

Getting Back Into The Real World

Today I ventured outside my front door, away from my sick bed and doonas and central heating, into the icy weather once more. Despite wearing two layers of gloves - yes, gloves - my fingers ached with the cold and my nose glowed like a beacon. Not pleasant. I didn't even have the luxury of a warm breakfast in my belly, as my fast wasn't meant to end until 11:30am. I started walking at 7:30am.

I wasn't feeling great, but more dehydrated and cold than hungry. I figured we'd be done with our musical production preparations by 11am, and I'd be home in time to eat a nice hot brekky. Yeah, nup. The guys with the stage rocked up with the wrong stairs, so they had to return to their factory out in woop-woop-land, leaving me to kill two hours from 9:30am til 11:30am. I went home, and I had breakfast.

And here's what it looked like:

Oh yes, all 300kcal cheesy goodness of it. A lovely way to break a fast - but due to the available eating time, I broke the fast two hours earlier than planned. No matter - I ended it two hours later than planned yesterday. So that balances out. :P

I wasn't home again in time to eat within the 5 hour window, so today is a normal eating day. I've indulged in some macadamia nuts to tide me over til my chicken drumsticks finish cooking (truly, if all I had for food were chickens pigs, and cabbage, I would be happy for the rest of my life). Of course, I will be sautéeing red cabbage to eat with the chicken. Obviously. Now I just have to overcome the temptation to wrap some crispy bacon around the drumsticks...

I feel like I should make a fancy dinner to photograph, but lately I've been keeping things as simple and quick as possible, since work is becoming hellish in terms of eating up all my time. I'm loving it, but even three days of sick leave haven't totally unwound my pressures. The show opens in three weeks, and it's all going nicely to plan (read: I'm very flexible), and by the 1st of June it will all be over with. June is looking pretty sweet too - no obligations except theatre to view; we've something on almost every weekend, how delightful!

But anyhoo, I will cook some exciting things soon. My brand-new French cast iron cookware arrived yesterday, and the jumbo-wok is just dying to sizzle some baby octopus and bok choy... Ironically, the item I'm missing for that recipe is the bok choy. I really wish we lived near a Macro.

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