

Carnivore II : Day 4 - Bacon, Eggs & Spatchcock!

Another sleep-in today, trying to rid myself of this pesky cold. Awoke to a lovely surprise - a pleasing result on the scale! And I have noticed my stomach flattening again, and some jiggliness returning in my trouble spots. There may well be a chance of some more fat loss before Thailand...

Breakfast/Lunch: Bacon & eggs!

Despite my chest pain and sinus issues at the moment, I decided to drag the boy outside to try a workout theory of mine - sprinting up our long, steep driveway and then walking back down to the bottom, only to repeat the exercise. We went out, I in my Vibram FiveFingers, and completed a warm-up lap (jogged uphill, walked back down), and then tried one sprint. The weather was much crisper outside than it had looked from indoors, so we left it at one sprinted lap, as my chest was hurting from the cold. But I certainly felt better having completed some physical activity, after almost two days of rest. I may do some body weight exercises once my dinner has digested further...

Dinner: Spatchcock - my first time preparing such a meal. Having to cut out the spine and remove the organs was quite an experience (note: sharpen kitchen scissors), but the result was certainly worth it!

Basted with coconut oil and a little harissa, grilled in my faux-George Foreman grill. Delicious!

I have spent much of my convalescence catching up on my reading, and spent a bit of time reading through PaNu by Kurt G. Harris MD. I don't agree with everything he shares regarding the Primal/Paleo lifestyles, but his observations and studies regarding human biology and nutrition needs are thorough and accessibly presented. I also spent time trawling through Fitness Black Book, after being attracted by the new report, The Vacation Body Blueprint. I have not read it yet, but if it is like the majority of his blog posts, it should be intriguing, open-minded, and well-researched at the same time. Plus, since I'm about to go off on vacation, it's quite timely - not that I'm expecting the report to teach my anything I don't already know. But hey, the more information and motivation, the better!

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