

They Ain't Pretty, But Sure Are Tasty! (Plus Rant)

I was going to do something fancy with the beef mince I had thawed, but hunger got the better of me, so I fried up some onions, and then mixed the meat, onions and organic eggs together in a bowl. Then I clumped the mix with my hands and created 6 gooey rissoles (like big meatballs, for all you folks across the ocean). Popped them in the oven for a while, then served them up with a handful of baby spinach.

The result:

Aw yeah. I ate them plain, the beau splashed his with balsamic, and I bet they'd be tasty with some fresh tomatoes too.

So anyway, I have an increasing intolerance for the negative, cynical attitudes towards the primal lifestyle. I haven't found much that fits into this category, but the moments I have stumbled upon an ignorant blog post have always had this in common:

"Waa, Primal/Paleo isn't some sort of magic quick-fix for weight loss, it's just caloric restriction, blaaahh... So don't even bother being strict about what you eat, you won't lose weight any faster anyway."

Yeah, um, putting all of the weight stuff to one side - how vain are you?! Is that really the be-all and end-all when it comes to health for some people? How about taking just a moment to reflect on the damage technological advances have done to the human animal (and every other animal)? How about the continuing evidence linking processed grains and sugars (and even unprocessed grains) to cancer, diabetes, heart problems, and obesity (and that's not merely a clothing problem, kids)?

But hey. If you can stay thin while living on pasta and chocolate cake, then sure, go ahead, eat all you can. But when you develop arthritis, osteoporosis, tumours, heart problems, dental problems, and cancer, don't bloody well turn around and claim you 'lived a healthy lifestyle' and how it's so unfair. If you're someone who is blindly following the dietary guidelines as set out by your Big Agra-funded governments, then you have a valid excuse. But if you're a health/fitness blogger who claims to be up-to-date on the scientific literature, then shame on you.

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