costs so much more?)...

Got in the car, turned on the country radio station and headed west on Hwy 264. The day was pretty. It had been rainy earlier in the week leaving wet, muddy puddles throughout eastern north carolina. I'd driven this route so often, it was muscle memory. The leaves on trees and fresh grass had become bright spring green. I always notice the seasons on this long drive home. I counted the exits as I always do, 20 miles until home, 15 miles until home... and then I saw him.

A small black dog, sitting in the median of the 4 lane highway. He looked fine, but it made no sense to me. I didn't understand why he was sitting there. I knew I would have to take the next exit to turn around and get him. I wondered what my husband would think when I told him we had ANOTHER rescued animal in the back yard.

It took about 8 minutes to get back to the place on the road I remembered the dog being. In front of me a red blazer also pulled over. A young girl on a cell phone got out of her car in tears. Long, straight, blond-brown hair, with shiny gold earrings. Tear-stained green eyes with noticeably long eyelashes. A stylish gold top and shorts. To be honest, someone I wouldn't have pictured stopping for a dog (how often we judge without knowing it). She was on the phone with her brother trying to ask what to do.

When she got off the phone, I asked her calmly to call 911. Tell them the exit we were at and that there was an injured dog. She called. The incident had already been reported. We tried to get closer to the dog, but he was afraid. His hind legs were obviously broken or hurt. He couldn't move them. As we walked closer to the dog, he mustered up as much energy as he could and started dragging himself with his lifeless hind legs across the highway. A very BUSY highway. How the poor dog didn't get hit again or cause an accident I'll never know. We heard him yelping in pain across the road and the poor girl nearly broke down. We didn't know what to do. We waited for the police for about 10-15 minutes. We knew that time was not on the dog's side. How long do we wait?

Finally, I told the girl I would drive to the next exit and turn around so we could get back on the same side of the road as the dog. The young girl followed me. She again called her brother to help, but he kept telling her there was nothing we could do. It seemed like forever to get to the next exit. We pulled over and I didn't see the dog. I was afraid he had crawled off into the woods and we'd never find him.

The young girl finally saw the poor dog. He was lying on his back in a muddy, wet, weed-filled ditch. I didn't know how to get to him. I had been in a few situations like this before with injured animals. That seems to happen when you're an animal lover. I was afraid the dog would bite or hurt us in the process of trying to help him. But, the young girl was adamant that we couldn't leave him. I told her that if I could get him in my car, we would take him to the Emergency Vets in a nearby town. But how in the world would we get him in the car.

We tried calling my husband, who like me, just wasn't sure what to do. I didn't think we could do it without help. I finally told him I'd call him back when I figured out what to do. Flustered, I asked the young girl if she had a blanket in her car. She said she had a towel and went and got it. We took the towel down to the muddy ditch and tried to figure out how to get it underneath the dog. After getting my footing on the mucky weeds, I was eventually able to get around the dog. The girl followed me and got on the other side. We carefully, slowly moved the poor muddy, wet dog onto the towel. He was breathing. His wide brown eyes seemed to be saying "I don't know what to do, just help me." He had a small cut on his right eyebrow. When the young girl saw the cut she just started crying again. I told her not to worry about the cut. The cut would heal. We needed to worry about his leg. The dog never made a sound as we lifted him onto the blanket and eventually carried him up the hill into the back seat of my car. I knew that wasn't a good sign. He should have been in agonizing pain.

It took us a while, but we eventually were able to maneuver the dog into my back seat. The dog seemed thankful, even grateful for the help. He didn't seem scared and he was very quiet. I told the girl to follow me to the Emergency Vet. Once I got onto the road, heart pounding, I called Michael again. I asked him to call the Emergency Vet and tell them we were on the way with a very injured dog. For a while the dog was settled on the back seat. I thought he'd be okay. He was looking out of the back windows, which I thought was a good sign. Surely if he was more interested in what was going on around him than in his legs, that must have meant internally he was okay, right?

Eventually, he tried to get off the seat. Because he couldn't control his back legs he fell into the floorboard of the car. He flopped around a bit. But I thought that meant he was probably stronger than he seemed. Several times he put his head up on the back seat to try and look out the windows again. At one point he put his head up onto the armrest in the middle of the car and I could pet him. His big brown eyes just looked at me, as if he knew we were trying to help him.

30 minutes later we arrived at the Emergency Vet. The young girl went inside and told them what was going on and a few minutes later they came out to get him with a rolling cart. The primary veterinarian looked at the dog and I could tell she was very concerned. The dog had ended up once again on his back in the floorboard of the car. His right arm was very stiff and wouldn't bend. They were able to pull the dog from the car and place him on the rolling cart. They buckled him down onto the cart and started rolling him in. As in the car, he didn't want to lie down. He wanted to look up and around him. He tried to get up with his one good front leg. We gently coaxed him back down and petted him on the way into the facility.

The vet told us immediately things didn't look good for the poor dog. He wasn't responding to touch on either his legs or his tail and he should have been howling in pain. She was afraid his back was probably broken. We followed as they wheeled the dog back to be x-rayed and examined. We were led to a small examination room as the dog went to the back. The technician gave us a form to fill out and the young girl just looked at me and said, "I don't know what they want me to do. I don't have any money." I gently took the pen from her and told her not to worry. We would take care of it. I filled out the form, which seemed pointless and we called the dog Buddy, since on the ride there, I just kept telling him, "It will be okay buddy."

She turned again to her phone. I finally asked her what her name was. Megan. "It's nice to meet you Megan. I'm Carrie." She held a small smile. We chatted a little about where we lived. It turned out she was a freshman student at the University I work at. She was headed home for the weekend. She'd had a bad week. A lot of tests. A lot of pressure. And she had been looking to adopt a puppy this very week. She had talked with her parents about it and they had three other dogs. She was already looking at breeders to find a puppy. And then this happened. And she was heart-broken. She wanted to take that dog home. Her dad told her that if the dog was okay, they could foster it until they knew it could live with them permanently or find a good home.

A few minutes later my husband came in. He sat with us. Not sure what to do. But just being there was enough. I was trying to keep things light, keep a positive attitude, for Megan. For Buddy. For me.

Then the vet came back in. "It's not good." She carried in a large laptop with a clear image of the x-ray. The backbone was clearly broken. The dog would be paralyzed for life. Surgery was possible, but not plausible. Not only would it be nearly $10,000 or more... it was only a hope. It may not work. The dog would still probably be paralyzed and he probably wouldn't survive the surgery. The best option would be to put the dog to sleep. She asked if we wanted to be present with the dog. Immediately I said no. No, I didn't want to see that. But Megan looked at me with soft eyes and I asked, 'Do you think we should be with him?" With tears streaming down her cheeks she said, "Yes, but I don't want to be alone." So we went and found the technician and asked for them to bring the dog in with us. I was so hesitant to be with the dog when he died. I didn't want to be there. This was the hard part. I don't like the hard parts.

I had held it together the whole time. Keeping a light sense of humor. Taking charge of the situation, making all the adult decisions. Trying to keep Megan calm. As long as I could avoid the emotions it was okay. But then I realized, Megan was right. I didn't want this dog to be alone. I needed to face this. I needed to be with this dog, and with Megan, as he died.

Buddy was wheeled back into the examination room and we spent a few minutes with him. Petting him. Telling him we were sorry we couldn't do more. That there were people who cared about him. He was already groggy from pain medication and not feeling anything. The vet said he was a small lab mix that was probably around a year old. I'm not sure if this made it harder or easier to let him go.

The vet then came in with the medication to stop Buddy's heart. She gently pushed the medication into the IV as we continued to pet him. And I wasn't afraid. I wasn't scared. Generally, I hate death. I've never learned how to deal with it. Not with people. Not with pets. I generally ignore it. It's frightening to me. Before this moment, I had never once volunteered to pet an animal that was dead or dying.

But I had to pet Buddy. I didn't want him to be alone. I didn't want to be alone. Megan pet him too. Tears rolling down both of our cheeks, my husband standing silently behind us. We signed a form to allow the facility to cremate Buddy and bury his remains. In hindsight, I kind of wish we had buried Buddy ourselves. Under the pecan tree in the back yard. So we could remember him... but at the moment, it was easier to let the vets care for his body. Megan wanted to help pay for the small cremation fee, and I should have let her help pay, so she could feel that she did something... but in that moment I didn't want her to worry about it. She still needed to drive another 45 minutes home. She had concerned parents who needed to see her. We hugged. I gave her my business card and asked her if she would find me on facebook.

We got in our cars. Michael and I led Megan back to the highway and then we headed home. Feel the feelings. Feel the feelings. Let it hurt. It's okay to hurt. Do not shove this away. Feel it. It's okay to love a dog you've only known for two hours. It's okay to cry. So I cried. and cried. and cried. and cried. I cried for Megan, for her big green eyes and her wide-open 18 year old heart. She reminded me of my young cousin Elizabeth. They are about the same age and have the same frame, hair color, and complexion. This was just as much my Elizabeth as it was Megan and my heart hurt for her. I prayed for her on the way home. I prayed for Buddy, who would never get to live a full life here on earth. I prayed that God made heaven a big enough place for all of our animals too.

And for a while, I didn't understand. I didn't understand why we were both at the same place at the same time saving a dog, who would have to be put to sleep just an hour later. It just didn't make sense. Life often doesn't. As I was riding home, so engulfed in my thoughts I didn't even notice when I passed my husband's truck on the way home. I wanted a shower. I wanted to get my muddy, wet socks off. Remove my mud-splattered pants and soak in the hot relief of the shower. And then it dawned on me.

Yes, we helped Buddy. He wouldn't suffer anymore. He wouldn't lay in a ditch for days on end and eventually die of starvation or thirst. And that was comforting. But really... it was Megan who needed me.  And I needed Megan. It was Megan who pushed me to do all of these things I didn't think I could do. From wading into a muddy ditch and not worrying about my clothes or shoes or my bad back, or facing a dog who could have bitten us or hurt us, and finally facing the hard emotions of death. Being with Buddy as he died. Megan made me face my fears. Partially because I wanted to protect her, to help her... but also because I needed to do it. I finally understood that death isn't always scary. It can be peaceful, comforting, and a relief from pain. It is sad, but not scary.


I haven't heard from Megan yet. But I have thought about her all day. I hope she is okay. I pray that she arrived home safe and sound. I hope her parents hugged her tight. I hope she knows how brave she is. I don't think I could have faced a situation like that when I was 18. I wish I could thank her for bringing out the best in me. For needing me to face the hard emotions that she was willing to feel, to deal with, because she knew it was the right thing to do. Even if it was hard.

I learned that from now on I'll always keep a few towels in the back of the car, maybe a pair of gloves and an old pair of shoes -- just in case. I learned that you can do a whole lot more than you think you can, especially during times of intense stress or fear. That sometimes you just have to act like you know what you're doing and stop worrying about how it will turn out. That other people can dig deep and bring out the best parts of yourself. I learned that death isn't always scary, sometimes it's a peaceful and loving experience. It's okay to feel and express being hurt, it's okay to let yourself feel the pain of disappointment. And that as hard as this life is, you should never, ever stop hoping for the best.

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Arugula Blood Orange Salad & Blood Orange Poppy Seed Dressing

Continuing with our wonderful foray into Raw foods this month, I present to you the most natural of all RAW foods...The SALAD! I have to admit, I never really did like salad much in my younger years. Perhaps I was just never offered a salad worthy of my love, or maybe I just had yet to develop the 'taste' for it.

Present day though, I LOVE salad. I'll eat it just about
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{Paleo 101 Books} Well Fed by Melissa Joulwan

I'm thrilled to share Melissa Joulwan's cookbook, "Well Fed" as part of my {Paleo 101 Books} series this month. I originally reviewed Melissa's new cookbook in mid-December 2011 and below are my first thoughts on the book! I loved the book then and I still do 4 months later! SINCE then I've made quite a few more of the recipes in Well Fed such as the Garlic-Browned Ground Meat, the Best Chicken You'll Ever Eat, Olive Oil Mayonnaise, Grilled Chicken Thighs, Scotch Eggs, Rogan Josh, and Czech Meatballs (phew!)... and they are ALL seriously awesome staple paleo recipes. We've enjoyed ALL of them (especially the chicken thighs, garlic browned meat, and the meatballs!) I hope you'll enjoy this book as much as we have! Make sure to keep reading this series as you'll have a chance to win a copy of Well Fed at the end of March! -- Carrie

Earlier this week I saw a post on facebook about a new paleo cookbook called "Well Fed.The cookbook (which is available both as an e-book and a printed soft-cover) was written by Melissa Joulwan, author of the blog "The Clothes Make the Girl." I had heard of Melissa's blog before, but didn't realize she was living a paleo lifestyle. This made me excited! I contacted Melissa immediately and asked her if I could possibly have a review copy of her cookbook. Melissa's book was not only gluten free & grain free, legume free, and sugar free... Melissa's book was also dairy free! Some paleo/primal cookbooks allow dairy in their food plan, but as I'm extremely intolerant to dairy, I was thrilled to know this cookbook could indeed feed me well.

Melissa Joulwan, author of "The Clothes Make the Girl" and "Well Fed

Melissa graciously sent me a digital copy of her cookbook.I have to say, I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting with Melissa's book... but I sat down and read it completely from cover to cover. This is a BEAUTIFUL cookbook (and I think I'll be putting the soft-cover version on my Amazon wish list!)... Melissa's unique artistic talent shines through on each page through the photography, through the layout of the pictures, and through Melissa's own personal story of cooking with family and love.

You will fall in love with this cookbook. My favorite part of the cookbook is Melissa's technical explanation of how to easily prepare your foods for the whole week in a couple of hours. She shares a wonderful technique called "Hot Plates" which shows you how to make super easy combinations of your favorite proteins, vegetables, fat, and spices to create a fun & different meal each night of the week. I have already referred to her "Hot Plate" ideas for several of our weekly meals! A completely brilliant concept Melissa!

Also included in the book is a whole chapter on recipes for different sauces and seasonings, explaining if you make a few of the sauces (such as her Sunshine sauce, mint chutney, Sri Lankan Curry Sauce etc...) ahead of time, you'll always have a great condiment to really give your homemade meals a truly gourmet touch!

Throughout the book Melissa shows you how to cook and run your home kitchen as efficiently as a  restaurant kitchen. She gives you really helpful tips and ideas on how to make cooking fun, innovative, and something you'll enjoy. And the bonus... every single one of these recipes will make you feel great, energetic, and absolutely well fed!

Please visit Melissa's blog
Also feel free to check out her book with a free 30 page preview of Well Fed


GLG Disclosure: Melissa Joulwan through her personal publishing company, "Smudge, Inc." provided me with a free digital copy of "Well Fed" for the purpose of providing a review, if I chose to do so. This is not a sponsored post and I did not receive compensation. 
The opinions in this post are my own. 

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The Bold & The Fearless You!

There’s a darkness upon me that’s flooded in light

In the fine print they tell me what’s wrong and what’s right

And it comes in black and it comes in white

And I’m frightened by those that don’t see it

When nothing is owed or deserved or expected

And your life doesn’t change by the man that’s elected

If you’re loved by someone, you’re never rejected

Decide what to be and
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Parmesan Crusted Chicken

This is a quick and easy chicken recipe.
It's another one of my 'Chicken for Dummies'. 
When my grandson calls at the last minute and
 wants to know what he can do with a couple of
 chicken breasts and just a few other ingredients, 
I need to be ready!
Lay the chicken breasts in a shallow pan.
(Do not crowd the chicken like the above photo.)
 Give it some room and season as desired.
These were large breasts that I cut in half.
Combine the mayonnaise and grated parmesan
cheese in a small bowl.
 Spread on the mayo-parm mixture; then sprinkle
 a little breadcrumbs on top.

Now to make a complete dinner super easy 
you can roast some cut-up potatoes and fresh
vegetables along with the chicken. Just toss them
 in olive oil with a little seasonings. 
Dinner is in the oven!

 Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes; (or
(or at 375 for 25 minutes)
until cooked through and browned.
How easy is that?!
 You can adjust the recipe to make 1 or 12.
This works on fish too; just bake
for about 10 minutes @425.
 The chicken stays moist and juicy.
Parmesan Crusted Chicken
4 boneless chicken breasts
1/2 C mayonnaise
1/4 C Parmesan cheese
4 t Italian breadcrumbs
seasonings of choice
Place the chicken breasts in a shallow pan.
Season the top with about (your choice here)
1 t seasoned salt, 1/2 t garlic powder,
and 1/4 t pepper or to taste
Combine the mayo and grated cheese in
a small bowl. Spread this on the chicken breasts.
Sprinkle a little breadcrumbs on the top;
about 1 t each. Bake for 30 minutes @375
or 20  minutes @425.
or until browned and cook through.


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Gluten Free Almond Flour Lemon Muffin/Cake Recipe

Almond flour lemon muffins - this was my favorite flavor.
The past two weeks I've been slowly working towards making all of my meals and snacks paleo (basically no grains, sugar, legumes, or dairy).  I feel so much better when I eat less sugar, less grains, and less baked goods... however... I just can't help it. I love to bake. (Although admittedly, not really as much as I used too... I'm starting to think I like cooking more than baking now... what is happening to me? lol!)

So a few weeks ago I made an amazing lemon cake for a friend's birthday. It was SO good. Especially since I made it using Meyer lemons which are just wow. So I wanted "lemon" something else. I couldn't decide between cake or muffins and honestly, they aren't that different... so the recipe I'm sharing today could be used either as cake or a muffin. You pick. Don't you like it when you get to pick?

Just pretend you don't notice the stray cathair on the up front cupcake. No, you don't see it. And if you want to make that nut-butter frosting, here you go:

This cake is lower in sugar than most gluten free cakes. For the main sweetener I used coconut palm sugar. If you don't like coconut palm sugar or can't find it... just use plain ol' white sugar. It will work just as well. I also used lemon gelatin in this cake for flavor. I've tried in the past to use a lot of citrus and/or lemon juice in cakes and it never goes well. SO I'm sorry if you're opposed to lemon gelatin... if you come up with another alternative let me know! All I know, is I made a vanilla version of this cake minus the lemon gelatin and I didn't like it nearly as much... so apparently I like the lemon gelatin. I'll pretend it's paleo.

I also used liquid stevia in this recipe. I used the "NOW" brand, but there are many different brands available. The cake would probably taste fine without it and honestly I wasn't a fan of using the stevia in the plain vanilla version... so take it or leave it... again, you pick. See how easy this is?

I'm including the vanilla variation at the bottom of the recipe, but I will tell you, it wasn't my favorite. ALSO... the almond flour batter is heavy... therefore it rises better as muffins or cupcakes. They are taller, prettier, and much less dense as cupcakes than it is as a cake. SO... you pick. :-)

Gluten Free Almond Flour Lemon Muffins or Cake, with a Vanilla Variation
free of grains, soy, dairy/casein, and gluten (also low in processed sugar)
created by Carrie Forbes of
printer-friendly version

Dry Ingredients:
2 cups blanched almond flour, gently packed in the cup
1/2 cup arrowroot starch
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 baking soda
1/2 cup coconut palm sugar
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
3 tablespoons lemon gelatin (about half of a 3 oz. package)

Wet Ingredients:
1 teaspoon lemon extract
10-12 drops liquid stevia
3 large eggs
1/2 cup almond milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a 12 cup muffin/cupcake pan with paper liners -or- an 8" cake pan with parchment paper on the bottom and grease pan with non-stick cooking spray or olive oil. In a large mixing bowl whisk together all dry ingredients. In a smaller bowl whisk together all wet ingredients. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients  and whisk until thoroughly combined. Pour batter into lined muffin/cupcake pan or cake pan. For cupcakes/muffins bake for 18-20 minutes until golden brown or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of a cake comes out clean. For one-layer cake bake for 30-35 minutes until golden brown or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. Allow to cool in pan for 10 minutes then transfer to a wire rack until completely cool. For cupcakes frost with your favorite frosting or you can use a low sugar/low glycemic nut frosting such as this one.

Vanilla Variation -- If you want plain vanilla cake/muffins instead of lemon simply use 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract in place of the lemon extract and leave out the lemon jello. You may want to leave out the stevia in a vanilla version as I felt you could really taste the stevia since the cake was so plain. Using vanilla paste or the seeds from a vanilla bean might really improve the flavor of the plain cake. If you try it, please let me know what you think!

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Smoked Salmon and Leek Tagliatelle

Smoked Salmon and Leek Tagliatelle
A super quick delicious dish that can be made in the time it takes to cook the tagliatelle!  The wine and mascarpone cheese work very well together to create a lovely light but rich dish!

Serves 2
Prep time:   5 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes

200g/7oz tagliatelle
2 tbsp olive oil
2 leeks, sliced
1 small glass of white wine
A good pinch of dried chilli flakes
200g/7oz mascarpone cheese
4 slices of smoked salmon, cut into slices


1.  Cook the tagliatelle as per packet instructions.

2.  In a large frying pan heat the oil and fry the leeks until softened.  Add wine, chilli flakes and mascarpone cheese.  Heat until the mascarpone has melted.

3.  Add the salmon and mix through, drain the pasta and toss with the sauce

4.  To serve, divide between to serving plates, enjoy!

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{Paleo 101 Books} Paleo Comfort Foods by Julie and Charles Mayfield

Love fried chicken? Love creamy mashed potatoes? Love beef roast and chili? Me too. And I think this book definitely calls my name. This one is "Paleo Comfort Foods" by Julie and Charles Mayfield. Even the cover of this book screams comfort to me -- right down to the wooden farmhouse kitchen table. I'm a country girl. I always have been. While we ate a lot of healthy foods growing up, we also packed away some incredibly good fried chicken, buttery mashed potatoes, and creamy gravy.

Julie and Charles get that. They know you love comfort foods too. And anyone following a lower carbohydrate paleo/primal type of diet will understand that longing for old-time comfort food favorites.  Recipes such as Julie's barbecue chicken (we loved that one!), mashed cauliflower, creamed spinach (serious yum!), and probably my personal favorite: sawmill sausage gravy and paleo biscuits!!

Yep, paleo gravy and biscuits. Now I know a lot of paleo enthusiasts wouldn't consider an almond flour baked good healthy... and no, you're not gonna lose weight eating almond flour biscuits. But for an occasional old fashioned comforting breakfast -- these biscuits and that creamy sausage gravy really fit the bill.

This paleo cookbook is full of down homes recipes like this. Whether you're a chili fanatic or a gumbo fan, you'll find recipes here that are familiar and welcoming.

Here are a few things I really like about Paleo Comfort Foods:

  • The beginning chapters contain a wealth of information on how to follow a paleo diet, what types of kitchen equipment you will need, how and when to go cooking, and the heartwarming story of Julie and Charles. 
  • This book is set up in very helpful and straight-forward chapters such as quite simply: main dishes -- which means you can use these main meals for breakfast, lunch, OR dinner. Don't worry about figuring out what specifically to eat for breakfast, just pick a main dish. 
  • If you're new to paleo and you miss bread, you'll find a paleo sandwich bread recipe in this book. It won't be the same as your Wonder white bread, but it will fill that craving for delicious fillings between two slices of bread or even having french toast for breakfast. 

So if you're someone who prefers hearty, home-cooked, familiar meals -- Paleo Comfort Foods is the cookbook for you. Julie and Charles Mayfield will help you understand that following a paleo diet doesn't meal you have to feel deprived!

GLG Disclosure: Victory Belt Publishing provided me with with a copy of this book for review, if I chose to do so. This is not a sponsored post and I did not receive compensation. The opinions in this post are completely my own.
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Mushroom, Leek and Spinach Risotto

Mushroom, Leek and Spinach Risotto
A full flavoured risotto - add your favourite mushrooms and extra chilli flakes for an extra kick!

Serves 4
Prep time:  10 minutes
Cooking time: 35 minutes


For the Risotto
1.1 litres/2 pints chicken or vegetable stock
2 tbsp olive oil
1 knob of butter
1 leek, finely sliced
½ - 1 tsp chilli flakes
150g/6 oz mixed mushrooms, roughly chopped
400g/14 oz risotto rice
2 glasses of dry white wine
150g/6 oz spinach, roughly chopped
Freshly ground salt & pepper
70g/2 ½ oz butter
115g/4oz freshly grated parmesan cheese


1.    To make the risotto, heat the stock in a pan.  Put the olive oil and butter into another pan and leek and chilli flakes, fry on a low heat until softened.
2.    Add the mushrooms and cook for a further 2-3 minutes and then add the rice and turn up the heat.
3.    When the rice is slightly translucent add the wine and keep stirring until it has cooked into the rice.
4.    Add the first ladle of stock and reduce the heat to a simmer.  Keep adding the ladlefuls of stock gradually allowing each ladleful to be absorbed before adding the next.  This should take around 15 minutes.  Season to taste.
5.    Remove from the heat and add the spinach, butter and parmesan, stir well.  Place the lid on the pan and allow to rest for 2 minutes.
6.    Serve the risotto in a serving bowl, enjoy!
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Gluten Free Slow Cooker Beef and Sweet Potato Stew Recipe

Visiting the Danville, Va. Science Center. Really awesome hand's on museum!
This weekend we had plans for a day trip on Saturday. I got to see my Dad, his wife Betty, and my sweet (almost 8 year old) nephew Christopher. (Here's an almond flour pizza crust we made the one summer he was visiting!) I knew I wouldn’t have as much time to cook a few meals ahead of time like I did last week. So I decided on Friday night to use a few pantry and freezer staples to throw together a quick stew in the slow cooker.

Checking out the railroad car and tracks at the museum. Love that kid!
Lately I’ve gotten into the habit of taking a serving of lunch to work and heating it slowly over a few hours in my “LunchCrock” – a small slow cooker that warms food gently over a few hours. It probably doesn’t have the capability to actually cook foods, so I wouldn't attempt that (it may not be safe!)… but it works great as a food warmer. It’s perfect for me because I don’t have to visit the office break room and use the community (ie… icky!) microwave. I also love that I can have a hot homemade meal for lunch with so little effort.

This stew is a very simple beef and root vegetable stew. I love the savory flavors combined with just a hint of sweetness from the sweet potatoes and apples. A tiny pinch of cinnamon or curry powder would also be a delicious addition, if you enjoy Indian inspired dishes. As fair warning... this is definitely a slightly sweet stew... and hubs did not like it... but then again he doesn't like Indian dishes or curries... so if you're not a fan of those types of foods this may not be for you!

Simple Slow Cooker Beef and Sweet Potato Stew
Adapted from Sarah Fragoso’s Garlicky Beef Stew with Acorn Squash, from Everyday Paleo
Free of gluten, dairy/casein, soy, eggs, and grains
Printer-friendly version

1.5 pounds stew beef
1 small onion, finely diced
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
½ teaspoon poultry seasoning
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground pepper
½ cup beef broth or water
OPTIONAL: 2 small apples, peeled and chopped
OPTIONAL: 5-6 large cloves garlic, peeled and minced

Grease a 4 quart slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray. Add chopped sweet potatoes, diced onions, poultry seasoning, salt, and pepper to the bottom of the slow cooker. Place the stew beef on top of everything. If you are using garlic, rub it over the stew beef. Pour beef broth or water around the beef into the vegetables. Cover slow cooker and cook on low for 6-8 hours. If you use frozen stew beef, you may need to cook a little longer until beef is fall-apart tender. When the stew is ready use a fork to break the stew beef into smaller pieces and gently break up the sweet potatoes into the stew consistency you enjoy.

Carrie’s Notes:
  • Apples? I added the apples to this recipe because I think they help bring out the natural sweetness of sweet potatoes. Their flavor will not make a huge difference in the overall effect of the stew, so feel free to leave them out if you like.
  • Additional Seasonings: Because sweet potatoes and apples add just a hint of sweetness to this stew, curry seasoning and/or cinnamon would also be a nice addition if you enjoy curry dishes.
  • Sweet Potatoes: Feel free to use acorn or butternut squash in place of the sweet potatoes. They will add a similar flavor to the stew with less carbohydrates and more fiber.
  • Poultry Seasoning: I love using poultry seasoning in a variety of dishes that call for a specific seasoning like sage, marjoram, or thyme. All of those herbs are in poultry seasoning and since I have fairly limited cabinet space, it’s a perfect solution (one bottle in place of three!). And I promise it won’t make your dish taste like Thanksgiving dinner.

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Book Review: Eat Like A Dinosaur by Paleo Parents (with Video)

'Eat Like A Dinosaur' is a brilliant book! And we've had a total blast cooking recipes from it, as you will see in the video below. This book is chocked full of greatness. With great gluten free recipes, amazing kitchen tips, and engaging pictures, 'ELaD' is filled with creative ways to help your kids LOVE eating healthy foods!

Note: The 'shortening' that the boys refer to in the video
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Pink Champagne Jelly

Pink Champagne Jelly
A perfect dessert after a heavy meal – delicious, light and low in fat!

Makes 6
Prep time:   5 hours
Cooking time: 10 minutes

300ml/10fl oz hot water
55g/2 oz caster sugar
500ml/16fl oz pink champagne or rose sparkling wine
4 leaves of gelatine
150g/5oz raspberries or fruit of your choice


1.  Put the water and sugar into a small saucepan and place over a medium heat. Stir to dissolve the sugar, then bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, simmer for five minutes, then remove the pan.

2.  Pour the sparkling wine into a large heatproof bowl and add the gelatine. Set aside for about five minutes, or until the leaves are soft and squidgy.  Take out the leaves, squeeze off as much liquid as possible, and add them to the sugar syrup.

3.  Whisk furiously until the gelatine has completely dissolved, then pour the syrup back into the bowl with the sparkling wine and whisk to combine.  Allow to cool thoroughly, then refrigerate the jelly for about one hour.

4.  As soon as it starts to thicken, stir in the raspberries or other fruit.  Divide the jelly between six glasses and cover them with cling film.

5.  Refrigerate for four hours, or until they have completely set and serve.
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Lamb Shank with Garlic, Rosemary and Cannellini Beans and Crispy Parmesan Crumbs

Lamb Shank with Garlic, Rosemary and Cannellini Beans and Crispy Parmesan Crumbs
This is a delicious and flavoursome dish that can be prepared in advance, serve with crusty bread to mop up the wonderful sauce.

Serves 4
Prep time:   15 - 20 minutes
Cooking time: 3 hours 15 minutes

For the lamb shanks
4 lamb shanks
6 tinned anchovies, cut into halves
12 small rosemary sprigs
12 slivers garlic
salt and freshly ground black pepper
55g/2oz butter
2 carrots, roughly chopped
2 sticks celery, roughly chopped
1 leek, roughly chopped
2 onions, roughly chopped
1 head garlic, broken up into cloves
1 sprig thyme
1 sprig rosemary
1 bay leaf
½ bottle red wine
600ml/1 pint chicken or lamb stock or water
For the sauce
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
115g/4oz streaky bacon lardons
1 carrot, finely diced
1 stick celery, finely diced
1 onion, finely diced
6 cloves garlic, peeled & finely chopped
2 sprigs thyme
2 sprigs rosemary, chopped
4 tomatoes, seeded and diced
2 x 375g/13oz tins cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
For the parmesan crumbs
2 tbsp olive oil
50g/2 oz white breadcrumbs
25g/1 oz parmesan, freshly grated
To serve
Crusty bread


1.  Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas mark 4.

2.  To make the crispy parmesan crumbs, heat the olive oil in a frying pan and add the breadcrumbs.  Fry for 2 – 3 minutes until golden and crunchy.  Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle over the parmesan and toss to coat the crumbs.

3.  For the lamb shanks, remove the majority of fat from the shanks. Make three deep incisions in each shank and insert in each half an anchovy wrapped around a sprig of rosemary and a slice of garlic. Season the meat with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

4.  Heat the butter in a casserole, add the shanks and brown all over. Remove and set aside.  Now add the carrots, celery, leek, onions, garlic cloves and herbs to the casserole and cook over a high heat until the vegetables are browned.

5.  Deglaze the casserole by adding the red wine, scraping the residue on the bottom of the pan and stirring well.  Add the stock to the casserole, place the shanks on top of the vegetables, cover and cook in the oven for two and a half hours.

6.  When the lamb has finished cooking, remove the four shanks to a dish and keep warm. Blend the vegetables and cooking liquor in a food processor and set to one side.

7.  For the sauce, heat the oil in a large pan over a medium to high heat. Add the bacon and fry until browned. Reduce the heat and add the carrot, celery, onion and garlic.  Cook for eight minutes until the vegetables have softened then add the thyme, rosemary, tomatoes and cannellini beans. Heat through.

8.  Pass the blended lamb cooking liquor and vegetables through a strainer or fine sieve onto the bean mixture, stir together and pour over the lamb shanks.

9.  Serve the lamb garnished with the crispy parmesan crumbs and crusty bread to mop up all the fabulous flavours.

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