

Getting Back On The Bacon Train!

I have been struggling through this first month back on the BCP, trying not to get down in the face of water retention, hormonal flip-flops, weakened self-control (seriously, I'm like a warrior on a normal day, but now I can't have nuts in my house...), and only one weigh-in day showing a sub-80kg weight! I'm trying to avoid the scale at the moment since seeing a 81.5kg-82kg figure come up just makes me want to burn all my pills and let my PCO do whatever it wants!

But, in the meantime, I have been tempted by the memory of how good I felt during my Carnivore experiment, and am hoping that getting back on the bus will help me regain my iron willpower and feeling of wellness. The plan: meat only during the week, adding in eggs and zero-carb dairy on the weekends if I want. And since I have a freezer freshly filled with organic beef, lamb, chicken and kangaroo, I'm all set!

So, my breakfast this morning - bacon! I was running late, so I whacked 200g on the grill, and let it cook slowly while I showered and blow-dried and applied make-up, and dressed (not necessarily in that order...)

Didn't need lunch, so when I arrived home (5:30pm) I cooked up a little more bacon, and some minced beef:

I have to start serving that on a plate, it really doesn't photograph well in deep bowls...

Fear not, the dinner I made for the boy will lift this post from snoring to roaring! Big call, I know, but it is my pleasure to present, for the first time, my Chicken Enchiladas!

Recipe: Chicken Enchiladas


4 chicken thighs
4 eggs
2T pure cream
1t butter
100g feta cheese
1 tomato
3T grated Parmesan cheese
1T chopped parsley
Dash of chilli powder


1. Roast chicken thighs slowly in a moderately hot oven.

2. Beat eggs and cream in a small jug. Melt butter in a large, flat frying pan over moderate heat. Pour 1/3 of the egg mixture into the pan, and cook until top starts to set.

3. Remove chicken from oven (leave oven on) and slice thinly. Set aside. Meanwhile, slice feta cheese and dice tomatoes. Set aside with chicken.

4. Flip omelette, and layer feta, tomato and chicken along the centre of the omelette.

5. Once cheese has begun to melt, fold the outside flaps over the fillings, and press down lightly to set in place. Remove from the pan, and place onto oven tray lined with foil.

6. Repeat steps 2-5 twice, to make two more omelettes, placing them on the tray beside #1. Top with sprinkled Parmesan, parsley, and chilli powder.

7. Place in oven, and turn up heat to high.

8. When Parmesan has melted, remove from oven and serve to rave review! Even from the toughest critics...

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