

PCO: What are polycystic ovaries?

Having very recently been diagnosed with PCO, and having had to tolerate the entire lack of information available online regarding the condition (it's all about PCOS instead), I've decided to dedicate a post to its discussion. It is very relevant to the Primal lifestyle, particularly the lower-carb versions of it, as practiced by myself and countless others.

For this post, I will be drawing on the published pieces of information regarding PCO as written by my doctor (Dr. Graeme Edwards, Collins Place Medical Clinic), as well as one by the ultrasound specialist I consulted (at Monash Ultrasound for Women).

What are polycystic ovaries (PCO)?

PCO are ovaries which contain an excessive number of primordial follicles. (Despite the name, there are no cysts, so the condition should really be called polyfollicular ovaries). These follicles are tiny fluid-filled sacs which contain the eggs. An ultrasounds of the ovaries during the reproductive years usually shows, on average, 5-12 follicles in each ovary. When more than 12-15 follicles are present, the ovary is called 'polycystic'. This itself does not cause adverse symptoms and should not be confused with PCOS.

Normal: less than or equal to 12 follicles
Borderline: 13-15 follicles
Mild: 16-30 follicles
Moderate: 30-50 follicles
Severe: more than 50 follicles, as a general guide - these women usually have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), associated with infertility, increased facial hair, and a disturbance of hormone levels.

What is the cause of polycystic ovaries?

In a normal menstrual cycle there are usually 5-10 follicles at the beginning of the cycle. Later in the cycle usually around day 14, one follicle gets bigger (leading follicle) and shortly thereafter ovulation takes place with release of the egg. The remaining eggs regress and disappear before the next cycle. These events typically occur every 4 weeks and result in the monthly menstrual bleed. With polycystic ovaries, this cyclical sequence of events does not take place. Instead, no leading egg develops and there is a build up of small immature follicles with successive cycles. Despite extensive research no single cause explains this variation from normal.

PCO is very common - it is estimated that 1 in 3 women have them. For most, this does not cause a problem and is often left undiagnosed unless they have difficulties becoming pregnant. Even in this case, many women achieve ovulation and therefore pregnancy with minimal drug involvement.

PCO is a genetic condition, and tends to develop during your 20's. PCOS usually develops much sooner, with symptoms appearing when a girl is around 16.

PCO causes a mild hormone imbalance which may cause one or more of the following:

1. Acne
2. Irregular, infrequent periods
3. Slightly reduced fertility
4. Oily skin
5. Mild hair excess on face, nipples or pubic area
6. Some degree of resistance to your body's natural insulin


Exercise - this burns up sugar and helps lower the strain on insulin which helps your ovaries.

Keep weight low - increased weight increases resistance to insulin in everyone.

Low carbohydrate, low GI diet - all carbs except fibre and metabolised to sugar, so low carbs lowers the strain on insulin which helps your ovaries.

Oral contraceptive pill - this treats the hormone disturbance and stops the ovaries trying to make more follicles.

If trying to become pregnant, simple agents like Metformin (which decreases your resistance to insulin) or the fertility drug Clomephene may be needed.

This image is a mock-up of what severe polycystic ovaries look like, as well as an ultrasound - much worse than mine!

But what does this mean for our beloved blogger?
Aw, you guys, I'm touched by your compassion. :)

Well, I only discovered that something was not quite right when, thanks to my rapid weight loss in January, my cycle was thrown out, resulting in multiple periods, and I stopped taking Yasmin (my BCP) to allow my system to sort itself out again. However, after five months without a period, I consulted my awesome doctor and he sent me for an ultrasound and a blood test (for my hormone levels). My blood work returns showing perfectly normal hormone levels, but the ultrasound showed 12 follicles on one ovary, and 16 on the other (borderline-mild PCO). No hairy nipples, just in case you were wondering. (See "Edit:" section below for more thoughts on this.)

I would love to know whether or not I do have a resistance to my body's natural insulin. My weight issues could easily be chalked up to this, but I am more than aware that the sheer amount of garbage I used to shove into my cake-hole (including cake) without putting on weight suggests otherwise. It took a lot of work to put on that weight, and I didn't have much trouble getting rid of it the few times I actively watched what I ate or exercised. I just never stuck with either program long term. Even eating 'healthfully', I was watching the fat intake rather than the calories/carbs, and we all know where that ends up... However, if I do in fact have mild insulin resistance, my doctor claims that I will never achieve any real sensitivity to insulin thanks to PCO (without using Metformin, but I don't believe in taking drugs unless absolutely necessary), so I'm grateful that I thoroughly enjoy living the Primal lifestyle, and that I'm not in the trap of using low-carb as a temporary fix-it bant. At the same time, I would hate for my nipples to suddenly sprout shrubbery, so I'm even less tempted to every cheat and/or return to my old eating habits. However, from talking to people who have overcome the symptoms of PCOS (one of which is PCO) through treating the hormone issue, I kind of wish my condition was that easily remedied.

As happy as I am sans period (such a relief; there's a reason it's called AMENorrhea!), I've been instructed to resume taking my BCP to control the amount of follicles I produce (i.e. none now). I was intending to do so anyway, just waiting for a period so I could just back on. Now that I know that I rarely ovulate, if ever, it's a bit of an annoyance to have to go through menstruation unnecessarily!

I hope this post helps others out there who have PCO or recognise the symptoms even if undiagnosed, and I'm glad that this condition is being thoroughly researched all over the world, including studies here in Melbourne. It seems bizarre to me that a condition which so obviously can affect fertility can be present in 1/3 of the female population. It's impossible for us to know whether this is a result of diet or lifestyle, since it has been impossible to diagnose until recently, but logic tells me it can't simply be a flaw in the human design... The claim about PCO being inherited through genetics also raises my eyebrow, since its commonness and its symptoms tend to clash with that concept. Here's hoping that the mystery is solved soon - more for those with PCOS than for folks like me who miss a few periods.

Edit: I wanted to add a current theory I have developed based on my own experiences, in case others have had a similar experience, or can disprove my theory.

I began eliminating sugars, grains and starches on the 1st of January this year, and lost weight rapidly, from Day 1. I had just finished my period, and was therefore taking my pill as usual. However, seven days into my diet (3kg down, mostly water weight) I began to menstruate, and it continued for 14 straight days. (In the meantime I lost another 2kg.) I continued to take my pill, and after a week without my period, my pill cycle was up, and another period was triggered. It was at this point that I decided to take a break from the pill to allow my hormones to sort themselves out.

So here's my theory: let's say than the hormones (estrogen & progesterone, etc) produced by my body is hX and the hormones supplied by my pill is hY. In the first week of January, I began losing weight, and as a result my hX levels were disrupted/lowered. As a result, my body thought I was no longer pregnant (as Yasmin told it I was) and shed the uterine lining. Meanwhile, hY was still doing its job, so the lining was replaced, but then shed again once hY was no longer being supplied (sugar pill week). I stopped taking hY, but hX has not 'normalised' in order to trigger a normal cycle. This may sort itself out in time, with or without the reintroduction of hY.

Here's the other theory: at some point during the last three years (taking hY), my natural levels of hX screwed up (possibly due to my diet and the eventual development of insulin resistance - though actually my diet in the past five years has been much lower in carbs and GI than it was in prior years) and my cycle was only functioning correctly thanks to hY.

My situation could well be drawing on both theories, but I'd love to hear from anyone who had strange menstrual irregularity when initially losing weight, whilst also taking a BCP. A long shot, but hey :)
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Carnivorism - The Final(-ish) Tally

Thank goodness for Saturdays, where I actually have time to weigh-in and measure bits of myself and relax and post on my blog!

I am now easing myself off the all-meat way of eating, by adding eggs back into my daily intake, and trialling dairy to see how my body reacts. So far, there have been no noticeable reactions to anything, other than my stomach's disapproval of my mindless weak green tea slurping last night (we're talking about 3L of water with one tea bag in a couple of hours, thanks to cold weather and ineffective clothing for warmth).

Physiological changes (external):

As I stated at the beginning of this experiment, my waist and hip measurements are pretty much where they will forever be, as those two areas are almost down to the bone/muscle. I might be able to lose another couple of inches off my waist, but I expect that will be one f the last areas to trim down completely (if at all). At the moment, I'm carrying my excess weight in the area between my waist and my hips, and also on my thighs. Nonetheless, there was very slight improvement in both my waist and hip measurements, including a quarter of an inch lost from my total hip measurement. My bust measurement diminished by about an eight of an inch, all from my back. Lingerie shopping last week demonstrated that I am no longer a 14E but a 12F (probably a little more than F but that's the only size the gorgeous Pleasure State bra was available in!).

The primary change that I noticed was in the state of my legs. My cellulite has diminished considerably, resulting in a change in the overall shape of my legs. My calves are much smoother; rather than the noticeable calf bulge I've had for most of my adult life (looks like a big muscle but is actually just where the fat gathers, leaving a line that looks like your socks were too tight), my lower leg is a shapely curve, with no pinchable fat except just under my knee. My thighs have trimmed down as well, with the outside of my thigh becoming much smoother and shapelier, and the inner-thigh fat loosening further. I have noticed some muscle development in my legs as well, despite no change to my exercise routine. From what I have read, this is not all that surprising given my increased intake of protein. I have kept this change in mind when analysing my scale results. I really wish I had taken measurements of this area at the beginning of this experiment, for your sake. For myself, I can see my progress reflected in my jeans.

My muffin top is still present, but is jigglier and smaller than before. My gut is sticking out further than usual, as always in periods of fat loss, so I have a delightful 'womanly bulge' below the waistline of my clothes. I personally find that particular factor of human fat storage repulsive (up there with lunchlady arms - got them too), so I have been wearing stockings to help disguise it. My arms haven't made any noticeable progress except to swing ever lower thanks to fat burning. Thank goodness the weather is still cool. And yes, I work my triceps :)

Finally, my skin has enjoyed the fattiness or my diet, with the dryness-prone skin on my hands suffering less than usual. I'm not sure whether this is purely a result of cooking with fat and therefore oiling my hands more often, or whether fat intake has contributed to this result.

Physiological changes (internal):

Since I know you're all dying to know - I did not have any elimination issues. When I originally started eating low carb and had veggies at Induction levels, I noticed that my bowels moved less often, so I was prepared for that. I'd say I was going once every three or four days, over the two weeks, depending on how much I ate. I never felt in the least bit bloated, my already rare burps and flatulence became non-existent, I only noticed digestive noise when I was guzzling water in the evenings, and as I rarely felt hunger, my stomach only seemed to growl when I was waiting for meal time (emphasis on time - on days where I was not at work, and therefore not practicing scheduled mealtimes, I never noticed any rumbles despite sensations of actual hunger after six or so hours without food. A nice reminder of why I should ignore rumbly tummies).

Since I never noticed any particular fluctuations in my energy levels prior to this experiment (however, I certainly did before starting a primal lifestyle!), I can't note 'improved' energy levels, but I can state that I never suffered flagging energy levels at any point during the two weeks, including the days where I tried fasting. I ate three meals most days, but varied this to include days where I only ate a big breakfast and a big dinner, or fasted through breakfast to eat a good lunch and a substantial dinner. A couple of times I found myself wanting to eat in the late evening, usually on days where my caloric intake was less than 1500kcal thus far, and followed my hunger. My system certainly seems to approve of my following my 'gut instinct' when it comes to eating times.


I upped my caloric intake in the second week to average 2300kcal per day - my previously suggested BMR. As a result, my weight stabilised at 79.7kg (give or take 200g) throughout the week. This result suggests that my BMR is no higher than this approximate figure, so from this point I am scaling back my caloric intake to find my healthiest average deficit. At the same time, I may have gained some muscle in the past week or two, so I am treating this aspect of the experiment very loosely. I am not fussed about the rate of fat loss at this point, in terms of what the scales tell me, so I catch myself shrugging off gains and losses, or forgetting to weigh-in quite a bit lately. Plus, I'm fighting the negative motivation of the fact that my favourite Review blouses are no longer slim-fitting around my waistline, and instead hang almost loosely from under my bust! Must invest in some sort of flattering belt, but it's difficult whilst I still have a muffin-top to content with...

Where to from here?

My plan is to maintain a ZC lifestyle for the majority of the time, with a few vegetables to accompany one meal a day, on average. Fruit is most certainly on the back-burner for quite a while. Nuts may resume their position as a snack to take to work, but I want to keep them out of arms reach for a while yet. As always, no refined sugar, grains, starchy veggies, legumes, nor high-lactose dairy will cross my lips, unless there is an incredibly persuasive reason for it to do so! And now that I have been diagnosed as one of the 33% of all women with polycystic ovaries, a result of which is mild insulin resistance (and I'm not going to take a drug if it's not necessary to do so), I have even more reason to stay true to the Primal lifestyle!
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Today's Tucker (Zero Carb Edition) - 31/07/09

Tomorrow, the full round-up, I promise! My mornings have been a blur of late, with long days of work, and events in the evenings... Thank goodness for a nice, empty weekend ahead of me! (Admittedly, it's already filling up quickly!)

Adding in more eggs today, and a teeny bit of cheddar cheese...

Breakfast: two fried eggs, bacon, and anchovies!

Lunch: two lamb sausages

Dinner: beef eye fillet (medium-rare, divine!), and cheeseburgers of beef mince and egg, topped with cheddar). Very happy to still have meat as the main event in the meal as I test my reactions to the other primal food groups (plus low-carb dairy).

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Today's Tucker (Zero Carb Edition) - 30/07/09

Today was meant to be a weekly measure-up after two weeks of meat-only, but I barely had time to cook up breakfast and lunch, so tomorrow's weigh-in will have to suffice! But in the meantime, some overall feedback:

- Didn't really notice any changes, except for good energy levels - no fatigue at any point, although I haven't had much in the way of that for months now.

- No digestive issues: fewer bathroom visits, but no bloating or pain or anything uncomfortable.




Yep, those are scrambled, fried egg yolks on top of the barramundi - adding eggs back into the mix! Then it'll be a little dairy, and I'll start adding vegetables back in come next Thursday.
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Carnivore: Day 14

Today completed a fortnight of eating nothing but meat, and while I will do a proper measuring up tomorrow, I will say that I feel really good, my energy has been very stable, I haven't had any digestive issues at all, and have noticed some nice boosts in muscle tone and skin texture.

Skipped breakfast - cooked up some sausages, but packed them up to take to work, and only ate them when hunger finally kicked in (around 11am):

Snacked/lunched on a tiny tin of tuna in water, just in case dinner was to be delayed... Then headed into the city for a girly night at the movies!

Dined at Tomodachi at Melbourne Central:

A selection of sashimi.

Wagyu Beef & salmon roullade, on some greens which I ignored completely.

Hm, didn't end up taking in many calories today, but still managed over 50% fat, so hopefully things will be ok for my last meat-only day! Sure ended glamorously, if not with a resounding bang!
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Carnivore: Day 13

Last night, I got a bit peckish, so I whipped up some lovely lamb chops, fried until rare:

So as a result, I wasn't in the least bit hungry for breakfast this morning, so I decided to fast through the day. Packed a couple of tins of tuna/salmon, just in case, but they remain untouched for another time.

Dinner: minced beef, bacon, and spoonfuls of lard!

Second course: chicken breast with skin (cooked up mainly for the boy's late dinner, and figured I might as well give it a try. Boring snoring.)

Long days for both of us here, no energy to type or even think... Time to read in bed!
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Carnivore: Day 12

Weight: 79.7kg

Breakfast: a HEAP of bacon!

Lunch: leftover roast chicken

More after getting home from work, including picking at the carcass, with my teeth! Ahh, the rib meat is the sweetest!

Dinner - entree: sardines (for the first time in my life)

(Yeah... I don't like them. I managed to eat 3 pieces... Tasteless blech.)

Dinner - main: bacon and minced beef, cooked in a generous serve of bacon grease!

Now, that's definitely a winner!!
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Carnivore: Day 11

A quick post, since I need to get some preparation done before tomorrow morning's classes, and I've spent most of the day otherwise engaged - family stuff.

Weight: 79.7kg

Breakfast: bacon, and minced beef in lots of bacon grease. Mince looks so gross in photos, but here's a sexy shot of bacon in all its glory:

Lunch took place as a small restaurant beside Lake Wendouree in Ballarat, where I requested a steak with bacon. The photo is on the boy's iPhone, so I'll transfer it here later, but suffice it to say that I was served a well-done sandwich steak, with a couple of pieces of burnt shortcut bacon. Oh yum.

Dinner - entree: half a crayfish tail with a little butter for dipping

Dinner - main: roast chicken - drumsticks, wings and skin!

Phwoar - I won't be hungry again for a good long while!
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Carnivore: Day 10

Well, with an eye toward upping my calories and fat, I knew I'd have to do my best to 'indulge' whenever possible, since my dinner was pretty much out of my control...

Weight: 79.5kg

Breakfast: lamb forequarter chops (for which I have now found an organic supplier, woohoo!), smothered and fried in lard

Lunch: The boy was soooooo hungry (sugar junkie!) while we were out shopping, so he headed over to Grill'd while I took the opportunity to indulge in some salmon sashimi, ignoring the bed of carrot, of course:

Our shopping trip was devoted to my favourite items - meat & lingerie! Fear not, the following photos deal only with the more interesting of the two... :)

A quick breakdown of the haul:

Biodynamic/Organic Butcher - four lamb forequarter chops, 2 lamb backstraps, four beef sausages, and four lamb sausages. Also, as pictured in the lower-left corner of the image, pig fat! All minced up and ready to render :)

Fish market - tray of sardine fillets, rainbow trout fillets, barramundi cutlets, calamari rings, and 1/2 a crayfish.

Organic chicken market stall - 1kg skin-on fillets, 1kg drumsticks, and 1 spatchcock.

Supermarket - bacon and anchovies. They get less of my money each fortnight.

All that came to under AU$150, and should last at least a week. That covers all of my daily food intake, as well as the boy's dinners. Huzzah!

Ate some bacon after unpacking everything, to tide me over until dinner at the boy's work Christmas In July party. Good thing too, whilst the entree arrived promptly - -

(Prawns were tastier than overall dish's presentation would suggest - didn't eat the 'other stuff' of course)

- - the main took another ninety minutes to arrive!

Fairly nice rib-eye once it did arrive, specially requested sans sauce and veggies, though slightly over-cooked by my preference, but not nearly as well-done as some others. Some bizarre inconsistencies marked an otherwise charming evening, spending time with charming people. Look, here are some charming people now...

Don't we scrub up nice? And as you can probably ascertain, I haven't had the figure nor confidence to pull off a slinky evening dress before, and while my figure isn't yet perfect, I had a lot of fun showing some skin and not having to worry about the old bulges!

Finally, my ego received a thorough stroking from Ryan Robitaille, thanks to his recent Fun Friday Potpourri Post, where he linked to the wisdom of Dr. Michael R. Eades, the inspiring Mark Sisson, and... me! Thanks Ryan!
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Carnivore: Day 9

On the basis of the last week's results, I have decided to up my calorie target to 2000, which in broad strokes means I'll just be eating until I'm full, up to three times per day. I'll be adding more fat (lard, etc) to help boost my count and my satiety. But it's important to note that I don't calculate any of my figures until after dinner, when I log all my food, so while my target has shifted, my regimen has not, so sometimes I'll miss that target. I hope to learn what 2000kcal looks like quite quickly - from last week, I suspect it's just what I've been naturally consuming.

Anyway, today was practically a perfect game in that respect, and boy am I full! (Oh, I ate dinner four hours ago, just by-the-by...)

Breakfast: two lamb forequarter chops - yummy, my favourite, and fattier than usual! Oh, I wish I could find an organic supplier of this cut, it's just divine. And super-cheap at the conventional supermarket. It'll have to remain occasional for now though, to avoid the growth hormones etc. :(

Lunch: a chicken breast/wing quarter from the roast chook last night. There weren't any clean forks in the staffroom, so I camped out and my desk and ripped it to pieces with my hands. :) No time to photograph it. I'll just assume you know what a chicken breast and wing, covered with succulent, seasoned skin looks like...

Dinner - Entree: I made grilled barramundi fillet for the boy, so had some for myself while my dinner roasted, and served with a few anchovies. It's not pretty, but it was damn tasty:

Dinner - Main Course: cooked up a whole pack of chicken drumsticks since our freezer is chockers and yet I'm picking up my pig fat tomorrow, ready to render it, so I needed to make a space. Coated the drumsticks in fat, and a sprinkling of thyme:

To my delight, some excess fat ran off and out of the drumsticks and fried up into tasty 'crisps' across the tray. Yum! I'll definitely have to try and replicate their wonder!

Tomorrow night I'm off to a cocktail ball, and I plan to wear a slinky black dress... A big step for me! Fortunately, it's very low-cut, so hopefully I can distract eyes away from my remaining bulges by popping a boob out if absolutely necessary... I'm hoping that whatever meat they serve won't be basted in sugar - I am planning to eat something before I go, not too much (to avoid the cobra-swallowed-a-mouse outline), but I'd still like to eat at the function. The boy has sent an enquiry into the matter, so fingers crossed... But going by the place's usual menu (there's no function menu online), there's rib eye and Filet Mignon and all manner of fish and veal and other meaty goodies, so I'll probably be ok as long as I can ask them to hold the sauce. Wish me luck (both for eats and for my first outing in stilettos in a long time!)
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Seven Simple Rules For The Human Carnivore

Here is a simple how-to guide from the great Owsley "The Bear" Stanley, a zero-carb eater for over 50 years. This guide was originally published on Zeroing In On Health. After a comment about organ meat, I wanted to share The Bear's opinions on the matter, and this is a concise way to do so:


1) Eat only from the animal world (eggs, fish, redmeat and fowl and some dairy are all animal sourced foods, i.e.: meat).

2) Eat nothing from the vegetable world whatsoever. (Very small amounts of flavourings such as garlic/chillies/spices/herbs which may be added, are not ‘food’).

3) On diary: avoid milk and yoghurt (heavy carbs- lactose), use only pure (not ‘thickened’- heavy) cream (read the label), cheese and unsalted butter.

4) Don’t cook your meat very much- just a little bit on the outside- for flavour- blood-rare or bleu. For this reason I advise against eating pork.

5) Eat liver and brains only very infrequently- they are full of carbs.

6) Be sure to have plenty of fat of animal origin at each meal and eat mostly of the fat until you feel you have had enough- you can eat more lean at this point if you like- calories are not important, nor is the number of meals/day. Vegetable oils are not good food.

7) You do not need any supplements of any kind. Drink a lot of water and do not add salt to anything.

That is all there is to it.

DO NOT obsess over what you eat, follow the rules and it will become second nature, and you will not have to think about it at all. What you eat is a social conditioning, most people will never alter their diet from what their mum fed them as babies, only those rare individuals who have a strong will and desire for a normal-sized, healthy body can do it. Even the grossly obese have trouble with my path. You may feel low on energy for a few days or weeks, but as soon as you keto-adapt to zero-carbs that will pass and your energy will be increased.

GGP - So while I'm 'obsessing' in order to track this experiment, I actually feel much more freedom, since I can eat when I want, until I'm satisfied, without having to think about carbs or calories. Calories aren't calculated until I log my food in the evening, and is sometimes higher that I would let it run if I were truly obsessing. And the inverse - some huge meals end up being far lower in calories than my sated sensation would suggest! :)
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Carnivore: Day 8

Weight: 79.4kg

Breakfast: part of a gigantic pork chop, which originally looked like this:

And then looked like this:

However, my stomach was not prepared for such a meal so early in the day, so I ate all the fat and some of the lean til I was stuffed. I think I put away about 150g, and the rest (another 250g) went into the bin.

Good thing I filled up well on breakfast, as I missed out on packing any lunch. The tuna that I had waiting on my desk for such an occasion mysteriously disappeared... Possibly eaten... By me... Last week...

Survived comfortably until dinner, where I fried up some beef eye fillets, and picked up a roast chicken (now I definitely have lunch for tomorrow organised!):

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Carnivorism - The First Week

My breakfast today:
No, seriously.

I must admit, I expected going meat-only to be much more difficult than it has proved to be. My early pangs of wanting veggies and eggs passed quickly, and I have been happily filling up on meat for each meal, with some green tea to stave off the late-night munchies. (Context of green tea - I use one bag in my 1L+ pot, which tends to be refilled three times per evening. So the 'tea' is really just a bit of a taste to differentiate from plain water, which I drink during the day. Other than that one sad bag, it's just meat and water for me!)

There has only been one day during which I only ate one kind of animal, an event due only to my big sleep-in, and my limited choices at a restaurant. Every other day I've eaten from two, or usually three different species - four if you count my fish oil capsules :)

I have been eating considerably more calories than I usually do, and yet the scale reports otherwise...

Here's a day by day breakdown, with approximate figures via Spark People (same nutrition database used by FitDay, etc). I tend to over-estimate portions rather than under-estimate, but I do use a kitchen scale so meat is usually spot-on accurate. Then it's just down to fat/protein variation in the cut:

Day 1
Weight: 80.7kg (I weigh in every morning, so this is Weight Zero, start of week)

Calories: 2075
Fat: 127g
Protein: 232g

Day 2
Weight: 80.6kg

Calories: 2100
Fat: 171g
Protein: 134g

Day 3
Weight: 80.1kg

Calories: 1650
Fat: 131g
Protein: 110g

Day 4
Weight: 79.8k

Calories: 1783
Fat: 109g
Protein: 193g

Day 5
Weight: 79.7kg

Calories: 2816
Fat: 213g
Protein: 209g

Day 6
Weight: 79.9kg (taken late in the day, too cold to get up and weigh in at the usual time!)

Calories: 2300
Fat: 179g
Protein: 168g

Day 7
Weight: 79.7kg

Calories: 1629
Fat: 166g
Protein: 124g

Day 8
Weight: 79.4kg

Calories: 1400 (plus more from extra chicken skin, mmm!)
Fat: 108g (see above)
Protein: 147g

Tallied up, that makes the difference between my starting weight of 80.7kg and this morning's weight of 79.4kg a lovely 1.3kg loss! As I've said, my weight slipped down to 79.3kg over the holidays, a two week block of sleeping in all morning, eating small meals, and getting very little exercise, so some of that 'loss' may have simply been due to less food in my system, and maybe even a little muscle waste. I also tend to see that getting adequate sleep shows results via the scale, no matter how much I eat during my waking hours. So, given that the holidays are over, that I'm back at work ( and therefore considering a full seven hours of sleep quite good fortune), walking to and from work as well as walking, standing and lifting books/tubs all day, and eating plenty of food, it's safe to say that I most certainly have lost fat in this past week.

My 'ideal caloric intake for fat-burning zone,' so the Intarwebz tells me, is between 1450 - 1650kcal per day. As you can see, most days I was well over this figure. I have broken through the ceiling of this limit in the past, usually courtesy of nuts, and I can assure you that weight loss was NOT the result.

My percentage of calories from fat was 60% at a minimum, and - if memory serves - reached 75% on at least one occasion. This is right on target in my quest to align my intake with the advice of ZC experts. The only goal that seems to be inaccurately set at the moment is caloric intake - I will be shifting my target to around 2000kcal per day for the next week to see where that sends me, given it was my average over the past week. Note: I eat what I want, until I am satisfied, and log everything after dinner. So if I fall over or under my calorie target, I won't know it til I'm done eating for the day. This doesn't bother me at all - I'm not obsessing over this - but hopefully will not skew my results.


Too early to spot any real change, although I have lost perhaps 1/4" from my waist. Also, the cellulite on my thighs seems to have lessened significantly... I knew I should have measured them! But the whole area is much smoother, less obviously dimpled. This is very good news - I had all but given up on ever having legs that I felt okay with showing off, since my Mum is quite slim but still has dimpled thighs. Still a long way to go in that area - my thighs look like they're set to be the last place to slim down. Ah well, there are still four months until summer... :)

So, my plan is to continue this way of eating for at least a month. My body has obviously adapted to the carnivorous lifestyle comfortably - apart from the early variety cravings, I have had no physiological issues whatsoever, and preparing meals has not been a problem. Breakfast is usually prepared fresh, including leftovers for lunch if dinner had not already provided some. Today, in fact, I thought I had tinned tuna at work, but I didn't, yet I wasn't hungry until I had completed my obligations for the day. When I arrived home, I was still happy to postpone eating until the boy arrived and we could have our delicious dinner... Eating a big (if calorically small) breakfast probably helped, since today was a killer!

Next Thursday I'll complete another summary post - until then, I shall continue to log my daily eats. Deepest apologies if you are getting sick of photos of chops and drumsticks. So very sorry. I will try and find time to make the odd recipe, even if I don't get to taste my own creations. I wouldn't mind trying my hand at Tur-duc-ken... ;)
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Carnivore: Day 7

Weight: 79.7kg

Breakfast: Bacon

Lunch: two pure meat sausages

Dinner: GIANT pork chop and crackling

Doesn't look so big? Well, that's at least 25cm long, and weighed in at over 400g when raw. If I feel hungry before bedtime, I'm taking myself straight to the ER!

Tomorrow will be the end of my first week as a carnivore, so I'll do the full measurements (not expecting any change though, since this isn't that different to my old WOE) and also a tally of my calorie/macronutrient counts per day, just for those playing at home.
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Recipes: What's A Girl Gone Primal To Do...

...when all she's serving herself is meat, yet she craves and misses cooking up exciting primal food?

She cooks for her boyfriend! Ah, how progressive and feminist of me!

She also does this at 11:30pm. Normal, right?

Ok, so the boy needed some breakfast, and since I don't allow him to buy his overpriced and unhealthy "Norganics" (a brand, but really means 'not organic[s]') granola anymore, I make it for him. Easy peasy, and I'm also scaling back the amount of rolled oats I use every time, so he'll be fuller and have better control over his blood glucose and health. (Shhhh....)

Sweet-Tooth Granola


Rolled oats
Chopped nuts (I use walnuts and almonds)
Dessicated coconut
Seeds (I use sunflower and/or pumpkin)
Egg whites
Sweetener (I use Splenda since he is such a sweet-tooth, but you could try dehydrated honey or maple syrup)
Ground cinnamon

Ratio that works - about one egg white for every three cups of nuts/coconut/seeds/oats.


Preheat fan-forced oven to 150°C.

Combine all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

Place egg whites in a small bowl, and beat until frothy. Pour over dry mixture, and stir until thoroughly combined.

Line baking tray(s) with baking paper, and spread mixture evenly over paper. Place in oven, checking every five minutes.

Once the ingredients begin to brown slightly, remove from oven and stir to break apart any clump. Replace in oven until golden - your nose may help detect the perfect toastedness of the nuts. :)

Remove from oven, allow to cool, and store in an air-tight container.

Serve with cream, fruit, or on its own! My boy loves it with defrosted blueberries (and milk, ick. At least I've rid the house of low-fat milk!)

Now, in the course of making the granola, three egg yolks were orphaned and set for the trash since I'm all-meat at the mo'. Instead, I decided to put together a tasty frittata for beau's lunch:

Primal Frittata Lorraine (or something)


3 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
2T pure cream
50g bacon, cooked and diced
30g cheddar cheese, diced
1T dried thyme
1t butter/coconut oil
3 thin slices tomato

(This is to make one very generous serving, and I bet it would easily serve two people as a side or light lunch)


Preheat oven to 100°C.

Whip eggs and cream together until frothy.

On your stove's lowest setting, over your smallest element, melt butter in tiny oven-safe ceramic saucepan (well, it's what I did, and it worked perfectly).

Add egg mixture, thyme and diced bacon. Allow to cook gently, stirring to lift cooked sections away from the base and sides so that other liquid may set.

Once most of the mixture has set, add diced cheese and stir together gently. Top with the slices of tomato.

Remove from element, and place in oven. Bake until top of egg mixture is set.

Remove from oven, allow to cool slightly, and then carefully remove from pan. I had prepared myself for a disappointing extraction, as the ceramic pans sometimes do not favour eggs, but low sustain heat did the trick - check out my perfect bottom:

(Yes, pretty ordinary photo, but I couldn't resist the pun...)

Et voila (so sad that the only available lunch container ws a tad narrow for the perfect roundedness of the frittata):

Serve with crisp green veggies.

So that's what the boy is eating tomorrow - he now informs me that his work will be providing lunch for him tomorrow, but since it will probably be boring old sandwiches, he might eat the food I made for him instead. Oh, and he eventually remembered to say thank you. Men, huh? :P

(By the by, love, we're having pork roast for dinner. What, free-will? Never heard of it...)
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Carnivore: Day 6

Too cold to spend time weighing in this morning - bed to shower, no stops!

Breakfast: minced beef with lard, served with bacon

Lunch: more mince

Dinner: lamb forequarter chops - very late dinner, after returning from a screening of Coraline

Feeling very full now! I need to prepare something for tomorrow's lunch, but preparing food is the last thing I feel like doing!
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Carnivore: Day 5

Weight: 79.7kg

Breakfast: two sausages, and bacon

Lunch: two chicken drumsticks

Dinner: Porterhouse steak, medium-rare, fried in lard!

Loving it! Feeling great! Wooo! :)
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Carnivore - Question From The Comments

Michelle said...

reading with interest. are you eating eggs? butter? whole health source advocates both for vit k2...? also, are you counting calories/how many are you eating? how do you figure out how many calories you need to eat on this type of diet? how long do you plan to do this? i found ZIOH a while ago but never truly went zc because i would get too bored after a few days. a life without salad? seems extreme! can't you get most of the benefits with VLC?

Hi Michelle!

Nothing but animal muscle and fat for this experiment. I know that technically it can be argued that eggs are 'meat' but the yolks do contain carbs so I am excluding them for now. I imagine they will become part of my diet again once I'm done with this, since my body loves them and I love the variety they offer. I'm not using dairy for the same reasons. I do believe that eggs and some dairy are fine, but I have read so much extolling the virtues of the meat-only diet, that I'm trying it for myself, for the benefit of others who may not have the willpower I possess (my Mum would call it stubbornness, whatever) :) I'm actually not in the least bit bored - Day 2 I was getting over it, but now I have no problem with veggie temptations. Variety in meat helps, I suspect.

450g beef provides the currently suggested daily requirement of Vitamin K, or so my online research tells me (and I eat 500g+ meat every day, easily, for this experiment). I eat high quality, organic meat to ensure I am receiving nutritious meats that have as much similarity to the goodness of wild animals as possible. So long as the animals are raised on their native diet (i.e. not grains!), they tend to be much higher in essential nutrients (whether taken in through diet, or produced by the animal) that factory-farmed meats, so the levels may well be higher than what tells us :)

Calories - not worrying too much, but earlier on my weight-loss journey I established that if I sit on my bum all day long, my BMR is around the 1800kcal mark, making my fat-loss window between 1450kcal and 1700kcal without adversely affecting my metabolism. First two days of carnivorism, my calorie count broke 2000kcal, yet I lost weight after both days. My sleep-in on Saturday meant I had a small brunch and a huge porterhouse steak, resulting in a total count of 1650kcal. Yesterday, I almost reached 1800kcal. (And today, now that I'm editing post-dinner, I nearly reached 2100kcal, approx.) I'll include my calorie counts in my weekly check-in posts from now on, but I'm really not watching it. I'll eat when I'm hungry, til I'm full. I track my food with Spark People, which happens to count calories, so that information is available circumstantially. As an experiment, it is interesting, but it's not something I'd follow in the long run. Of course, that's one of the bonuses of carnivorism - it's very difficult to over-consume animal products without sugars/carbs, and it seems that most people don't see much in the way of fat gain no matter how many kcal they put away. With my background of being overweight, I wouldn't push it though, once I'm at my ideal weight.

Timeframe - open. Originally, when meat-only seemed totally boring, I was hoping for a full week. Now, I'm thinking more like a month. We'll see :) Of course, if my results (fat- and health-wise) are overwhelmingly positive, boredom will be an inadequate reason to end the experiment!

If I am to be honest, I never believed in 'salad' as a food. Vegetables, whether salad or cooked, are the side dish of flavours to support the meat. That was always my upbringing. Mum usually served us a few kinds of veggies with dinner, maybe some sliced tomato with whatever we were having for lunch... Going primal made me eat many more veggies than I had before, but I still never filled up on weeds, they were always to dress up the meat. I've never actively realised this before! While I was living at University, I was living on chips (the frozen kind, cooked in generous piles and scoffed with sauce) or pita bread with pizza sauce and cheese, served with celery. No wonder I was always sooo hungry! That was not a pretty time for me, weight- or health-wise. Not enough meat! And my partner's enjoyment of pasta served with nothing but pasta sauce from a jar has always made me gag a little. One of the reasons I learned to cook was because I was sick of him serving me 'plain' pasta so often! I immediately learned how to do stir-fries, combining his preference for noodles/pasta with my instinct for meat (and some veg). Much better, setting us both on a path for better health. But I'm wandering tangentially...

VLC is poorly defined. Is it Atkins Induction with two cups of veg? Is it animal products only? What I like about meat-only is that it's a clear end-point, from which I can choose to reincorporate various foods and judge scientifically my body's response to them, without too many confounding variables. It goes without saying that grains and refined sugars will never be part of my diet; I may ultimately resume the primal lifestyle since it works very well for me, with perhaps a little more restriction on the frequency of fruit and amount of veggies, given my recent learning. I'm not predicting the outcome. I like this journey of discovery and learning, keeping it as pure as possible, with me just along for the ride. :)

Thanks for the questions!
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Carnivore: Day 4

A lovely, restful day, filled with tasty meats, and frying things in lard!

79.8kg (yep, that's almost a kilogram dropped since the beginning of the all-meat experiment, but still not as low as my lowest weight - 79.3kg ten days ago, so is still within the realm of a fluctuation)

Breakfast: two pure meat sausages (I bought a bunch of beef sausages and lamb sausages from my organic butcher, who didn't label which were which, and I can't tell the difference! But either way, it's red meat, without any filler, and delicious!) fried in dripping!

Lunch: two chicken drumsticks, roasted in lard

Dinner: two lamb chops (a lovely, fatty cut, much like a forequarter) fried in lard

Reading today:

The most frequent question asked of me since beginning this experiment has been, without fail, 'but don't you need fibre?' From what I've read, nope, and certainly not in the quantities extolled by those supporting the ingestion of whole grains. Some starting points to read why - Dr. Eades' effective allegory poking holes in conventional wisdom, and Carnivore Health posts Lex Rooker's Q&A regarding all forms of fibre, right down to seemingly innocent leafy greens.

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a font of information, and I am slowly making my way through the wealth of knowledge presented on their website. Two good starting points relevant to zerocarb: Know Your Fats, and The Ethics of Eating Meat: A Radical View by Charles Eisenstein, thoughts which ring very true to my own ideology, especially growing up on a sheep and cattle farm.

Other than that, I've been spending time on the Zeroing In On Health forum, learning from more experienced peers. As independent as I am, it's very helpful to read the experiences and ideas of other carnivores. It's also an excellent boredom battler - when I'm reminiscing upon the fragrance and tastiness of my pumpkin soup, I can read a ZC'er wax lyrical upon the many virtues of the ribeye steak. Yum!
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