

Carnivore II: Three Weeks In...

...and I'm feeling great! And not just because my fat actually diminished a little more overnight, allowing the scales to report that my weight is now below 79kg, after starting the year over 90kg! Getting close to hitting the 12kg loss mark! And my waist measurement has dropped another half inch or more since the last time I hit a lowest diameter. Sweeeet...

I bought organic lamb forequarter chops from my awesome local butcher yesterday - can you tell?



Dinner: organic scotch fillet (rib eye) steaks from the supermarket - even the boy reckoned they weren't as nice as the biodynamic ones from my local butcher, or the organic fresh-from-the-farm ones I have delivered once a month... Yay, we're both snobs!!

Was running low on fat intake - how did I help push my calories from fat over the 50% mark? Of course...

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