

Thailand: A Retrospective - Day 8

A day of lounging by the pool - finally finished reading the utterly amazing Everything Is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer. The perfect contemporary novel - witty linguistic humour, romantic idealism, graduating into stark, devastating, utterly heart-wrenchingly sad poetry! Ah! Certainly a new author for my list - given the historical context, so favoured by the current Victorian English curriculum, maybe I can work it into a booklist...

Breakfast as usual - bacon, eggs, and a little bit of what I can only assume was swiss cheese...

Skipped lunch (who has time to eat with all the lounging in the sun?), so it was up the hill to Little Tiger for squid in butter - what they hey, how about a couple of prawns?

Ah, eating gorgeous primal seafood at sunset...

And then I noticed that I was still hungry! Not enough butter, apparently. So why not another plate of squid (hold the prawns, they tasted a little funky)?

Amazing, how a day of just eating and reading can still allow one to be snoozing soundly by 9pm! Mmmm... I miss the sleep-ins already!

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