

Life In The Fast(ing) Lane

Yes, crap pun for a title - my Dad would be so proud...

So I'm still on sick leave, despite the fact that I'm feeling healthy enough to get some exercise, or at least go outside in this lovely crisp-yet-sunny weather. But no, the GP gave me a good finger-waggle yesterday and has stamped "Laryngitic" on my forehead, so it's warm tea and bed rest for me for at least another day or so. This weekend is huge, with bumping in the stage for FAME on Saturday as well as a long rehearsal on Sunday, so the '5 day weekend' I'm taking really isn't a break.

However, the homestay side of things has given me a great opportunity to try out Intermittent Fasting. My schedule is getting a little wild in the sense that I'm on my feet, rushing around for a good 11 hours; teaching lessons, preparing for the musical, and tutoring a first-year university subject. Wild. So the ability to go without food for the majority of the day would be very handy! I already live on just breakfast and dinner, with a decent 12 hour gap in between, but when the show opens I can't afford to be hungry until 10pm! Members on staff are on board to cook food for us so there will be opportunity to eat between the end of the school day and the start of the show, but I don't fancy explaining to the staff that I only eat organic meat, vegetables and eggs! At best I could organise for someone to do a run to the local roast chicken place (free range, but not organic)... But until then, I want to get in control of my own hunger, just in case.

Yesterday I got out of bed at noon, and had The Usual (which I have still neglected to photograph), followed by a 'lunch' of prawns, and just before 5pm I had my dinner - grilled salmon fillet, sauteed red cabbage, wilted spinach and fried haloumi 'chips'. I was good and sated, and the feeling lasted right up til bedtime, which was shortly after midnight.

Today I rose at noon and prepared The Usual, and 90 minutes later had roasted zucchini and asparagus for lunch. I was planning to have 'dinner' at 4:45pm, but my beau picked me up a roast chook when he went to get his lunch at 3pm, so I tucked in to that while it was still juicy and warm. I then finished off my day's food with a pile of red cabbage, sauteed in coconut oil - heaven! So today's food is a Fast 4 rather than a Fast 5, so we'll see how that works. I'm drinking lots of water and tea to keep my fluids up, but I wouldn't usually include tea (if you're interested, I'm drinking Sencha Earl Grey from T2 Tea).

Bad blogger that I am, I forgot once more to photograph my food, so as penitence here are some shots of delicious, low-carb, primal food I've prepared recently:

A standard dinner for me on the days I miss lunch and work late - grilled chops (pork, this time), sauteed red cabbage, and fresh broccoli. Sorry about the bodgy photo - was too hungry to bother lighting it properly.

Cauliflower pizza with bacon, yellow capsicum and bacon, topped with fresh basil. If you haven't tried making a Primal pizza base of cauliflower, cheese and egg, you are missing out! Jamie Van Eaton explains the technique very clearly, and you'll never want floury cardboard pizza bases again!

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