

Lovely Ham! Wonderful Ham!

Ham for breakfast, ham for lunch, ham for afternoon snack... Then the plan was to have roast beef for dinner, but it had gone bad, so we had lamb chops, eggs, and ham!

No more ham left. And Christmas is still a week away! No more ham til at actual Christmas parties. It was so good though! And totally unprocessed. You can only get good ham in December, it would seem.

Tomorrow is the last day of work, and all it involves is going in to share in Christmas lunch, Kris Kringle giving, and farewelling various members of staff. Should take a couple of hours (and here's hoping there's some plain meat for me!) and then it's party party party! And then sleep! :D

The best part of Christmas to me? Giving gifts that encourage the recipient to make positive changes in their lives. I'm giving most of my younger cousins toys that involve solar power or hand-generated power (wind-up torches, etc), inspiring and fun books about sustainability and politics, hand-made items... I told this to my Mum and she said "So you're focussing on educational gifts, hey?" My response - "I'm imposing my values upon others through generosity". The severity of my linguistic choices was for ironic effect, but the message is still true. Much more effective than an awkward discussion or criticising of current activities, etc. I really hope I can help my family make more positive life choices. Even if my little cousin doesn't really appreciate a grow-it-yourself radish pack (I didn't get to pick the plant, sadly), it will remain meaningful for longer than the typical stocking full of chocolates. I feel bad enough that most of the gifts I'm giving colleagues are chocolates - re-gifted from the immense amounts given to me by my well-meaning students and friends - but these are people who continue to scarf garbage every day even though they've seen the changes I have made to myself and know how I did it. So they can continue making poor health choices. But I refuse to effect the lives of my family in negative ways. My Mum is making positive steps. My Dad happily lives on red meat anyway - just have to make sure he isn't snacking on garbage...

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