

Slow Cookin' with Jenni of Spoonful at a Time

I don't know if you've met Jenni yet or not... but she's a new gluten-free blogger in the Triangle area of NC and I think the world of her. 

I had the opportunity to meet Jenni at this year's first Raleigh Gluten-Free Expo. She was representing Triumph Dining (and did a smashing job if I do say so myself, I believe her booth of Triumph Dining books was completely sold out by the end of the day!)

Jenni's keen sense of humor and wicked awesome sense of taste make her a true asset to the gluten-free food blogging community. Jenni loves to share recipes, share gluten-free traveling tips, and write product and restaurant reviews. 

I asked Jenni several months ago if she would like to review my cookbook on her blog and do a giveaway. I was completely thrilled when she agreed. And I truly could not have asked for a more honest and thoughtful reviewer! Jenni tried no less than SIX recipes from my book and shared her successes along with the recipes that didn't turn out quite so well for her... which I LOVED. I'm so glad she was honest in how the recipes worked and what she learned in the process. I really hope it will encourage lots of people to use their slow cookers more often and to see how versatile they can be!

And the best part? Now YOU have ANOTHER chance to win a signed copy of my book! Jenni is having a giveaway RIGHT NOW on her blog that you can enter! I hope you'll head over and enter her contest, tweet it up, and share it on facebook. And while you're at it... subscribe to Jenni's blog for awesome recipes, product reviews, and a great read. 

And after you've done all that make sure to read about each recipe Jenni tried over the past week!

Jenni, thank you so much for spending so much time with my book and sharing about it on your awesome blog! 

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