

This Week's Gluten-Free Menu: Back to a Plan

Okay, admittedly it has been MONTHS... really MONTHS since I stuck a menu plan. It's so easy to get out of the habit... and then it kills our grocery budget when we do!

So it's time to get back in the habit. The meals we have cooked over the past few weeks have been mostly pantry meals. I'm trying to clean out my freezer and our cabinets and rotate out foods that are getting close to date!

I'm going to continue that this week, although I probably will stop by the grocery store to pick up a few things like eggs and milk (almond for me, organic dairy for hubs). Our meals will also be very quick and easy, as life has been pretty hectic lately and I just haven't had time to create or make meals with tons of ingredients or that take a long time.

And as you probably know, this week has a couple of special days in it: Shrove Tuesday and Saint Valentine's Day. So I think we'll have gluten-free pancakes on Tuesday night and for Valentine's Day, M & I will just have a small meal at home followed by a glass of this chocolate wine! I saw it at the grocery store yesterday and had to pick it up! How perfect for Valentine's Day!

This Week's Gluten-Free Menu: 

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