

This Week's Menu -- Back to Paleo

I'm discovering more and more paleo food blogs each week. Every now and then I'll find one that lists a weekly menu. I LOVE seeing new ideas for paleo meals -- I'm still so new to this way of living, that I need all the help I can get!. (Here are a few to check out: So Simply Good, Aseafish Out of Water, Easy Paleo, and Paleo On a Budget.) 

Over the month of November I ate a lot of carbohydrates... AHH-LOT... gluten free stuffing, pumpkin pie, chocolate, chocolate, (did I mention chocolate?), cheetos (I know... I know...) My waist line expanded and my energy levels dropped like a rock. If there's anything I learned over past month it's that carbohydrates are truly like a drug to my body. I CRAVE them when I start eating them, they wreak havoc on my body, and yet and it's hard as heck to quit the cycle once it's started. 

So this week my focus is to get back to the basics: lean meats, eggs, poultry, fish, lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, and almond flour bread for a sandwich or toast if needed. 

It's funny how so often we inherently KNOW what our bodies need, but without proper planning it doesn't happen. This week I hope to make it happen!

Snacks over the next few days will be gluten free & soy free beef jerky, pistachios, fruit (bananas, ripe pears, and apples), and assorted nut butters from Artiana. Artisana sent me a lovely package of nut butters to try. Every one of them has NO sugar added and are generally a mix of two butters which taste incredible. I cannot wait until my budget will allow me to buy about 3 jars of these nut butters to take to work! My favorite butters have been the Cashini butter -- which is a mixture of cashew butter & sesame seed butter and has the texture of a very smooth peanut butter and the pecan butter. All of these butters are really smooth and creamy and just have an amazingly fresh taste. I'd definitely recommend them if you're a fan of nut butters! 

Lunches as always are leftovers or homemade soups. (Have you heard of the CrockPot Lunchcrock? It's supposed to be a really small little crock pot that you can take to work and it will slowly heat your meal so it's ready by lunchtime... I WANT ONE!) 

Dinners This Week: 
  • Monday -- Gluten Free Homemaker's Sausage & Zucchini with a spinach salad
  • Tuesday -- Everyday Paleo's Beanless Chili
  • Wednesday -- (Blast from the past SOS, also called) Chipped Beef Gravy (made with almond milk or coconut milk and thickened with coconut flour) served on almond flour toast with steamed broccoli
  • Thursday -- Simple Ground Turkey & Vegetable Soup (will be in my upcoming "The Everything Gluten Free Slow Cooker Cookbook, coming Fall 2012!)
  • Friday -- Leftover Paleo Spaghetti Goulash from the freezer
  • Saturday -- Our small town's yearly Christmas parade! Making dinner for friends-- Pizza Soup minus the gluten free pasta with toasted almond bread cheese sandwiches (mine will be made with Daiya
  • Sunday -- Roast Chicken with mashed sweet potatoes, green beans, and cooked apples

**Check out hundreds of other weekly menus at I'm an Organizing Junkie!**
**For more gluten free menu plans check out this week's Gluten Free Menu Plan Monday hosted by Cheryl at **

GLG Disclosure: Artisana Organic Foods provided me with a free sample of their nut butter & coconut oil products for the purpose of providing a review if I chose to do so. This is not a sponsored post and I did not receive compensation. The opinions in this post are completely my own.

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