

Carnivore II : Day 14 - Hump Day!

What a rough day, biggest, almost-insurmountable hump EVER! Fingers crossed for a smooth remainder to the week, and then there's just one more week before the holidays begin.

Breakfast: Lamb sausages and grilled bacon

Dinner - Entree: scrambled eggs, cooked in my homemade lard, sprinkled with Parmesan.

Dinner - main: Grilled salmon fillet.

Then it was off to the accountant to organise my pathetically small tax return, then home for my first choclatey treat in months... A little Lindt 85% Dark Chocolate - went down very well! Here's hoping there aren't any resultant cravings... Mmmm, sensible indulgence-y! (And yes, my day was THAT shit, it required chocolate! Haven't turned to food for comfort in a long long time!)

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