

This Week's Menu -- Back to the Grind

Spent nearly all last week near Jacksonville, Florida with my husband's sister Lisa and her family. It's the first time we've had the chance to visit her since she moved to Florida several years ago. And we had a blast.

Yet... it's time to head back to work tomorrow and life as "normal." Although, I was pretty okay with "life as normal" being traveling, eating delicious foods somebody else prepared, and pretending I didn't own an alarm clock. :-)

But as much as I love vacation, it's time to get back into a daily routine. And I know full well that overall I function much better on a routine.

So to jump right back into a routine I'll start with our weekly menu.

This Week's Menu: 

  • Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner -- scrambled eggs, fruit salad, some sort of vegetables... 
  • Wednesday: Leftover vegetable beef stew, from the freezer
  • Sunday: sandwich night while I prepare a few meals for the next week! 

Breakfasts: mini omelets, soaked oats
Lunches: leftovers or turkey sandwiches with homemade applesauce (pg. 48 from the new cookbook!

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