

Call Me A Chump, But I Love My Lamb

Is there anything quite as lovely as waking up to a scale that declares that you have dropped yet more fat and are now sitting at your lowest weight for the year? Possibly for the decade? Love it! (And yet, full disclosure, I didn't actually get a huge rush of happy, it was just pleasant rather than 'meh' like most weigh-ins since May). Caloric restriction is working wonders, and this is only day four of sticking to the 1400-1800kcal range.

After last night's lamentable lamb chop chaos, I made sure I had a back-up plan when preparing this morning's breakfast: fried eggs and bacon! Thankfully, the lamb chump chop was delicious, so I scoffed the lot!

A short work day today - my last lesson was finished before lunchtime, so I took the opportunity to run some errands - return my flawed Vibrams (finally a replacement pair has been organised - I started the process of getting in touch with the manufacturer well over a month ago! Ridiculous, US-centric bastards, won't post outside of the US, have to go through local suppliers, blah blah... I won't get my replacement pair til after Thailand now, damnit - I wanted the Sprints to have during the holiday!), cancel my organic veggies for a few weeks, and, you know.. buy more lamb chops!

Meanwhile, big kudos to my organic veg lady, who runs a distinctly vegetarian-friendly shop - she asked me how the weekly veggie box was going, and I commented that we haven't been getting through it, despite only buying $20 worth of veg per week! She was incredulous, so I explained that I "wasn't eating veggies at the moment". "None at all?!" "No, I'm getting all my nutrition from good quality organic meat." "Oh, from across the road. My good friend travels from a distant suburb to buy meat there..." Wow! No eyebrow-raising, no subtle scoff, no nothing! And this isn't a woman who conceals her opinions very well! How nice to know open minds still exist in odd places.

Lunch: grilled up another little lamb chop once I arrived home - the photo didn't come out terribly well, but hopefully the two other photos will make it utterly clear what a grilled lamb chop looks like...

Dinner: I hadn't actually intended to consume the third chop (they came in a three-pack, so once it was opened, you know...) - I bought salmon fillets while running my errands, but it called to me... So I had both!

Also cooked up some veg for the boy, since it's becoming abundantly clear that unless I cook them, the veggies are all going to go to waste (unless he can use them as fingers to dip in cream cheese dip....):

Brussel sprouts and broccoli florets, steamed and then sautéed in butter. Looking at some of the butter-drenched sprout leaves certainly made my heart flutter... So I added some butter to my salmon fillet. :P Perfection!

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