

Gluten Free Cooking Tips #7 -- 7 Frugal Hints

Cooking Tip#7
7 Frugal Gluten Free Cooking Tips

Just because you’re gluten free doesn’t mean cooking has to be difficult. You can still take shortcuts and use some packaged foods to make weeknight meals a little easier.

  1. Canned and frozen veggies are nearly always gluten free, especially if they do not contain additional seasoning and they are nearly always a frugal option.
  2. RICE! Jasmine rice, Arborio rice, Basmati rice, Red Rice, Black Rice, etc… rice is cheap. Nearly all kinds are cost effective and it’s easy to cook.
  3. Canned beans are cheap. Dry beans are cheaper but they take forever to cook. Need dry beans that cook fast? Buy lentils… super cheap and you like beans they make a great meal.
  4. Once or twice a month roast a chicken. You can average at least 2 meals from the meat of a 3-4 pound chicken (which generally costs about $5-$7), then you can make healthy homemade chicken stock from the carcass.
  5. Take advantage of in-season fruits and vegetables. They will usually be on sale at the grocery store when they are readily available. One of my favorite meals, especially in the summer, is simply having fresh steamed sweet corn, sliced tomatoes, and sautéed zucchini or yellow squash.
  6. Use your freezer if you have one. Saving and freezing leftovers in single portion containers is the perfect solution for weekday lunches and evenings when you don’t want to cook. Don’t have a freezer? Have a weekly dinner swap night with friends or neighbors.
  7. Make a weekly menu plan. Even if you don’t follow it exactly, you’ll have a much better idea of what meals you can make throughout the week. You’ll save money by eating at home, and your meals will automatically be more healthy and safely gluten free. 

Reader’s Tip of the Day:
“Don’t give up if something doesn’t work out the first time. Cooking takes patience and practice and you will become better and better at it as you gain more experience.” – Jennifer Y. of  AGirlWhoLovesCupcakes.

Please visit each topic in "10 Days of Gluten Free"
From: May 7th - May 18th

10 Days Gluten Free GIVEAWAY!
Included with this awesome series is a giveaway on each blog once the two weeks are over! I will be giving away a brand new copy of Carol Fenster's cookbook, "100 Best Gluten-Free Recipes." This is one of my FAVORITE gluten free cookbooks with an awesome collection of Carol's absolute best recipes.

The Giveaway Nitty Gritty: 
  • This giveaway is limited to U.S. residents 18 and older. 
  • You are allowed one entry per "10 Days of Gluten Free" blog post for a total of 10 entries on this blog. 
  • Enter by leaving a comment (WITH an email address to contact you) on this post (and other 10 Days of GF posts). 
  • The giveaway begins May 7, 2012 and ends at 11:59 pm eastern time on May 18, 2012. 
  • No purchase is necessary. 
  • Odds of winning are based on the number of entries. 
  • The winner will be randomly chosen and will be contacted by email. 
  • The winner will have 48 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond, a new winner will be randomly chosen

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