

Menu Plan Monday - Thanksgiving 2010

Menu Plan Mondays! Here's something I haven't posted in ages.... when I first started my blog, I used to try to post my gluten free menus once a week. To be honest after a while it felt monotonous. We eat very simply during the work week and generally our meals are anything but memorable.

But I also know the value of planning meals and at least knowing what can be made easily and quickly. So here's to a Menu Plan Monday. This will probably not be a weekly feature but I'd love to see your menus too! Leave a comment, shout out your menu on the Gingerlemongirl Facebook page, send me an email. I'd love to hear from you!

What are you making this week? 

  • Tuesday: Roasted chicken sandwiches on Udi's bread with a tomato & romaine salad. (I buy chicken from a local farm and it's usually in the form of basically a turkey breast, but it's chicken, so I roast the whole thing, and then use the chicken breast either by itself, or slice it for sandwiches, soups, salad, etc...)  -- I told you we were boring!
  • Wednesday: RTFN -- Raid the Fridge Night. We're leaving bright & early on Thursday morning to see our family for Thanksgiving. So Wednesday night will be raiding the fridge to try to get rid of any leftovers that could spoil while we're gone. 
  • Thursday: THANKSGIVING!!!! I have leftover gluten free dressing and gravy to take with me to eat at Thanksgiving, along with all the traditional favorites: mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, TURKEY, pumpkin pie! I will either be making Karina's pumpkin pie to take with us, or I'll make a traditional Libby's pumpkin pie with (my all-time favorite) Bette Hagman Pie Crust. The Libby's pumpkin pie tastes GREAT made with almond milk to make it casein free. I use original unsweetened almond milk and it's thick and creamy and works great as a milk replacement!
  • Friday: Visiting with more family & friends, so we'll probably eat out. My favorite meal out of late (again boring) is steamed rice with steamed veggies from any Chinese or Japanese restaurant. 
  • Saturday: A meal as un-Thanksgiving as possible: Gluten Free Spaghetti with Homemade Bolognese Sauce. To pretend it's healthy we'll make a salad and green beans to go along with it! 
  • Sunday: Another Thanksgiving meal with Michael's family. Most likely I'll make my own food (maybe lots of cooked veggies -- butterbeans seem to be calling my name this time of year!) and bring it along to prevent cross-contamination. 

What are you making gluten free this Thanksgiving? Share your menu!
And if you need help planning a super simple & easy Thanksgiving meal, check out this little post that details my first gluten free Thanksgiving

Or if you'd like to see a few of my favorite gluten free holiday recipes, check out this list from 2009

Have a lovely holiday folks! Remember, as much as this holiday is about the food... Don't stress about it. Enjoy your friends & family and Give Thanks!! 


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