

This Week's Menu -- Featuring super quick & easy recipes

Over the past year I've learned that generally I function better with a schedule. A nightly routine, a morning routine, a work routine, an exercise routine, etc... SO when it comes to meals... I feel a lot more prepared and healthy when I have a menu plan. It's a great tool to stay organized with your meals. When I plan a menu, I plan a very flexible menu. Even with a schedule, being flexible is key to making it work. So if I don't get around to hamburgers on Sunday night, I'll know we have the ingredients to make them on Tuesday or Wednesday.

I try to make at least two meals ahead of time for really busy nights, or even to take as lunches if we don't get around to eating them for dinner. The past three weeks we've been really successful at having breakfasts made to take to work with us. My husband and I both seem to have more energy and function better when we start the day off with a healthy amount of protein! I'll post my recipe for our favorite mini-omelettes later this week to show you how easy it is to make quick breakfasts ahead of time!

This Week's Menu

Saturday -- Quick Chicken Stirfry with snowpeas & mushrooms. Simply brown bite-sized pieces of chicken in a large pan in a little bit of olive oil. Add frozen stir-fry vegetables (or fresh veggies -- whatever you want!) Add coconut aminos or soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic powder, sesame seeds, and a little s & p. We serve over spinach. (We eat everything over spinach! lol The spinach will slighly wilt, and there's no need to cook it! Instant veggie pasta!)

Sunday -- 50/50 burgers (From Eat Like a Dinosaur by Paleo Parents) served over spinach with a slice of tomato, and lots of avocado slices, baked french fries

Monday -- Simple tuna salad (1-2 cans of tuna mixed with 2-3 diced boiled eggs, a little mayo, a little relish, about a tablespoon of dijon mustard, s & p) served on raw zucchini "crackers" (sliced zucchini), will probably eat with some homemade applesauce if I have time to make it.

Tuesday -- Baked chicken breasts (seasoned with garlic powder, s & p, and olive oil), served with steamed broccoli, and baked acorn squash with butter and cinnamon

Wednesday -- "Rat on a Stick" (From Eat Like a Dinosaur by Paleo Parents) with apple bacon coleslaw, made with red cabbage

Thursday (Maundy Thursday) -- Breakfast for dinner -- scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, sliced avocado, bananas or apples

Friday (Good Friday) -- Our traditional Good Friday meal of homemade chicken soup in the slow cooker (homemade chicken stock/broth + carrots, peas, onions, celery, garlic, s & p -- this can simmer all day -- about 2 hours before serving add 2 cut up chicken breasts and add them in.. you don't want them to overcook all day)


Quotation Inspiration -- Find a quote that inspires you and share your thoughts.

I love this today's prompt! I have several books of quotes, thoughts, and scriptures that I keep around my house. Lately I've been reading through Patches of Godlight -- Father Tim's Favorite Quotes. The quote that I keep turning back too has been this one from C.S. Lewis:
As Christians we can't love the whole world. But we should remember that God has placed us in a specific community at a particular time. We're called to love those around us. Loving them means serving them and in doing so we become the best of citizens. -- C.S. Lewis
I love that this quote (and while geared towards Christians) it can really speak to those of any religion or belief.

I asked my husband what this quote said to him. He said he felt it called people to lead and minister by example and not necessarily by words. That actions speak louder than words.

The quote makes me think of a well known phrase, "bloom where you are planted" -- which can be so hard for us to do. It's often much easier to see the grass as greener on the other side. To wish for the time when we're the perfect weight or when life will be better under the perfect circumstances. There's a purpose to where you are right now and it's a good reminder to take advantage of what you have and the people around you. It's a good reminder to live well, even if your circumstances aren't what you would like them to be.

Love your neighbors. By sharing your gifts, talents, time, and even sometimes your money, you're loving the people around you. And that's what genuine community is all about. Sometimes when you're in the midst of something hard, by giving something, by sharing a talent, by volunteering -- it not only shows other people you care about them (and we all need to know someone cares), it will help you feel better about yourself.

Share a quote that's been meaningful to you lately! 

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