

Reader Favorites - Sara P.'s Gluten Free Flourless Chocolate Cake


Here's a recent letter from one of my readers. I've been meaning to try this cake from Sara P. for several months and I haven't gotten a chance. This is Sara's version of a flourless chocolate cake with NO added fats and less eggs than most recipes like this call for. I love that this recipe is lower in fat AND sugar than most gluten free, flourless chocolate cakes. If you try Sara's cake, please share with us what you think and send me a picture!

"All the recipes I have tried on your site have been lovely. It's made gluten free baking a lot more pleasant and you helped me to get to know my gluten free flours better and how to use them for a pleasing end result. I'd like to share with you my latest recipe. It's an adaption of the flourless chocolate cake to make it more healthy and I do believe it has a lot of options for flavors too. Such as white chocolate with grated lime peel as just one such example." 

Sara P.'s Flourless Chocolate Cake
free of gluten, dairy/casein, grains, and soy

4 oz dark or bittersweet chocolate
1/2 cup apple sauce or other fruit puree
3/4 cup sugar or splenda depending on dietary needs
3 eggs
1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • Preheat oven to 375 

  • Chop chocolate and mix it with applesauce, melt in microwave safe bowl and mix until lumps are gone. 30 seconds at a time. 

  • Whisk in sugar and eggs. 

  • Whisk in cocoa powder a little at a time until smooth. 

  • Prepare 8-9" baking pan by lightly oiling it. Cut a piece of parchment paper to fit the bottom and lightly oil it as well. 

  • Pour in batter and bake 25 minutes. 

  • Cool 5 minutes then invert on serving plate. 

Notes from Sara P: 
  1. Top with ganache or any other toppings of desire or just eat plain, it's fantastic.

  2. Nice thing about this recipe is it doesn't take any expensive or unusual ingredients and by varying out the chocolate with other baking chips, I do believe a host of flavors could be achieved. I haven't tried yet though. It's on my to do list. 

  3. I also believe a variety of mix ins could really make the difference in flavors with this cake. 

  4. Even with the sugar and whole eggs at 9 servings it's still only 160 calories a slice. It'd be easily adaptable for diabetics.

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