

Hamming It Up

Phwoar, apparently a day of running around, go-karting and playing driving games, laser-tagging, and mini golfing take their toll on a body that's only really used to walking and lifting boxes! Adding the dancing last night on top of that, and I'm left with some surprising aches and twangs in various parts of my body today - particularly my thighs and shoulders. Eek! At least all I had to do today was watch a movie (tough work) and make some jewellery with the few students that turned up for the final day of summer activities before their holidays start. At least we stayed inside, shielded from the heinous heat outside...

I was very grateful for my choice to buy a cured ham - cold meat access on a hot day is divine!

I tolerated a cooked breakfast first up, though I did let it sit out to cool for a bit - just enough for the very very lean beef sausages to condense into a brick of tastelessness (grilling them just doesn't cut it - only two more rushed mornings left for the year!)

Packed a lunch of ham, sliced off the mass of deliciousness currently residing in my fridge. This is seriously the best ham ever - if you're in Melbourne, go to the Biodynamic Butcher on Belmore Rd in Balwyn North. Seriously.

A late afternoon 'snack' of chicken drumsticks, coated in oil and roasted. Scrumptious, but eating hot chicken on hot bones in the heat of the day = stoopid.

And finally, more ham! Served some up for the beau as well - his first taste, and he gushed that he's never had ham as good as this before.

Short & sweet since I'm knackered & need sleep! Already looking forward to ham tomorrow! Sweet (or savoury) dreams...

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