

This Week's Menu -- Whole Life Nutrition Recipes

On Friday I had the pleasure of sharing about the current giveaway on, 2 brand new, signed copies of  "Nourishing Meals" by Ali Segersten and Tom Malterre. There's only a few more days to enter to win a copy, so make sure you go and leave a comment ASAP!

We are actively trying to change the way we eat around here. While we've never really had a "bad" diet... we are truly trying to incorporate more whole foods and especially more vegetables and lots of  'em.

One area of cooking I have always been challenged in, is how to prepare a wide variety of fresh vegetables. I really want to learn how to make whole foods that my husband will truly enjoy. Granted it will take a bit of effort on his part as well... but he's willing... so now is the best time ever to learn!

My husband wants to lose a few pounds and while I also want to lose weight, more importantly I want to lower my cholesterol and triglyceride numbers. I've been battling those numbers for years and I truly need to get in control of my health. So right now, BEFORE the holidays I'm pledging to do that.

I'll still enjoy holiday treats, but it means in the days before and after I'm going to actively try to eat as many healthy, whole foods meals as possible.

For this weeks' menu in celebration of Ali & Tom's awesome cookbook, I'm making recipes from their website. Feel free to click through to the recipes and make them as well! Let me know what you think and how you are able to feed your family more whole foods.

Don't forget to enter to win a copy!

This Week's "Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen" Menu: 
  • Thursday:  fried eggs over medium, served on Kale with carmelized onions, and going to attempt steamed, mashed cinnamon, nutmeg carrots
  • Saturday: leftovers
  • Sunday: Fish Tacos with avocado, salsa, and cabbage

Breakfasts: leftovers mostly, possibly soaked oats, maybe scrambled eggs
Lunches: are always leftovers

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