

Meat Meat Meat! (Thank you Thailand!)

This week skidded by with minimal effort, yet my feet have me wondering whether I have been cutting laps of Elgar Park in my sleep... Perhaps I should have eased my tootsies back into the world of shoes gradually, after two weeks of sandal-toting. Instead, I jumped back into my routine of extremes - walking to work in my Vibram KSOs, then switching into socks and high-heeled boots for my active day as a Drama & English teacher, then back into the KSOs for the mid-afternoon strut into the sunset. Multiply that by five, and you have two throbbing soles and some mild pickling... Well, not so much the latter, but my toes sure crave fresh air at the end of the day!

So now that we've covered the topic of foot fungus, let's look at what I ate today:

While the scales are indicating that I'm shedding the Thailand water-weight efficiently, there's still a bit of a difference between my pre-holiday weight and today's reading. But I'm feeling almost completely detoxified, thanks to being in control of what I eat once more. I had to take a bit of a risk at lunchtime though...

Breakfast: Scotch fillet steak ($5), with a bit of bacon and butter

I decided to celebrate the end of the stressful first week of term by taking myself out to the highly-anticipated (by me) flick, Julie & Julia, straight after school. I was fore-warned that it would make me hungry, and as the running time would overlap my usual dinner time, I decided to go to Village Gold Class and order the Wagyu beef burger with bacon and cheese, hold the bun and tomato relish. It turned up as four teeny but tasty patties (probably with some flour, boo), a fleck of cheese sticking the super-thin bacon to the top of the patty. And then - a limp, pathetic lettuce leaf on each one!? Ick. The food was brought to my ultra-comfortable recliner about 20 minutes into the movie, so taking a photo was awkward and rude - I tried to exercise discretion by placing the food by my feet and aiming the flash into the floor until the last minute... I think I got away with it - I just wish the shot was a bit cleaner. At least I had the pleasure of being tickled by the coincidence of preparing for food blogging whilst watching a movie about a food blogger! A wonderful movie, by the way - I was grinning for almost all of it, and watching out for primal-esque recipes... Hello, lobster!

Since I was at the shopping centre, I swung by the seafood vendor and spied some massive, whole squid, and some cute little whole calamari... So I, of course, wimped out and bought a few squid tubes! Next time I'll give cleaning a whole squid a shot, especially at only $4.50/kg. The tubes were closer to $12/kg, so the portion I cut up and fried in butter and garlic for myself cost me around $5 in all:

Just like being back at Little Tiger in Thailand, except without the beautiful sunset...

Without factoring in the wildly over-priced mini-burgers at the cinema, I ate $10 worth of meat today. I'll be taking a trip to the organic butcher tomorrow morning to stock up on lamb forequarter chops ($16/kg) and maybe a roast... I'm looking forward to whipping up my next inspired-by-Thailand meal: beef a la Tyrolienne!

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