

Steak for Breakfast!

No digestive issues whatsoever today, so sodium seems to have done the trick, although the added salt and three pots of tea last night were reflected on the scale this morning! I still copped a couple of woozy spells when I stood up too fast during the day, so perhaps potassium has something to do with it as well... I ran my numbers to see, and I have been below the 2000mcg potassium recommendation for most of the time, but then I've been living that way for a long time now...

However, I think I have stumbled upon the cause of my nausea during the shake weeks - possibly a blood urea issue caused by my liver metabolising so much protein... In terms of grams, my protein levels haven't been anywhere near my usual carnivore levels, but I guess the form change has made a difference... Check out the details via Wikipedia. Some other 6WC-ers had similar symptoms, and of all the possible explanations, this one seems most likely. The other possibility is a reaction to leucine. Not sure what can be done if/when I return to the Shake Weeks... Or what to recommend Mum do to avoid nausea...

But for now, it's meat time!

Breakfast: Organic scotch fillet steak

Skipped lunch - no time to pack up anything this morning, so by the time I left work (held back by a late exam) and collected our weekly organic veggie box, it had been almost 12 hours since my last meal! Hunger was certainly starting to set in... I'm very grateful that after three weeks of eating at least three times a day, I'm still able to run on true hunger and not psychological routine hunger. Very grateful.

I had defrosted some organic chicken thigh fillets, so I cut one into strips, dipped the pieces in egg and then in almond meal, before shallow-frying in oil - my first attempt at fried chicken! Result - delicious! The spices I added to the almond meal really made the meal, and it was so satisfying to look at:

To keep the carbs low, I grilled the rest of the thighs after dipping them in the remaining egg to help seal in the juices. Served them up alone, enjoying their deliciously tender and juicy meat and skin au naturel. I hit satiety before I could start on the last thigh, so that's lunch tomorrow! The pains of eating good food - having to stop!

Now I'm trying a pot of Yerba Maté - it's certainly interesting, but not bad. Any fans out there? I have one psychological hurdle to overcome - the tea smells quite similar to the sheep dip we use on the farm!

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