

It Sucks To Be You!

No, don't be all offended, it's just a quote from the show we're off to see tonight - Avenue Q! Think Sesame St. for adults - puppets singing songs about taboo subjects such as racism, homosexuality... Wait, where's the taboo again? Should be fun!

Functional eating yesterday, to accompany my wading through the final lot of marking before I could get cracking on my reports. Gotta love June.

Breakfast - leftover Cauliflower Pizza
Lunch - Lamb forequarter chops
Dinner - Vegetable soup
2nd dinner - Bacon!

Today was spent shopping, marking, and discovering that my reports were still saved on the school network... Oops. We're popping 'round on our way to the show to transfer the files over. Guess what I'm doing tomorrow?

Fasted through breakfast
Lunch - Chicken drumsticks

Beef roast, roast zucchini, brussell sprouts and carrot.

Also whipped up some Primal Coconut Rough (coconut oil, cocoa powder, shredded coconut, and slivered almonds) and had a few pieces throughout the day. Fulfills the psychological desire for chocolate without the slightest sweetness risking cravings. A tasty way to get my day's coconut oil!

On with the show...

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