

Last Day of Shopping for the Year!

One final cruisy day in Melbourne before heading to the farm for family duties. I'll be taking a bunch of metro-only ingredients with me as I have offered to create many tasty treats - sweet and savoury - for a number of parties. It's the only way to ensure there's something edible in the mix!

I forgot to point out in yesterday's post, though you probably noticed it anyway, but I'm testing my tolerance of dairy again this week. I'm eating some form of cheese at least once per day, cooking everything in butter, and I might even have some protein shakes with dairy cream while I'm helping Mum start on the 6-Week Cure. So far, I haven't experienced a single digestive whatsit to speak of, but it might take a few days to kick in... I haven't had issues with dairy in the past, but I also haven't had a chance to test my tolerance with such a clean digestive slate before either.

Breakfast: fried haloumi! Truly, I would eat this for every meal if I could...

After this small meal, I proceeded to fast until dinnertime, while out shopping for clothes and a final couple of Christmas present. I have spent an eye-popping amount of dosh this past month and a bit, mostly on myself, so I am committing to avoid all unnecessary spending until 2010. In between now that then, I will have to buy a train ticket home, and some ingredients at a rural supermarket. Hopefully, that will be all!

Dinner - entree: Italian pork sausage (no additives) and egg scramble, served on lettuce leaves and topped with double brie! Mmmmmm...

Dinner - main: Salmon fillets, dipped in egg and coated in chopped macadamia nuts. The fillets were then placed in a frying pan coated in melted butter and chopped coriander. I hadn't made this for ages - it used to be my specialty, and I only recently realised that it was primal!

Sadly, a domestic disruption called me away from the pan, and the nuts had burned by the time I could get back to cooking :( Next time!

And it is now that I bid you a farewell! Internet access as my childhood home (a farm in the middle of nowhere) is sketchy at best, and while I will be diligently taking photos of the various feasts I encounter over the coming week, I may not be able to upload them for a while... I will be dealing with dial-up (remember those days?) and the cables run alongside electric fencing, and are gnawed on by rats and other critters, and can be disrupted by certain weather patterns... Fun!

So just in case, I'll jump the gun and wish everyone a safe and happy holiday period, and I hope you celebrate with good food and good company!

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