

Meating My Goals

Ooooh hoo haaa haaa, a pun! How wittily delightful!

But yes, today was a successful meat-only day despite the 'women's issues' causing mood fluctuations and fatigue. I actually managed to maintain a fast through til 4pm, across a hot day spent at an indoor funpark as an end-of-year excursion. There was a canteen, and the smell of freshly fried chips filled the air at regular intervals. Kids offered me chips at equally regular intervals. I stayed strong, despite their sad looks of rejection. Bloody manipulative bastards. :)

Broke the fast with a generous slice of free-range Christmas ham - cured with a minimal amount of nitrate and real smoke, after being soaked in salt. No sugar, no grains, no chemicals, no awful environmental/health impact. Huzzah!

Then it was time for a long nap before dressing up in my favourite finery (a sweet Alannah Hill frock with a flattering shape, cute love-hearts and sequins, and a devilish low-cut neckline!) and heading off to my work Xmas party.

Entree - some form of tender beef steak on an ignored pile of vegetation.

Dinner - a choice of roast lamb (with mash and heated frozen veg) or chicken wrapped in prosciutto (with risotto, creamy sauce and heated frozen veg). Since I let them know my dietary preferences, I was given the chicken/prosciutto without the sauce and rice, and I ignored the 'what country is this from, or how long has it been in the freezer?' veg options.

Delicious and satisfying. However, the lamb looked damn good, and there just happened to be a plateful of it placed next to me, where there was a spare seat...

Oh yeah! Full and happy, and I even got a bit of a dance on!

I have a week to get rid of the fat-loss jiggles and higher-carb bloat: together = not good! The trip to the organic butcher yesterday means I'm all set too - a giant ham to pick at, beef and lamb roasts, all manner of chops and steaks, chicken drumsticks... And I just heard from my Dad that he successfully acquired another ginormous crayfish ready for us to enjoy at the farm! I'm already drooling...

Girl Gone Readin'

There has been a sudden spate of interest regarding polyunsaturates today, across a variety of outlets. If you're still unsure of what's good, bad and ugly about polyunsaturated fat, or want some resources with which to pummel the minds of friends, check out the following:

Mark's Daily Apple: Canola Oil

The Comfort Eater's Diet: Polyunsaturates & Heart Disease

Dr. John Briffa's Blog: Why Eating A Lot Of Polyunsaturates Is Not Necessarily Healthy

In other news:

Local Nourishment responds to a somewhat closed-minded article about the truth of sustainable farming. While it's great that the wider community is learning not to take things merely at face value, it's disappointing when the 'correcters' still get it wrong.

Tom Naughton has been posting of late on his Fat Head blog about his father's battle with Alzheimer's. A must-read series for anyone currently on statins or needing to break from their sugarholism.

I treasure posts from bright experts that take conventional wisdom and give them such a thorough bashing with scientific research that there's no possible way for the reader to continue to believe the diet/nutrition myth any longer. They don't use fancy anecdotes or discussion necessarily - it's "here are all the studies that clearly refute what's being pushed on us. So duh, clearly the CW is BS". Two such posts: 'This Is Your Brain On Wheat' by Dr. William Davis, and 'The Dirty Little Secret of the Diet-Heart Hypothesis' by Stephan Guyenet. The latter in particular adds much weight to the continuing body of evidence demonstrating that saturated fats and dietary cholesterol are not, by themselves, bad guys. Surely the 'experts' controlling the information disseminated to the general populace will have to face facts soon...

Yet as we can see from the lovely Goofy cartoon below, we've known for 50 years (and more!) that the reason we're fat is due to over-eating (thanks to hormonal imbalances caused by insulin, psychological imbalances and emotional disorders, the food-obsessed culture, etc...), and yet the 'gurus' continue to push quick-fixes and exercise as though we can eat as much as we like of any and every food and somehow be healthy and of a normal weight. Sheesh. Enjyo the cute cartoon - but don't overthink it! Goofy may be deluded and lazy and a greedy pig, and we know not all obese people are that way at all, but the food-as-culprit message is still clear. Just watch out for the emotionally-manipulative bastard in the mirror!

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