

Beginning Proper Zero-Carb Test Tomorrow!

Ok, there are no more snackable nuts in the house, I bought even more meat from the organic butcher, and have asked them to keep bags of frozen pork fat for me to pick up (and later I can ask for suet etc, but that's in shorter supply since their beasts tend to arrive pre-trimmed). So from tomorrow, it's meat only! I will only be supplementing with eggs and some dairy if I'm not getting a 60/40 balance of fat to protein, minimum.

No point in photographing today's food for your viewing pleasure - two chicken drumsticks for brunch (missed breakfast, then couldn't wait for lunchtime), and two chicken leg quarters for dinner. Washed down with the last of the almonds.

I have also received my first shipment of Mark Sisson's Damage Control Master Formula - good timing in case my meat only diet doesn't meet all my needs despite my quality of meat, but bad timing since I won't be able to evaluate the diet and the supplement separately. However, I can say for now that after taking the supplement last night, I woke up this morning before my alarm and felt more refreshed than usual despite my delayed bedtime, and I did not have the weird headache sensation today like I had experienced every other day in the past few days. So something's working!

I'm going to weigh in and take all my measurements tomorrow, so I can track any progress properly. I hadn't taken measurements for a while, but I've been on the scales, yet while in the past couple of days my weight has gone up a little, I had an awful time finding a flattering outfit this morning since my favourite shirts weren't hugging my waist the way I like them to! And I couldn't find a belt anywhere! Maybe I should stop buying such nice, figure-hugging clothes until I have the figure I was made to have. Or, start splashing out on some nice black patent-leather belts... Hmmm, what a difficult decision... And then I'll need shoes to complement the belt... And handbags...

That's right, I'm on an all-meat diet, and I'm still so girly it hurts. :)

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