

This Week's Menu -- Featuring "paleo pizza" and "potroast" meatloaf

We spent Easter weekend relaxing and being creative at home. I made three gluten free Easter cakes for friends and neighbors. I practiced decorating. I spent a lot of time writing. I made deviled eggs, coleslaw, and cupcakes. We spent Easter afternoon with M's family. I watched a LOT of Chopped episodes (that show is absolutely addictive!)

My goal this week? To eat all dinners at home, or at least to have food from home instead of resorting to eating out, which we do way more often than I care to admit!

This Week's Menu:

A menu for me is simply a starting point. I know I have the ingredients to make these meals, so these are the options we have for any day of the week!
  • Sunday -- Easter Dinner with family: ham, potato salad, coleslaw, deviled eggs, green beans, etc... 
  • Monday -- Our special Easter Meal at home: rack of lamb with steamed broccoli and baked sweet potatoes (have a feeling there will NOT be any leftover lamb!)
  • Tuesday -- leftover Peruvian Chicken with red potatoes and green beans (from my slow cooker cookbook coming out this fall!) 
  • Wednesday -- "Potroast" Meatloaf (I'll make this in the slow cooker) from Jamie Oliver's old "Food Revolution" cookbook with a fresh salad. 
  • Thursday -- Breakfast for dinner -- scrambled eggs with pico de gallo, turkey bacon, bananas
  • Friday -- Paleo "pizza" from the Well Fed Cookbook with a salad or steamed veggies.  
  • Saturday -- paleo chicken nuggets and zucchini latkes from Eat Like a Dinosaur -or- Rat on a Stick from ELAD! I have the red curry paste to try that!! 

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