

End of Week 3 - The Six-Week Cure

With almost another kilogram (2lb) lost this week, Meat Week has been a comfortable and enjoyable success. In terms of 6WC protocol, I should do another week of meatiness now, but with the weather forecast hovering around 30-35 degrees Celsius all week, I'd prefer to sup on chilled shakes than hot meats! So I'm bending the rules and taking another week of shakes, so I'll only be cooking once per day, max. I had planned for my newly-purchased egg protein powder to allow me to make Meat Week-friendly shakes to take to work, but I still haven't found a way to create an egg shake that doesn't leave me with egg burps. I will keep trying though, during quiet evenings at home. Maybe I'll add cinnamon and see if I can get it to taste like eggnog...

Breaking a 19 hour fast - Breakfast: In a rush to catch my ride to the shopping centre (the only sane place to be on a hot day like today), I whipped up what has become my go-to meal - fried bacon, scrambled in eggs!

After blowing two weeks' worth of salary at Allanah Hill (her stuff fits me now?!?!) buying two stunning new dresses and two skirts, ready for summer, I returned home and heated up the beau's leftover beef mince from yesterday's lunch. Again, ugly, so no photo.

Dinner: With the temperature in the kitchen edging up to the 40°C mark, I grabbed the nearest thawed meat and threw it on the grill. Voila - salmon! Served with a handful of almonds and walnuts.

I'm already looking forward to my breakfast shake! Here's hoping I don't spill any of my lovely new dress!

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