

In celebration of weddings!

This morning I snuggled in bed with my own Prince Charming and watched the Royal Wedding take place. It was a magical event and I loved watching every single minute of it. The love between the Prince and his bride was more than apparent and brought back such sweet memories of my own wedding... so if your heart is still fluttering from the lovely wedding this morning, I thought you might enjoy seeing pictures of my (much less extravagant, but just as beautiful) wedding nearly 7 years ago! (Wow!) And I indeed married a Prince! Love this guy!

On a sandy beach in eastern NC, October 2004

barefoot on the beach

the kiss!

the embarrassing giggle afterwards! :-) 

one of my favorite shots... 

this was actually my high-school prom dress:  re-purposed! 

Isn't he handsome? He hasn't changed one bit in 7 years!

Loved this (gluten-FILLED) cake! It was beautiful! I still have a few of those starfish lingering in my freezer, I don't have the heart to throw them out! And  you have to love the Hardees cup in the background... 

Michael -- the night before the big day... I love this!

Happy Royal Wedding Day everyone!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

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