

Thailand: A Retrospective - Day 12

The last day!

The last breakfast!

We were kicked out of our room at noon, so we checked our luggage at the front desk, and set up shop in the restaurant overlooking both the pool and the beach, and tried to pass the time with episodes of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. The beau also began drawing my new banner image for this blog - keep an eye out! He's not done yet... We took a break for lunch - another bun-free beef burger:

More lounging and killing time, until the sun started to set, signalling that it was time for our last ever meal at Little Tiger! What did I order?

The scene was as gorgeous as ever, albeit with a couple of ominous clouds on the horizon...

Then the clouds became even more ominous...

Things began to happen very fast - the staff at Little Tiger quickly ushered us in from our open-air table, as we watched the rain hustling its was towards us with devastating speed! We were barely under cover before wild winds and harsh rain battered the tiny bar, threatening to whip the plastic pull-down blinds clear from the edges of the building! We sat and tried to avoid leaky spots in the roof, waiting for the weather to calm down. We had half an hour before our ride was due to collect us from the resort and take us to the airport... Luck was on our side, thank goodness, and as the rain cleared we made our way back to the foyer of the resort, before being escorted through Patong for the last time, finally arriving at the airport.

I was keen to find a suitably carnivorous snack to help me cope with the overnight journey, since no food served on board was remotely primal. Here's what I came up with:

Well, the Pop Pork was coated in sugar, so I only ate a couple of them, and upon opening the fried squid, I lost my appetite completely. Talk about a stink! Think seaweedy beach stank... Ew! It's a shame that that was my final 'new' Thai experience! But I have lots of memorabilia of happier moments, such as my gorgeous necklace!

I barely slept on the plane, so when we reached Sydney I was tired and hungry! We went back to the Italian restaurant we had stopped at on our first visit to the Sydney International Terminal - another steak, please, hold the fries!

And before we knew it, we were on the plane back home to Melbourne. So sawasdee Thailand - maybe we'll be back one day...

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