

{Paleo 101 Books} Well Fed by Melissa Joulwan

I'm thrilled to share Melissa Joulwan's cookbook, "Well Fed" as part of my {Paleo 101 Books} series this month. I originally reviewed Melissa's new cookbook in mid-December 2011 and below are my first thoughts on the book! I loved the book then and I still do 4 months later! SINCE then I've made quite a few more of the recipes in Well Fed such as the Garlic-Browned Ground Meat, the Best Chicken You'll Ever Eat, Olive Oil Mayonnaise, Grilled Chicken Thighs, Scotch Eggs, Rogan Josh, and Czech Meatballs (phew!)... and they are ALL seriously awesome staple paleo recipes. We've enjoyed ALL of them (especially the chicken thighs, garlic browned meat, and the meatballs!) I hope you'll enjoy this book as much as we have! Make sure to keep reading this series as you'll have a chance to win a copy of Well Fed at the end of March! -- Carrie

Earlier this week I saw a post on facebook about a new paleo cookbook called "Well Fed.The cookbook (which is available both as an e-book and a printed soft-cover) was written by Melissa Joulwan, author of the blog "The Clothes Make the Girl." I had heard of Melissa's blog before, but didn't realize she was living a paleo lifestyle. This made me excited! I contacted Melissa immediately and asked her if I could possibly have a review copy of her cookbook. Melissa's book was not only gluten free & grain free, legume free, and sugar free... Melissa's book was also dairy free! Some paleo/primal cookbooks allow dairy in their food plan, but as I'm extremely intolerant to dairy, I was thrilled to know this cookbook could indeed feed me well.

Melissa Joulwan, author of "The Clothes Make the Girl" and "Well Fed

Melissa graciously sent me a digital copy of her cookbook.I have to say, I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting with Melissa's book... but I sat down and read it completely from cover to cover. This is a BEAUTIFUL cookbook (and I think I'll be putting the soft-cover version on my Amazon wish list!)... Melissa's unique artistic talent shines through on each page through the photography, through the layout of the pictures, and through Melissa's own personal story of cooking with family and love.

You will fall in love with this cookbook. My favorite part of the cookbook is Melissa's technical explanation of how to easily prepare your foods for the whole week in a couple of hours. She shares a wonderful technique called "Hot Plates" which shows you how to make super easy combinations of your favorite proteins, vegetables, fat, and spices to create a fun & different meal each night of the week. I have already referred to her "Hot Plate" ideas for several of our weekly meals! A completely brilliant concept Melissa!

Also included in the book is a whole chapter on recipes for different sauces and seasonings, explaining if you make a few of the sauces (such as her Sunshine sauce, mint chutney, Sri Lankan Curry Sauce etc...) ahead of time, you'll always have a great condiment to really give your homemade meals a truly gourmet touch!

Throughout the book Melissa shows you how to cook and run your home kitchen as efficiently as a  restaurant kitchen. She gives you really helpful tips and ideas on how to make cooking fun, innovative, and something you'll enjoy. And the bonus... every single one of these recipes will make you feel great, energetic, and absolutely well fed!

Please visit Melissa's blog
Also feel free to check out her book with a free 30 page preview of Well Fed


GLG Disclosure: Melissa Joulwan through her personal publishing company, "Smudge, Inc." provided me with a free digital copy of "Well Fed" for the purpose of providing a review, if I chose to do so. This is not a sponsored post and I did not receive compensation. 
The opinions in this post are my own. 

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