

What's this Primal business anyhow?

There are many many fantastic blogs and websites exploring what Mark Sisson refers to as The Primal Blueprint. Rather than regurgitate all the information I have been digesting and processing for the last six months, I refer y'all to Mark's site, and to the list of blogs running to the right on my blog. I won't be summarising recent findings or anything like that, since the information is already out there for you to find (and I really don't have the time). Rather, I will be using this blog to serve as anecdotal evidence for anyone interested in the Primal lifestyle.

By the way, I started cutting sugar, grains and starches on the 1st of January, 2009. Since then, I've dropped 9kg, and am perhaps 5kg away from my ideal healthy weight. I don't exercise formally, but I walk to work, and my job involves lots of walking and standing and bending - not a lot of sitting.

I want to refer you to the following two videos which sum up the ideology and scientific background behind the Primal lifestyle in an accessible way:

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