

Six Pack Doc's 7 Day Challenge

Found a great blog today that puts pretty much everything I've been learning very succinctly, and in an imperial fashion to inspire action.

Check Out Six Pack Doc's Blog.

One of his blog posts was particularly interesting, as I've been asked by some readers (OMG I have readers!?) to be more specific about what I am doing. Well, I am aiming to live the lifestyle as laid out by Six Pack Doc for the majority of the time (with a little wiggle room for some monthly chocolate - boys, you know better than to argue with this statement.) At the moment I'm not getting much exercise except walking to work, and I don't eat fruit (am trying to stay in ketosis) but other than that, here's what being Primal is all about (if the food can possibly be organic):

"Starting this Monday (or any day of the week), can you go for one week (seven days, or one hundred and sixty-eight hours) without eating one milligram of bad food?
Specifically, do you have it in you to do ALL of the following, for one full week, no excuses?

1. Eat NO artificial sugars, sweeteners, fruit juices, honey, agave nectar, chocolate (and you know what else could come in this group), etc.
2. Drink NO alcohol, whether beer and wine, or rum, whisky, etc.
3. Eat NO grains, including rice, wheat, corn, etc., including hidden forms, for example, batter-fried chicken (the batter contains grain).
4. Eat NO processed foods at all. This includes breads, chips, biscuits, cake, savories, ice cream, pizza, etc.
5. Not eat out at all.
6. Work out or do an activity for 45 minutes every day. You could start bodyweight exercises at home, and you could climb stairs several times fast, or walk outside, or play tennis, to complete this criterion. If you are already doing exercise, increase the intensity by 10 percent and time by 10 minutes. For weight trainers, this could mean increasing your loads or your total reps or both. If you are the type who skips core workouts because you lifted heavy, then be particular not to cheat this week. If you are too busy, remember you are saying no to yourself. Take 30, then.
7. Eat (all) vegetables, except potatoes.
8. Eat (all) fruits, but no fruit juices. Do not exceed three portions a day.
9. Eat (preferably lean) meats and eggs ad libitum.
10. Fast for 18 hours on any one occasion. If you can do two, even better. The hours need to be consecutive, and may include overnight sleep time.
“But I am already doing all this, dude!” are you saying? Then this challenge is not for you. Simple. This is for the vast majority who do not manage to start a healthy lifestyle because of the lack of a stimulus. Hopefully, this challenge will spur you on, and you will try this out.
Why, one may ask? Simple. If you fulfill this challenge, it is likely that you will run up a calorific deficit of around 1000 to 1500 calories every day, leading to a net loss of two to four pounds of fat. One week.
This will show you that, by next Monday, you would have changed your health and body composition for the better. A significant first milestone.
Are you man or woman enough to do it? Can you submit your name in the comment box, and report back to all of us? I will set an example. I will do more than any of you and try to lose the most fat, by jacking up the intensity of my workouts. And I will be honest if I fail. If you can, weigh up, but this is not important. I guarantee you that sincere effort in this will make you notice the change in some way.

So to do this for a week would be a really great kick-start to living a more Primal lifestyle. And if you've got weight to lose, then all the more reason to start cutting out the garbage and giving your body the fuel it requires - and craves! Tell me - would you really prefer to sit down to a plate of this:

or to something more like this:

The latter was my dinner. Oh yes. Lamb chop fresh from Dad's latest beast; a pork chop fresh from, er, Coles; organic rocket, red cabbage, spinach, zucchini and parsley. I am more than sated, and well prepared for a fast!

What did you eat?

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