

Playing Catch-Up

Over the weekend my Google Reader account passed the 100 unread posts mark, so I have been slowly but surely chipping away at the backlog, and finally caught up today. Note: all blog post reading was done when I should have been marking essays and writing reports. This makes said exercise all the more valuable and telling, in my mind anyway.

Some saucy and significant finds:

Don from Primal Wisdom started his Top Ten Problems With Applying The Paleolithic Diet Principles - numbers 10, 9 and 8 have come out thus far...

The Schmaltz lays down his Rules For Food, so that saves me typing up my own. :)

Everything that Tom Naughton writes is accessible perfection, and I can't wait to watch Fat Head (it's sitting on my desk, behind a big pile of metaphorical reports that need to be written), but here's a great blog post that serves as a solid introduction to the strength of Tom's work.

Mark Sisson gave us ways forward in the face of incomprehension and ignorance - both facetious and functional.

Lots more has been happening in the blogosphere and the Twitterverse (I state the two preceding neo-terms ironically), but for now it's time to hit the hay and rejoice in the three-day weekend that lies ahead.... Except that I have to mark 20 essays, 25 tests, and write 150 reports by Monday. Huzzah, indeed.

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