

Sugared Gingerbread Cake Donuts (Grain/Gluten/Dairy Free)

I sent a bunch of these tasty donuts up to Ben's work today. This is the email he sent to his marketing team to let them know they were there for the taking. I think this boy might just have a future with words (for the record I don't really understand half of what he says on a regular basis, but it sounds good)....

"Good morning everyone! My periodic and somewhat serendipitous
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Dr. Drew, you owe the celiac community and Jennifer Esposito a BIG apology!

Today's post actually is being shared with permission of Nikki Everett and her daughter Erin. Please make sure to read through the end of the post and then visit the site to help 11 year old Erin ask Dr. Drew for a well deserved apology to the celiac community. 

To see Nikki's original article about this issue please visit her Charlotte, NC ROCK gluten-free support group website

Nikki & her daughter Erin
Hi Everyone,

If you have not seen the interview with Dr. Drew and Jennifer Esposito which took place 11/27/12, it has caused quite a stir in the community. The misinformation and total mishandling of celiac disease and leaky gut syndrome, not to mention Jennifer Esposito's claims of illnesses, was unacceptable.

Erin, my daughter, was so angry from watching it, she has written the following to send to Dr. Drew's show:


Dear Dr. Drew,

Hi, I am an 11 year old girl that watched your show and hope to help you with your knowledge of celiac disease. First of all, not everyone has diarrhea, there is also constipation with celiac disease. They have to take your blood in tests or an endoscopy to diagnose celiac. Celiac disease is not a disorder it is a disease. When you called it only a disorder, that hurt my feelings because I am a celiac and I know what its like. It seemed like you have no clue what other kids and families go through when they find out they have it.

I was sick for many years but no one knew what was wrong. We went to doctor after doctor. They tried to tell me it was all in my head! On Halloween night, when I was seven years old and I went trick or treating,
I came home and was so sick to my stomach. I was throwing up all night long with my mom by my side. That same week I went to the doctors because I wouldn't eat anything and lost four pounds. My doctor did the same thing you did - example; "I think she has constipation nothing more, that would solve the hurting of the stomach." It kept on getting worse. My mom demanded that they do an endoscopy. They did and found out
I had Celiac Disease.

Mom started a R.O.C.K group. It stands for Raising Our Celiac Kids. One time when the kids and I were at one of our meetings, another girl came up to mom and said that she hadn't ever been able to eat a cake at a party in years. All the mothers were tearing up and mom felt joy in her heart. You see, we face people not believing our disease is as serious as it is all the time.

Please take the time to learn more about celiac disease and gluten free living, so you don't make anyone else as sad as your show made me. We need people like you to educate others and spread awareness about this horrible illness. No one should feel ashamed of this disease.

Thank you for reading!

Erin R. Everett


We will be sending it in today and ask that you help us by signing and sharing the petition we have made on

Let's stand together and let mainstream media know that they cannot discount the seriousness of this disease because so many still suffer needlessly
and struggle to get diagnosis.

Thank you,
Nikki Everett

Director of Event Coordination
ECHO Event Solutions
Gluten Sensitivity Seminars, LLC
Founder ROCK (Raising Our Celiac Kids), Charlotte, N.C.

Please take a look at our GF/AF Expo Press page to see
what kind of exposure our vendors and presenters get from participating
in our events at
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How to Cook a Sugar Pumpkin -- The Easy Way

Last month Crock-Pot came out with this little vintage retro 4-quart slow cooker. It looks like the kind your mom had in the 70's... and what can I say? I couldn't resist. (Thankfully, I have a policy of getting rid of two old things in place of buying something new, so my kitchen is not overrun with slow cookers!)

It's a super cute, tall, round slow cooker. It works great for soups and stews and a round loaf of gluten-free bread. Not so great for a meatloaf or a roast chicken... but you know what fits PERFECTLY? Yep... a sugar pumpkin! One of my favorite ways to cook other types of squash such as acorn, butternut, and spaghetti is using this why not pumpkin!

You may have to shorten the stem if it's too tall to make sure it fits with the lid on, but that's it. That's all the prep work. No cutting through a rock hard pumpkin, just stick it in the slow cooker. Add a little water so it won't burn on the bottom... and voila... 8 hours later on low heat... perfectly cooked pumpkin.

Just remove the stem, scoop out the seeds and stringy stuff inside and then scoop out the pumpkin. Easy, home cooked fresh pumpkin!

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December Sanity Challenge 2012 -- A Peaceful Holiday Season

Image created by the lovely Jennifer Yandle Photography & Design

December... a time actually meant for rest, reflection, creativity, and self-care. But is that what you think of when you envision December? I don't. It often can mean a never-ending to-do list. A focus on gifts, gifts, gifts... christmas cards, ornate decorating, doing everything possible to create a picture-perfect Rockwell holiday. And really, it was just a painting. A lovely painting... but it's not what the holidays are all about.

For me, December is a time to reflect on the journey of Christmas. As a Christian, it's a deeply spiritual time of remembering the miracle of Christ's birth. It's also a deeply spiritual time for many, many other religions and beliefs. It's a time to honor our friends & family. It's a time to rest and rejuvenate.

But so often with sparkly lights, weeks and weeks of Holiday sales starting the actual DAY of Thanksgiving now (ironic, no?), and holiday party after holiday party... it's no wonder we can lose sight of the serenity of the season.

Last year was the first year I participated in Cheryl Harris' December Sanity Challenge. It was truly a gift to realize that I didn't have to be a part of the "crazy-ness" of Christmas. That I really could stop worrying about being perfect, measuring up with the absolute "right" (ie.. expensive) gifts, keeping up with friends & relatives spending enormous amounts on gifts and food. The holiday didn't have to be about "keeping up."

So once again I'm accepting this December's Sanity Challenge. I want to enjoy a peaceful, less-stressful Christmas. And you can too.

Cheryl suggests making a few concrete goals for the season. So here are the goals that I want to work towards this December:

  • I will write down three things I am thankful and grateful for every day. 
  • I will enjoy a dessert/sweet treat/baked good only once per day and in a small portion (1 small muffin, 2 small GF cookies, etc...) 
  • I will take a short 15 minute walk outside at least 2 times a week, both for letting go of stress and to encourage myself to exercise more. 
  • To help with our budget this month, I will not buy anything new (used or thrift store items okay) for myself. See Leo Babauta's challenge this week for my inspiration to do this for the remainder of the year... and I would actually like to pursue this in 2013 as well. 

This year's December Sanity Challenge will be hosted also by the following bloggers:

As a little added incentive, for each post on your intentions and your progress you link back here or one of the other co-hosts, Cheryl is offering a $50 gift certificate and I am giving away two brand-new signed copies of my "The Everything Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Cookbook" after our monthly event is over.

From Cheryl: "Last, but not least, we do have a FB group – if you’d like to join, you’re more than welcome. It’s a space to support and be supported, and it’s the same one we used during our last Self-Care Retreat."

To get a “flavor” of past retreats:
July Self-Care Retreat and the December Sanity Retreat.

I hope you'll join us in having a sane, peaceful, and joyful Holiday season!

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Thanksgiving with my Dad

I've had many, many kind emails and comments over the past few months asking about my Dad and his recovery. We traveled last week to spend Thanksgiving with my Dad. It was the first time I've seen him out of the hospital since July and he's doing great. He's using a portable "left ventricle assist device," more commonly referred to as an LVAD. He's getting around great with the device and is slowly building up more and more muscle strength every day. He can do all of the regular daily activities that you or I do, he just does it with the the LVAD unit.

I'm incredibly thankful I also was able to spend some time with my sister and my nephew Chris as well!

We spent a few hours hanging out on the porch with Dad. (Notice the very appropriate"Beatles" cup on the table!) The weather was absolutely beautiful on Thanksgiving day and it was unseasonably warm, especially in the sunlight.

It was good to see my Dad wearing his signature Carolina-blue ballcap again! (GO HEELS!) We noshed on some baby carrots, pepperoni sticks, and Dad and Michael enjoyed cheese and crackers while the bird was finishing up in the oven.

See that there kitteh on Betty's lap? That kitteh is around 22 years old! My sister brought him home when she was in elementary school!  You can also see some of the equipment my Dad uses in the above photo. He is wearing the LVAD controller at the front, and the battery packs are on both sides of his belt. 

Betty's classic ruby red cranberry sauce. It was delicious with the turkey. I wish I had gotten a photograph of our entire meal, but we served: turkey, two types of dressing (gluten-free included!), baked sweet potatoes, a spinach/artichoke casserole, cranberry cobbler along with Betty's cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and gluten-free gravy. Now that I think about it... we may have been lacking in the green veggies department... lol!

The star dessert was this lower sugar "Almond Joy Impossible" pie. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it (I'm sure the chocolate chips which melted along the bottom layer had nothing to do with it!) We also made a Cheryl's vegan pumpkin pie and my chocolate chip cookies -- both of which were also big hits!

On Sunday I noticed this beautiful rose on Betty's rosebush. I'm sure it's probably the last of the summer roses and it was absolutely stunning in the midst of brown and orange fallen leaves and a chill in the air. I hope your Thanksgiving was just as lovely!

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Rustic Homemade Marshmallows W/Honey (Corn/Egg free)

These marshmallows have half the amount of sugar than average homemade marshmallow recipe. Sweetener amounts can't really be reduced more without affecting the stabitly of the marshmallow.

Rustic Homemade Marshmallows W/Honey

(Gluten/Corn/Egg/Diary Free)

Check out the instructional video at the bottom of the post

1 cup filtered water (split into half cups)

2 1/2-
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Cumin Honey Salad Dressing Recipe

My favorite shredded cabbage

Last night was grocery night, on grocery nights in addition to getting a week's worth of food, it's also the night I try to buy something super quick for dinner. Because after grocery shopping who wants to spend hours making dinner? (Well, I don't... lol) I bought some of our favorite chicken salad from a local barbecue chain and some sweet potato patties (you southerners will know what those are... lol.... my husband loves them!)

And to round out the meal I decided to use up a package of angel hair coleslaw I had at home. Why do I buy pre-cut cabbage? Because it's easy, that's why... :-) And it makes awesome low carb gluten-free "noodles"... no, it really does! Try the 'angel hair coleslaw' in your chicken soup!

But I wasn't feeling it for a mayo-based coleslaw. So I decided to play with the recipe they had on the package which was for a basic vinegar & oil type dressing.

I made a bunch of substitutions since I didn't have everything the recipe called for. We tried it and it was good, but it needed something. I asked Michael to taste it and tell me what was missing. He tried it and thought for a minute and then said, "Vinegar. It needs some bite... and maybe a little more honey." 

He's getting better at this than I am. 

Because he was absolutely right. That's exactly what it needed. A little bit more bite. A little bit more sweetness. Voila... a brand new, no-mayo coleslaw! 

And the fresh parley throughout the mix.. seriously awesome! If you're a fan of cilantro, use that instead, it will really enhance the flavor of the cumin.

Cumin Honey Dressing for Salads
free of gluten, dairy/casein, soy, and eggs
adapted by Carrie & Michael Forbes, from a recipe on the Dole Angel Hair Coleslaw package
printer-friendly recipe

1/4 cup good olive oil
3 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons white balsamic raspberry vinegar (I used this kind, but use any kind of balsamic vinegar!)
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon freshly chopped parsley
1 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper

In a medium-sized bowl whisk together all ingredients. If using immediately add 1 (10 oz.) package of salad mix or shredded cabbage for coleslaw. If saving for a future use simply pour into a glass jar with an airtight lid. Will keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

PS... we also added sliced almonds and toasted sesame seeds to each serving! Really good.

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Easy Butternut Squash or Pumpkin Porridge; A Nut & Egg Free Breakfast

This is definitely one of our go-to breakfasts! It's so easy: I just get up an hour before breakfast, throw the squash in the oven and then read a book and drink some tea. 45 minutes later.....we have the wonderful sweet aroma of squash/pumpkin, ready to come out of the oven. The kids love it because they can build and create their own custom breakfast bowls with all their favorite
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Those days, those weeks...

Ever have those days?

I'm looking at my blog calendar and amidst the giveaways and the book reviews are blank empty spots to be filled in.




Some weeks are like that. This blog is a big, wide-open, blank canvas and there are days, I simply have no idea what to fill it with.

The momentum has changed. I love cooking and I love writing... photography not so much. But that's no secret.

It seems like every season brings change.

Change to the leaves, to the scents in the air as I leave work in the afternoons. Change to diets, change to the list of books on my reading list.

What's next? I really don't know.

Some days I want to write stories. Some days I want to cook. Some days I'd rather just observe and watch. Lately I've picked up my crochet needles again. It's that time of year. Many afternoons I'm contemplative and I want to simply write out those thoughts and feelings. And more often than not these days, I'd rather stay away from any electronic device for weeks at a time. Who needs Facebook? Facebook can make you feel like others lives are more fulfilling than your own. And that simply isn't true. It's one of those tools of this day and age which needs to be used in great moderation or it can steal your joy.

My neighbor stopped me in the driveway yesterday. Came to return a dish. Apologized for not filling it with something in return. I smiled. And she sighed and simply said she was tired. She went on to talk about the things in her life that were extremely challenging for her right now. The frustrations that come from owning an old house. And just life in general. I listened, not really knowing what to say. But I wanted to help.

I wanted to invite her over for my grandmother's tea. To come into my messy kitchen. We'd push stuff out of the way on my overcrowded kitchen table and just enjoy the moment. Different families, same frustrations.

Life has just been like that... messy, overcrowded, days of frustration, days of absolute joy.

How do you sort it all out? Are you a contemplative type? Do you ever feel overwhelmed, even when things are good? Do you question what direction you need to be headed? If you're doing things right on your blog, in your journal, in your life?  What are you working through right now? Do blank empty spots face you as well? How do you work through those moments?

I'd love for you to share your thoughts in the comments below... and there's an anonymous option to leave comments, so you can be completely honest and totally anonymous if you'd like too.

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This Week's Menu -- Whole Life Nutrition Recipes

On Friday I had the pleasure of sharing about the current giveaway on, 2 brand new, signed copies of  "Nourishing Meals" by Ali Segersten and Tom Malterre. There's only a few more days to enter to win a copy, so make sure you go and leave a comment ASAP!

We are actively trying to change the way we eat around here. While we've never really had a "bad" diet... we are truly trying to incorporate more whole foods and especially more vegetables and lots of  'em.

One area of cooking I have always been challenged in, is how to prepare a wide variety of fresh vegetables. I really want to learn how to make whole foods that my husband will truly enjoy. Granted it will take a bit of effort on his part as well... but he's willing... so now is the best time ever to learn!

My husband wants to lose a few pounds and while I also want to lose weight, more importantly I want to lower my cholesterol and triglyceride numbers. I've been battling those numbers for years and I truly need to get in control of my health. So right now, BEFORE the holidays I'm pledging to do that.

I'll still enjoy holiday treats, but it means in the days before and after I'm going to actively try to eat as many healthy, whole foods meals as possible.

For this weeks' menu in celebration of Ali & Tom's awesome cookbook, I'm making recipes from their website. Feel free to click through to the recipes and make them as well! Let me know what you think and how you are able to feed your family more whole foods.

Don't forget to enter to win a copy!

This Week's "Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen" Menu: 
  • Thursday:  fried eggs over medium, served on Kale with carmelized onions, and going to attempt steamed, mashed cinnamon, nutmeg carrots
  • Saturday: leftovers
  • Sunday: Fish Tacos with avocado, salsa, and cabbage

Breakfasts: leftovers mostly, possibly soaked oats, maybe scrambled eggs
Lunches: are always leftovers

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Book Review & Giveaway: Nourishing Meals By Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre, MS, CN

Book Title: Nourishing Meals -- Healthy Gluten-Free Recipes for the Whole Family
Authors: Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre, MS, CN
Publisher: Whole Life Press
Copyright: 2012
Available for sale: Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen and 

Several months ago before my book was published Ali Segersten was kind enough to send me several copies of her newest cookbook Nourishing Meals. I was thrilled to receive Ali's cookbook. You see Ali cooks the way that I WANT to cook. I'm still learning how to use and cook whole foods on a daily basis. I grew up eating a lot of convenience foods and I still rely on many of them today (like canned vegetables and fruits, quick cooking rice, etc...) I want to learn how to make more healthy, but delicious vegetarian meals using as many fresh ingredients as I can. This book will be KEY in getting started!

Ali's beautiful new book has an incredible way of making whole foods seem simple and delicious. Her pictures are enticing and down-to-earth. Chapters at the beginning of this book extensively cover the how's and why's of celiac disease and the gluten-free diet, why their is a rise in food allergies and sensitivities, and how to raise healthy children. 

At the beginning of each recipe chapter Ali shares helpful and fun tips about the foods the cover chapters. She shares ideas for creating balanced menus, packing school lunches, quick snacks, healthy and fast breakfasts, etc... These tips alone are worth the cost of the book!! 

Ali & Tom have created a whole foods cookbook that not only makes healthy organic vegetables and fruits enticing to cook, they encourage you to learn more along the way. They want to help you and your family eat well. They believe in the power of healthy foods and reading this book will make you want to start cooking their way too. 

From their website here is additional information about their new book:

Here is what you’ll find in the Nourishing Meals Cookbook:
  • How to raise a healthy eater
  • Key nutrients for pregnancy and childhood and contributors of deficiencies
  • How to pack a healthy school lunch 

  • Creating balanced family meals 

  • Vegan, vegetarian, seafood, and meat main dishes
  • Nutritional benefits of soups and stocks 

  • Tips for getting your children to eat more vegetables
  • Tips for a quick, nutritious breakfast
  • Charts for soaking and cooking whole grains 

  • Wholesome gluten-free breads and muffins, including sourdough recipes
  • Healthy snack ideas 

  • Alternatives to refined sugar 

  • Nourishing grain-free dessert recipes 

  • Ways to preserve the harvest, including recipes for lacto-fermented vegetables

Here's a sample recipe from Ali's new book shared from their online store

image & recipe shared with permission of Ali Segersten 

From Nourishing Meals, pg. 103

I like to make these savory grain-free, protein-packed pancakes on a summer morning before we head out for the day. Combined with a green smoothie they create an energizing breakfast! These store well in the refrigerator, but if you prefer to make a smaller batch halve the recipe. Top each pancake with a dollop of sour cream or Cashew Sour Cream, and chopped parsley if desired. -- Ali Segersten

4 large organic eggs
3 cups grated zucchini
¾ to 1 cup almond flour
½ cup minced onion
½ to 1 teaspoon Herbamare or sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
olive oil or butter for cooking
Mix all ingredients except the oil together in a medium-sized bowl. Batter will thin a little as it sits.

Heat a 10-inch stainless steel skillet or cast iron skillet over medium-low heat. Be sure to heat your pan long enough before adding the oil and batter, otherwise the pancakes will stick. Add about 1 tablespoon olive oil. Drop batter by the ¼ cup into the hot skillet. Cook for a few minutes on each side. Repeat with remaining batter, adding a little oil or butter to the skillet before cooking each pancake.

Yield: 10 to 12 pancakes

Kitchen Tip: A well-seasoned cast iron skillet keeps pancakes from sticking to the bottom of the pan and is especially useful in this recipe.


This giveaway is now over!
Our winners were chosen by (and have been contacted by email):
Congrats to # 32, Melisa
and # 76, Joyce

The Giveaway:
  • I am giving away TWO signed copies of Nourishing Meals by Ali Segersten & Tom Malterre.
  • This giveaway is limited to residents of the 48 contiguous United States aged 18 and older.
  • One entry per person.
  • Enter by leaving a comment below on this post AND please include a way for me to contact you -- your email address preferably.
  • The giveaway begins November 9, 2012 and ends on November 14, 2012  at 11:00 pm eastern time.
  • No purchase is necessary.  Odds of winning are based on the number of entries.  
  • The winners will be randomly chosen and will be contacted by email.  The winners will have 24 hours to respond.  If the winner does not respond, a new winner will be randomly chosen.

GLG Disclosure: Ali Segersten provided me with a free copy of "Nourishing Meals" for the purpose of sharing an online review, if I chose to do so -- ALONG with 2 brand new, signed copies to giveaway. This is not a sponsored post and I did not receive compensation. The opinions in this post are completely my own. 

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Almond Flour's Dirty Little Secret (Omega-6)

Lately I've received a number of emails with questions concerning the high omega-6 levels in almond flour and the related concerns about this causing inflammation and other health issues. There's a lot of science wrapped up in this issue but rather than link you out to a bunch of stuff to read I'm just going to give you my simplified answer.

The key to the "omega" issue is balance. Here, I
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Crock Pot Chicken Parmesan

This is the time of year when you need 
a few crock pot recipes for the busy days.
We were going on a long Fall hike for the 
afternoon and I knew we'd be tired and hungry
 when we got home.
 I put this together after lunch.
 Dip the breasts in the egg.
Combine the breadcrumbs with parmesan cheese, 
salt, and pepper. Add Italian seasoning if you are
 using plain breadcrumbs. Coat the chicken well.
 Put into an oiled crock pot and cover with cheese. 
I used muenster because that's what I used HERE.
 Pour the sauce over.
Cover and cook about 5 hours on low.
 If you like it extra cheesy, you can add another 
slice of cheese, or save some of the cheese to 
put on top for the last 10 minutes.
It will get melty-cheesy-good.
Sprinkle with fresh Parmesan and serve over pasta.

Crock Pot Chicken Parmesan
3-4 boneless chicken chicken breasts
about 1-1/4 lbs
1/3 C Italian breadcrumbs
1/3 C grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 t pepper
1/4 t salt
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 T olive oil
1-2 C shredded mozzarella or
 2-3 slices mozzarella or muenster
1 jar (26-oz) marinara sauce
Grease the inside of the pot
with the olive oil.
Cut the chicken into portion size if large;
In a shallow pie plate combine the breadcrumbs
(add 1/2 t Italian seasoning if using plain),
parmesan, pepper and salt
In another shallow pie plate lightly beat the egg.
Dip the chicken in the egg to coat both sides,
then dip both sides in the crumbs, pressing on to 
coat well. Lay the chicken in the pot.
 Lay a slice of cheese on each breast. 
Cover with the sauce. 
Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours.
The last 10 minutes you can add more cheese.
Serve over cooked pasta. Serves 4


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A Gluten-Free Thanksgiving 2012

Need some ideas and recipes for a gluten-free Thanksgiving this year? Here are some of our favorite recipes from the past few years on! Enjoy! And if you need help planning out your entire Thanksgiving menu from start to finish, check out our 5 day guide for an Easy GF Thanksgiving

Main Dishes:

Roasted Turkey Breast (with instructions for easy Brining)

Don't want turkey or chicken? 
Make a big pot of Gluten-Free Bolognese Sauce!

Side Dishes:

Green Bean Casserole (From Gluten-Free Mommy)

Desserts & Pies

Need more Gluten Free Thanksgiving inspiration? Check out these great links:

What do you HAVE to eat every year at Thanksgiving? 
Share your thoughts in the comments below! 
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Happy Election Day! Get out there and VOTE!

Have you voted? I have! Now get out there and VOTE today folks! Your voice truly counts! 

These cupcakes are simply made from my gluten-free homemade yellow cake mix. I added red & blue sprinkles in the batter and on top of the frosting for color. 

The frosting is basically a recipe like this:, except I thin out the icing with water instead of milk. 

I used a large round 2A icing tip for the round swirls. 

That's it! Happy Election Day!

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The Everything Gluten-Free Slow Cooker -- Signed Copies NOW AVAILABLE!

I'm happy to announce that you can NOW buy a copy of my brand-new book gluten-free slow cooker cookbook right from my blog via paypal if you having a mailing address in the USA! (Unfortunately I cannot ship outside of the due to the extremely high postage cost -- nearly the retail cost of the book itself!) 

Simply click on the "buy my books" tab at the top of the blog and click on the "add to cart" button under my listing for "The Everything Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Cookbook."  The book costs $13.00 + $3.08 for media mail shipping. After you have purchased the book, I will mail out a brand-new signed copy within 3 business days.

**If you prefer to pay by check instead of  going through paypal, there are instructions on the "buy my books" page for doing that as well! :-) 

Your support by reading my blog and purchasing my cookbook will help me to continue to maintain and keep the blog running for years to come!

If you have already purchased my book, please think about leaving a review on the listing. This will really help future buyers to decide whether or not my book would be a good choice for them! It also helps my book stay "high" in the amazon listing!

If you have any questions just let me know! :-)

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Baked Brie en Croute

Baked brie is always a hit at parties.
En croute translates to "in a crust".
The easiest and most delicious way to serve it
is this classic Crescent-Wrapped Baked Brie.
This one is topped with fruit preserves and
chopped pecans. I used strawberry, but you can
also use raspberry, apricot or try it with my
Spiced Cranberry Chutney.
One half of the crescent roll square is the bottom
The other half on top. Brush with a beaten egg.
 Add the cutouts and brush again, then bake.
I used an ovenproof Longaberger platter.
Serve with sliced apples or pears.
 Baked Brie en Croute
1 can (8-oz) crescent rolls
1 round (8-oz) brie cheese
Fruit preserves-(raspberry, strawberry,
 apricot, orange marmelade, or chutney)
chopped pecans or slivered almonds
1 egg, beaten
crackers and apple slices for serving.

Heat oven to 350F. Unroll crescent dough;
 separate crosswise into 2 sections.
Pat dough and firmly press perforations to seal,
forming 2 squares. Place one square on ungreased
 cookie sheet. Place cheese in center of dough. 
With a small cookie or canape'cutter, 
cut 1 shape from each corner of each square. 
Set cutouts aside. Spread the top of the brie
 with fruit preserves and sprinkle with the nuts. 
Place the remaining square on top. Gently stretch
 and press dough evenly around the cheese;
fold bottom edges over the top; press to
 seal completely. Brush with the beaten egg. 
Top with cutouts; brush with additional egg.
Bake 20-24 minutes or until golden brown. 
Cool 15 minutes. Serve warm. 
Surround plate with optional apple slices, 
pear slices, grapes and crackers.


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